Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:59 pm
aprilness MissMunchieMonster This is a very delicate topic, but I will give my opinion on it. Firstly I'm not catholic, it's not about religion for me, it's about my own personal relationship with God. I can't say I'm for marriage with same sex couples and that is because I would feel like I was going against God. I strongly believe that God made woman and man so they could be together. I don't hate or dislike homosexuals one bit though, my best friend is homosexual and I've made it clear to him that even though I don't agree with it I will respect his decision and of course I won't push him out of my life because of it. He's a person that deserves as much respect as anyone else. Whatever happens though I still won't support it. I wasn't brainwashed into believing in God, but it's my personal experiences that make me believe that he does exist and I won't let anyone take that away from me. I don't think your friend "made a decision." Though I already stated my opinion on homosexuality not being a choice in a previous post...
I don't like when people ask gay people why they are gay or decided to be gay. O_o No one asks straight people why they "decided" to be straight.
It makes sense that it would be thought of as the default sexuality because it's the one that is able to have sex and reproduce as a result of that. But I don't think any deviations from that is a result of choosing to do so...I don't think I could ever feel the way lesbians do about girls because biologically that's just not me. And I think it's the same for homosexuals (but opposite).^_^ I don't really believe in that they don't choose to be gay. So I can't really agree with you. I never asked my friend why he's gay. Even if I don't agree with it I respect his choice, yes choice, to me it was a choice he made, maybe it was instincts, but he chose to follow them. In any case I love him the same. Oh an @tsn- Exactly.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:13 pm
Well my two-cents on the whole... "why people are gay thing"... I'll just say what I feel about myself. HONESTLY, I feel I was BORN this way. I didn't choose to be gay, and I don't know why I'm like this. Life would be easier if I wasn't... so it's not like I'm choosing not to be straight, it's just I can't help it. I honestly think that it's genetic or due to imbalances in hormone levels in the embryonic stage or some s**t like that.
I do believe that God makes everyone a certain way for a reason. Who's to say God didn't choose that someone murder someone else? If he plans other people's lives whose to say he didn't plan someone to do something unspeakable? You never know o.o; But that's just kind of stating the same questions as before hehe.
@ TSN - you don't have to write bigger to make your point known D: And I suppose it just depends on how much faith you wish to put in humans. I believe society is completely different from what it was before... we're not in the same world the Bible was written in gonk Everything changes, I think certain things should change. But that won't happen so there's no point in discussing it blaugh
No, an entire teaching might not be lost in translation, but if you think about it, missing a single word can sometimes change the entire meaning of a sentence. Translations have lost parts of the bible and I personally believe have probably been altered to help make the Catholic Church stronger in ages long past. But again you'll just pull faith on me D: Faith is a personal choice anyways xd So not going to go on about that anymore ninja
@ Lyss - My friends school in Iowa has a GSA too. I wish I had one here, I would be in it gonk But again, we live in too strong a religious area for it to happen (not trying to attack anyone... just stating a fact.)
Also JFM, if you feel like things are being taken too far feel free to either move this forum or lock it *shrugs* I'll trust your judgment to stop things before we all get in trouble hehe
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:16 pm
choochoos: I used large font for fun and to make sure no one misses posts. Not to be rude. I apologize if it was construed as rude.
and no, I am putting my faith in the word of God.
Lyss: we have a GSA. I used to be slightly active in it. Many of my friends are.
I do not believe that I have said I dislike people who choose [yes choose] to be homosexual, I simply do not approve of their actions.
@muchies: thank you very much for agreeing. I also agree with you about choice on this fact: you may or may not be born with sexual attractions to the same sex but, whether you choose to act on those or not is your choice. So I do believe that the acts that make you homosexual are chosen.
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:25 pm
I dont think that the actions homosexual people take make them homosexual. I could go out and have sex with another woman, and it wouldnt make me a lesbian or bisexual. A gay man could have sex with a woman and it wouldnt make him straight
But I agree that there is a difference between being homosexual and acting on it. Of course, i may disagree about whether or not people should act on their sexuality ^_^ But that's their choice, who are we to judge
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:15 am
this topic is turning more and more into an opinion war. *sigh*
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:40 am
Sorry jfm D: Do you hates us? crying
TSN, I didn't think it was rude xd Just unnecessary to make the font that big hehe. No big deal really D:
And I suppose I can see the whole thing on CHOOSING to have sex with someone of the same sex and all that D: That is choice cause technically you don't HAVE to do anything even if you are homosexual D: But I doubt that people would not do anything blaugh It's like... instinct to ******** D:<
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:31 pm
I think the nature of this topic is aim slightly to become an opinion war, so you can't really chide us for making it one.
The problem I have with you saying that we are attacking Soul's religion is that I feel both you and him are attacking churrlo's sexuality. Therefore you are at fault yourself as well.
Also, the problem I have with saying that because the bible forbids homosexuality, it is a sin is that it is one of 613 commandments.
Why do we pick this ONE issue to bicker over? I don't hate you because you eat pork at work on the sabbath, yet you attack homosexuality. And also, I would like to add that that law was added because it was a warning not to become like neighboring tribes who engaged in homosexual sex for ritual. The same could be said for cutting lines across your face, which was also outlawed because of the rituals preformed by neighboring "barbarian" tribes. Why pick homosexual sex?
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:42 pm
He asked for the guild's opinion on gay marriage and I gave it. We already came to the agreement that holy matrimony and civil union should be kept separate. I was in no way attacking his orientation. I wasn't attacking anything for that matter. I simply stated why the Catholic Church feels gay marriage is wrong.
-sigh- I think I'm gonna regret saying this but if people think I'm that ******** insensitive....
This isn't just the rantings of a straight guy. For those of you who haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together yet: I am bisexual. I'm just not open about it because half the people on Gaia profess it to no end trying to seem cool when they don't even know what it means. I in no way picked my orientation. It just happened. I realized it soon after hitting puberty when I began noticing other guys differently the same way I began noticing girls. I tried to deny it from both myself and others but about two years ago I gave up trying to kid myself. I just don't go around telling the world. This is actually the first time I'm telling anyone. I just hope my school friends on Gaia don't see this. No I'm not gay so I'm not going through the exact same thing as Chuurlo but I have a pretty damn good idea.
Yes Egga I guess you can say I'm picking on the topic a bit but thats because it kinda pertains to me. Even if I were to fall in love with a guy, I wouldn't want to get married because my religion says its wrong.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:16 pm
Dr Entropy I WAS NOT ATTACKING CHUURLO'S SEXUALITYHe asked for the guild's opinion on gay marriage and I gave it. We already came to the agreement that holy matrimony and civil union should be kept separate. I was in no way attacking his orientation. I wasn't attacking anything for that matter. I simply stated why the Catholic Church feels gay marriage is wrong. -sigh- I think I'm gonna regret saying this but if people think I'm that ******** insensitive.... This isn't just the rantings of a straight guy. For those of you who haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together yet: I am bisexual. I'm just not open about it because half the people on Gaia profess it to no end trying to seem cool when they don't even know what it means. I in no way picked my orientation. It just happened. I realized it soon after hitting puberty when I began noticing other guys differently the same way I began noticing girls. I tried to deny it from both myself and others but about two years ago I gave up trying to kid myself. I just don't go around telling the world. This is actually the first time I'm telling anyone. I just hope my school friends on Gaia don't see this. No I'm not gay so I'm not going through the exact same thing as Chuurlo but I have a pretty damn good idea. Yes Egga I guess you can say I'm picking on the topic a bit but thats because it kinda pertains to me. Even if I were to fall in love with a guy, I wouldn't want to get married because my religion says its wrong. Okay, there we go. That's what I was looking for. An honest and open reply, not spouting bible verses. Edit: He asked for your opinion on GAY MARRIAGE. Not whether homosexuality is a sin or not.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:41 pm
Wow Egga. Did you not read the first 4 pages? Thats all I was talking about. Gay Marriage and why its a sin (going into details families, gays adopting and why gays shouldn't get married). In other words, my opinion on gay marriage and why I don't support it. NOT HOMOSEXUALITY BEING A SIN. Its only been these last two pages that people have been discussing why people are gay which I don't understand since its not the topic initially discussed.
I already said homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexual acts are.
Edit: Also would you care to point out the bible verses I allegedly spouted out?
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:32 pm
teh sexiful nerdy @ Fang: Same thing I said to Choochoos as far as you point about the bible containing errors. As far as your note about different translations: yes the bible has been translated into many different languages but that doesn't mean an entire teaching is going to be lost in translation don't you think?
On your note questioning God's existance, I say again: Faith. Yes god does have a plan but that doesn't always align with a human's free will. Our role in life is to live according to God's will but that doesn't always happen. If a husband murders his wife, Is that part of God's plan too? Did God have that in his will too?
Also you yourself said it: We all sin (this includes religious leaders). Are you calling them hypocrites too? Are their opinions null and void also despite the fact that we follow their teachings? Think about that. I suppose the correction thing would be true... And I don't think the entire teachings would be lost in translation. I was merely stating my theories of possibilities. I'm not sure how much of an impact the translation may have if it happened, but it could change a few things around. "If a husband murders his wife, is that part of God's plan too?" It may or may not be. We could never find out the truth. Like I said before, I've read very little of the bible. I'm mostly going by what CCD has taught me. It could be either God's work or Satan's work if a man murders his wife. Like I said, these are mostly theories. I'm mostly hanging on a thread here and I know realize that I should've done more research before posting up my opinion. As for the hypocrit statement, I have no counter. I am an idiot in some ways. I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes I say things that don't even make any sense to me while I'm trying to get a point across. I can't even remember what the hell was running through my head when I put that in there. I was trying to get my point across but the way I stated it was flawed. So now I withdraw my "null and void" statement. But it's still hypocritical in my eyes. Like I said before, I have a little knowledge about what the bible says so I'm hanging by a thread with only theories I've scrapped together. It is most likely that I am wrong on most parts. Also, homosexuality is a topic inwhich my opinions and feelings concerning it are very strong, so I probably got a bit of anger within me when I wrote some parts of my previous posts, just as some of us probably have. I hope I can now withdraw myself, after setting things straight. Thank you TSN for pointing out my flaws.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:52 pm
Dr Entropy Wow Egga. Did you not read the first 4 pages? Thats all I was talking about. Gay Marriage and why its a sin (going into details families, gays adopting and why gays shouldn't get married). In other words, my opinion on gay marriage and why I don't support it. NOT HOMOSEXUALITY BEING A SIN. Its only been these last two pages that people have been discussing why people are gay which I don't understand since its not the topic initially discussed. I already said homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexual acts are. Edit: Also would you care to point out the bible verses I allegedly spouted out? Okay, I just had a total blonde moment, and I hope you will forgive me! xd
Lyss The One In The Back Crew
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:31 pm
From TSN Lyss: we have a GSA. I used to be slightly active in it. Many of my friends are. I do not believe that I have said I dislike people who choose [yes choose] to be homosexual, I simply do not approve of their actions. Lyss's Earlier post In Lyss's school, we have a GSA club. As much as Lyss would tell everyone to go sit in a meeting and see from their prospective, Lyss won't. Lyss knows she'll be killed.
When Lyss joined her high school as a freshman last year, her English teacher (who claims to be a Southern Christian woman) hated her even when she wore a cross around her neck for two weeks. DOES THIS MEAN THAT LYSS IS A SATAN CHILD??? D: [/end off topic]
Lyss is just gonna say this: Where hath all the peace gone? TSN: -Where did Lyss ever put anything about saying the statement that TSN directed to Lyss in her post? -is highly confuzzled D: -
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:51 pm
jfm567 this topic is turning more and more into an opinion war. *sigh* Isnt that what a debate is? ^_^
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:31 am
@ Lyss - I think only that one line was directed towards you xd The GSA one. Not the other line hehe, I think that directed at other people.
@ Soul - I don't feel you attacked my sexuality. I don't feel attacked in any way. You merely disagree with my orientation, you're not attacking it. ^^ AND I KNEW IT D:<