Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:16 am
chianachan JaydeGreen Jolly Rancher cinnamon soda? I've never heard of that! *nibbles on her PB&J sandwich* Mmm, it's like liquid spicy cinnamon candy in a bottle xd Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:19 am
JaydeGreen chianachan JaydeGreen Jolly Rancher cinnamon soda? I've never heard of that! *nibbles on her PB&J sandwich* Mmm, it's like liquid spicy cinnamon candy in a bottle xd Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xD
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:24 am
chianachan JaydeGreen chianachan JaydeGreen Jolly Rancher cinnamon soda? I've never heard of that! *nibbles on her PB&J sandwich* Mmm, it's like liquid spicy cinnamon candy in a bottle xd Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:32 am
chaz3 chianachan JaydeGreen chianachan JaydeGreen Jolly Rancher cinnamon soda? I've never heard of that! *nibbles on her PB&J sandwich* Mmm, it's like liquid spicy cinnamon candy in a bottle xd Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:39 am
JaydeGreen chaz3 chianachan JaydeGreen chianachan JaydeGreen Jolly Rancher cinnamon soda? I've never heard of that! *nibbles on her PB&J sandwich* Mmm, it's like liquid spicy cinnamon candy in a bottle xd Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy.o.o how can you not like real water melon
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:41 am
chaz3 JaydeGreen chaz3 chianachan JaydeGreen Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy.o.o how can you not like real water melon Too watery?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:43 am
Sakura-Kyoukan chaz3 JaydeGreen chaz3 chianachan JaydeGreen Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy.o.o how can you not like real water melon Too watery? whee hey sakura
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:44 am
I dun feel gewd gonk I need luffs... >.>
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:44 am
hey chaz, chiana *snuggles*
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:48 am
Sakura-Kyoukan hey chaz, chiana *snuggles* *cuddles and clings*
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:51 am
chianachan Sakura-Kyoukan hey chaz, chiana *snuggles* *cuddles and clings*/pat *huggles*
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:51 am
Sakura-Kyoukan chaz3 JaydeGreen chaz3 chianachan JaydeGreen Sounds good to me. Now if only I could get that in my area. And if it was that mango flavor like the sucker Grandma gave me. That would be yummy. I'd really love watermelon jolly rancher soda xDi would try that whee Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy.o.o how can you not like real water melon Too watery? He says that it makes him throw up. I asked if it was because of the water, but he says it just tastes nasty. *shrug*
*Gives Chiana a cookie*
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:00 am
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:01 am
Sakura-Kyoukan chianachan Sakura-Kyoukan hey chaz, chiana *snuggles* *cuddles and clings*/pat *huggles* *nuzzles* Only 45 more minutes of watching teh kids xD
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:01 am
JaydeGreen Sakura-Kyoukan chaz3 JaydeGreen Mmm. I would, too. Want to hear something randomly weird about watermelon? My brother hates, and I mean hates watermelon, but he'll eat watermelon candy. o.o how can you not like real water melon Too watery? He says that it makes him throw up. I asked if it was because of the water, but he says it just tastes nasty. *shrug*
*Gives Chiana a cookie*o.o me no get a cookie:'( *sniff snif * T__T