Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:41 am
`L I B R A ` *dies*Dx ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E `
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:42 am
Elf Kazuki Kun ketket where did you get your NHB O_O I've had it for ages I just dont really like it so I never use it... Im thinking on selling I lent it to one of my friends there fore it suvived my banning
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:43 am
Ketake 2.0 Elf Kazuki Kun ketket where did you get your NHB O_O I've had it for ages I just dont really like it so I never use it... Im thinking on selling I lent it to one of my friends there fore it suvived my banning *points to kio*
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:44 am
`L I B R A ` you lend it to ang o: Or gave it and then she paid back o_O? o.o
You're giving me punches on my stomach Dx ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E `
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:47 am
[-Leixlaes-] `L I B R A ` you lend it to ang o: Or gave it and then she paid back o_O? o.o
You're giving me punches on my stomach Dx ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E ` No I didn't lend it to ang... I lend it to moiranna if you must know
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:49 am
Ketake 2.0 [-Leixlaes-] `L I B R A ` you lend it to ang o: Or gave it and then she paid back o_O? o.o
You're giving me punches on my stomach Dx ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E ` No I didn't lend it to ang... I lend it to moiranna if you must know `L I B R A ` o_O But I rmeember that ang had it because someone gave it to her and ang promised to pay back. @_@ ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E `
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:51 am
saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry!
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:51 am
[-Leixlaes-] Ketake 2.0 [-Leixlaes-] `L I B R A ` you lend it to ang o: Or gave it and then she paid back o_O? o.o
You're giving me punches on my stomach Dx ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E ` No I didn't lend it to ang... I lend it to moiranna if you must know `L I B R A ` o_O But I rmeember that ang had it because someone gave it to her and ang promised to pay back. @_@ ` T H E ` ` S C A L E S ` ` O F ` ` B A L A N C E ` That was me too... but it was another HB.... she still owe me about 179k or something like that, but I don't really care
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:53 am
Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be?
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:54 am
Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! OH BURN XD
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:58 am
Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be? Idk but lets see Chuck Norisu scarf Demonbow G-bot Angelic bow Dark Halo Ancient katana Gwee Mythrill armor Shadow Momo And the first 3 set for Dec (funny i thought the coco was in that set.. musta been the '05)
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:01 am
Sakura-Kyoukan Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be? Idk but lets see Chuck Norisu scarf Demonbow G-bot Angelic bow Dark Halo Ancient katana Gwee Mythrill armor Shadow Momo And the first 3 set for Dec (funny i thought the coco was in that set.. musta been the '05) Hmm... nah I like gold....even though I am more or less going to quest most of those items
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:03 am
Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be? Idk but lets see Chuck Norisu scarf Demonbow G-bot Angelic bow Dark Halo Ancient katana Gwee Mythrill armor Shadow Momo And the first 3 set for Dec (funny i thought the coco was in that set.. musta been the '05) Hmm... nah I like gold....even though I am more or less going to quest most of those items Yea i'm starting to think i might just sell it all on the MP and drop my Demonic Pendant and try and just buy the NHB
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:12 am
Sakura-Kyoukan Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be? Idk but lets see Chuck Norisu scarf Demonbow G-bot Angelic bow Dark Halo Ancient katana Gwee Mythrill armor Shadow Momo And the first 3 set for Dec (funny i thought the coco was in that set.. musta been the '05) the veil =P flame sword, damacus armour
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:12 am
Sakura-Kyoukan Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan Ketake 2.0 Sakura-Kyoukan saku must have one now. Lol he's offering a full '06 letter set on the Exchange. xp Wallie is angry! How much in gold would that be? Idk but lets see Chuck Norisu scarf Demonbow G-bot Angelic bow Dark Halo Ancient katana Gwee Mythrill armor Shadow Momo And the first 3 set for Dec (funny i thought the coco was in that set.. musta been the '05) Hmm... nah I like gold....even though I am more or less going to quest most of those items Yea i'm starting to think i might just sell it all on the MP and drop my Demonic Pendant and try and just buy the NHB think of it this way: you'd have to sell more stuff, and have to worry about if that stuff even sells sweatdrop