I'm still reading it. Most of the stuff confuzzles me:
var DH = 0;var an = 0;var al = 0;var ai = 0;if (document.getElementById) {ai = 1; DH = 1;}else {if (document.all) {al = 1; DH = 1;} else { browserVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) if ((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) && (browserVersion == 4)) {an = 1; DH = 1;}}} function fd(oi, wS) {if (ai) return wS ? document.getElementById(oi).style:document.getElementById(oi) if (al) return wS ? document.all[oi].style: document.all[oi] if (an) return document.layers[oi]}
function pw() {return window.innerWidth != null? window.innerWidth: document.body.clientWidth != null? document.body.clientWidth:null;}
function mouseX(evt) {if (evt.pageX) return evt.pageX; else if (evt.clientX)return evt.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft) else return null;}
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function popUp(evt,oi) {if (DH) {var wp = pw() ds = fd(oi,1) dm = fd(oi,0) st = ds.visibility; if (dm.offsetWidth) ew = dm.offsetWidth; else if (dm.clip.width) ew = dm.clip.width; if (st == "visible" || st == "show") { ds.visibility = "hidden"; } else {tv = mouseY(evt) + 20; lv = mouseX(evt) - (ew/4) if (lv < 2) lv = 2; else if (lv + ew > wp) lv -= ew/2; if (!an) {lv += 'px';tv += 'px';} ds.left = lv; ds.top = tv; ds.visibility = "visible";}}}