R'in and Bronze Demodeth

    He glided toward the ground at a harrowing speed, and R'in let out a whoop of surprise as they fell, the sound turning into a string of laughter soon after.

    Warn me next time, if you please. R'in's mindvoice was suffused with as much laughter as the rest of him.

    We are in each other's thoughts forever and always. I do not think there is a need for any more warning than that. The bronze's words might have sounded a bit harsh, but the tone behind them was joking and light. Now please, claim our ribbon.

    While R'in had been admiring the view and releasing the last of his chuckles, Demodeth had navigated to the weyrlingmaster's assistant, positioning himself perfectly alongside her. R'in took their prize with a nod.

    Time to head home.

    Redoubt Hold, Western Hold, Whitecliff Weyrhold, Dust Sun Hold, Black Sands Hold, Paradise Falls Hold

    five ribbons get!
    6-9 Hopping Between isn't the problem for this stop. You get to where you need to go without trouble, and are able to seek out the weyrlingmaster and obtain that ribbon. Why did they think this was a challenge?