Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:38 pm
Manji-luo angel_half82 SUPER MEGA HYPER LEET Especially after the comment about FF3. .......but that's just the plain truth! the whole plot of FF3 revolves around a girl that lost her memory, a rich, lecherous king, his hunky, rebellious brother, a theif that carouses with women and "looks for treasure," a buncha moogles, a rebellion bent on stopping an empire, a clown that goes crazy and takes over the world, and ultimately, the whole world getting trashed and completely ******** up. AND YOU GET TO SAVE THE WORLD AFTER IT GETS ******** UP! i have never seen another game do that in my life to the extent that FF3 did. FF8 came close, but it was at the end of the game, and you literally found no one around. FF3 wins at this, because it happens right in the middle of the plotline, AND you have to save all of your friends after the world got screwed over by a clown! what does FF7 have? ...good graphics for its time, and the story revolves around a weakly-emphasized rebellion, some girl getting killed, and a genetic clone that thinks his mother is God and plans to use the powers in her dead body to destroy the world. hmm, let's use a little logic here, guys! story revolving around saving the world after a girl dies story revolving around saving the world after the world dies along with over half of its inhabitants. post-apocolyptia FTMFW~! anyways that disagrees may as well have ensured a hardcore rant on this topic from me stare i've been able to make long ones. ironically enough, my longest one caused the total collapse of a forum set-up to be a 'free territory' away from the moderator of a webcomic's forum whee I know its the truth biggrin What about crono trigger?? If you messed up you could do something different to save the world.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:39 pm
Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo this = win just posting in 1337 = not win to truly be leet, you must cover all aspects of the description. talking in leet is possibly the LEAST likely way to be what it is. i know because one of my friends irl is leet. Hardcore gamer to the max. that's basically what being leet is. you live and strive for that next video game, and when you get it, you play it until you get tired of it, or you become ungodly good at it. preferably, you'd want to become ungodly good at everything you try. I've got 145 hours of gameplay on disgaea. My PC has a core speed of 7.4GHZ, and I can't play any games on it because they run to fast, or crash because I have too much ram and the games can't handle the addressing. Nintendo Wii fails because I barely got 40 hours out of zelda, a game that promises to be 50+ hours. I own an actual copy of Tales of Destiny II. I play RTRPG's on HARD the first time through. Final Fantasy III was better than final fantasy VII. I say Aerith, not Aeris. I played Tales of Symphonia for 37 hours straight. I don't drink bawls because it doesn't have enough caffeine. And my mugen roster has over 800 characters:  1337 enough for you? close! but nooooooooooooooot quite =P although your comment on FF3 being better than FF7 DOES earn you a bit of brownie points imo xP Eternal Darkness: Sanity's requiem was the best game on the gamecube. If you skip all the cutscenes in Xenosaga, there's an actual five minutes of gameplay. FF12 sucked because you didn't actually do anything outside of programming AI. The PS3 is under-priced because the phillips CDI was also 600USD, years before. All sports games are exactly the same. Final Fantasy VIII was the second best in the series; unfortunately, most players weren't smart enough to actually figure out the junction system. Chess is the best sport ever. Picard is better than Kirk because the girls he bangs are actually hot. PSP is the best system to date, yet no one has figured out how to make a good game for it. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R: Extraction Point. Those were both the same day. My sega dreamcast can play super nintendo roms. Can yours? I played Tales of Phantasia two years before it came out in America. Age of Empires II is the best PC game of all time. My Computer monitor is larger than my television; so all my consoles are wired into my computer. I have an nvidia 8800 gtx graphics card, with 1500MB of Vram. I can solve the rubix cube in 90 seconds. How much leeter can you get? Have you played Kiwi Kraze?
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:41 pm
I got one! Do you have a sega master system or turbographix 16?
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:42 pm
angel_half82 Manji-luo angel_half82 SUPER MEGA HYPER LEET Especially after the comment about FF3. .......but that's just the plain truth! the whole plot of FF3 revolves around a girl that lost her memory, a rich, lecherous king, his hunky, rebellious brother, a theif that carouses with women and "looks for treasure," a buncha moogles, a rebellion bent on stopping an empire, a clown that goes crazy and takes over the world, and ultimately, the whole world getting trashed and completely ******** up. AND YOU GET TO SAVE THE WORLD AFTER IT GETS ******** UP! i have never seen another game do that in my life to the extent that FF3 did. FF8 came close, but it was at the end of the game, and you literally found no one around. FF3 wins at this, because it happens right in the middle of the plotline, AND you have to save all of your friends after the world got screwed over by a clown! what does FF7 have? ...good graphics for its time, and the story revolves around a weakly-emphasized rebellion, some girl getting killed, and a genetic clone that thinks his mother is God and plans to use the powers in her dead body to destroy the world. hmm, let's use a little logic here, guys! story revolving around saving the world after a girl dies story revolving around saving the world after the world dies along with over half of its inhabitants. post-apocolyptia FTMFW~! anyways that disagrees may as well have ensured a hardcore rant on this topic from me stare i've been able to make long ones. ironically enough, my longest one caused the total collapse of a forum set-up to be a 'free territory' away from the moderator of a webcomic's forum whee I know its the truth biggrin What about crono trigger?? If you messed up you could do something different to save the world. chrono trigger was good in that sense. it was a very good game for its time, and still stands out as a classic. it's one of the few that deserve a proper title and its own little shelf in any RPG library. however, i usually think of Final Fantasies when this sorta thing comes up, so i don't give as much thought to Chrono Trigger confused however, Chrono Trigger is one of the best video games i've ever played. i just feel that the story could go on for much longer. the game was a bit linear, you have to admit...unless you did all the side-quests...but even still, i think the game was a little small-time...but it was good small-time x3
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:46 pm
Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo this = win just posting in 1337 = not win to truly be leet, you must cover all aspects of the description. talking in leet is possibly the LEAST likely way to be what it is. i know because one of my friends irl is leet. Hardcore gamer to the max. that's basically what being leet is. you live and strive for that next video game, and when you get it, you play it until you get tired of it, or you become ungodly good at it. preferably, you'd want to become ungodly good at everything you try. I've got 145 hours of gameplay on disgaea. My PC has a core speed of 7.4GHZ, and I can't play any games on it because they run to fast, or crash because I have too much ram and the games can't handle the addressing. Nintendo Wii fails because I barely got 40 hours out of zelda, a game that promises to be 50+ hours. I own an actual copy of Tales of Destiny II. I play RTRPG's on HARD the first time through. Final Fantasy III was better than final fantasy VII. I say Aerith, not Aeris. I played Tales of Symphonia for 37 hours straight. I don't drink bawls because it doesn't have enough caffeine. And my mugen roster has over 800 characters:  1337 enough for you? close! but nooooooooooooooot quite =P although your comment on FF3 being better than FF7 DOES earn you a bit of brownie points imo xP Eternal Darkness: Sanity's requiem was the best game on the gamecube. If you skip all the cutscenes in Xenosaga, there's an actual five minutes of gameplay. FF12 sucked because you didn't actually do anything outside of programming AI. The PS3 is under-priced because the phillips CDI was also 600USD, years before. All sports games are exactly the same. Final Fantasy VIII was the second best in the series; unfortunately, most players weren't smart enough to actually figure out the junction system. Chess is the best sport ever. Picard is better than Kirk because the girls he bangs are actually hot. PSP is the best system to date, yet no one has figured out how to make a good game for it. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R: Extraction Point. Those were both the same day. My sega dreamcast can play super nintendo roms. Can yours? I played Tales of Phantasia two years before it came out in America. Age of Empires II is the best PC game of all time. My Computer monitor is larger than my television; so all my consoles are wired into my computer. I have an nvidia 8800 gtx graphics card, with 1500MB of Vram. I can solve the rubix cube in 90 seconds. How much leeter can you get? Have you played Kiwi Kraze? No, but I could pick up a copy for my NES from the local game store. I'm not a fan of platformers. I also made The 1337est video in existenceDespite that I put less effort into it than anything else I've ever made. Oh, and chrono trigger was too awesome. it made the sequel feel like s**t.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:52 pm
Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan I've got 145 hours of gameplay on disgaea. My PC has a core speed of 7.4GHZ, and I can't play any games on it because they run to fast, or crash because I have too much ram and the games can't handle the addressing. Nintendo Wii fails because I barely got 40 hours out of zelda, a game that promises to be 50+ hours. I own an actual copy of Tales of Destiny II. I play RTRPG's on HARD the first time through. Final Fantasy III was better than final fantasy VII. I say Aerith, not Aeris. I played Tales of Symphonia for 37 hours straight. I don't drink bawls because it doesn't have enough caffeine. And my mugen roster has over 800 characters:  1337 enough for you? close! but nooooooooooooooot quite =P although your comment on FF3 being better than FF7 DOES earn you a bit of brownie points imo xP Eternal Darkness: Sanity's requiem was the best game on the gamecube. If you skip all the cutscenes in Xenosaga, there's an actual five minutes of gameplay. FF12 sucked because you didn't actually do anything outside of programming AI. The PS3 is under-priced because the phillips CDI was also 600USD, years before. All sports games are exactly the same. Final Fantasy VIII was the second best in the series; unfortunately, most players weren't smart enough to actually figure out the junction system. Chess is the best sport ever. Picard is better than Kirk because the girls he bangs are actually hot. PSP is the best system to date, yet no one has figured out how to make a good game for it. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R. It took me a day to beat F.E.A.R: Extraction Point. Those were both the same day. My sega dreamcast can play super nintendo roms. Can yours? I played Tales of Phantasia two years before it came out in America. Age of Empires II is the best PC game of all time. My Computer monitor is larger than my television; so all my consoles are wired into my computer. I have an nvidia 8800 gtx graphics card, with 1500MB of Vram. I can solve the rubix cube in 90 seconds. How much leeter can you get? Have you played Kiwi Kraze? No, but I could pick up a copy for my NES from the local game store. I'm not a fan of platformers. I also made The 1337est video in existenceDespite that I put less effort into it than anything else I've ever made. Oh, and chrono trigger was too awesome. it made the sequel feel like s**t. the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:52 pm
trevor, you kick too much a**. xD
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:53 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:00 pm
Manji-luo the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you. It's hardly worth the effort just to get you to acknowledge it. Others already do.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:02 pm
Awiergan Manji-luo the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you. It's hardly worth the effort just to get you to acknowledge it. Others already do. pleasing all your constituents is nowhere near as satisfying as pleasing ALL of them. do keep that in mind.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:09 pm
Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you. It's hardly worth the effort just to get you to acknowledge it. Others already do. pleasing all your constituents is nowhere near as satisfying as pleasing ALL of them. do keep that in mind. Your failed judgment is based on a single factor instead of an overall comprehension, leading me to believe that you don't have a full understanding of what LEET actually is. By actually being more LEET than you, I am able to see the flaw in your concept of what actually is LEET. I have no reason to lead you to believe that I am LEET, as what you think LEET is contradicts actual LEETNESS. So by your simple acknowledgment that I exist in my current state, and by my own and other's confirmation that such state is LEET, I am able to have confirmation of my LEETNESS from you without you voluntarily offering it.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:13 pm
Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you. It's hardly worth the effort just to get you to acknowledge it. Others already do. pleasing all your constituents is nowhere near as satisfying as pleasing ALL of them. do keep that in mind. Your failed judgment is based on a single factor instead of an overall comprehension, leading me to believe that you don't have a full understanding of what LEET actually is. By actually being more LEET than you, I am able to see the flaw in your concept of what actually is LEET. I have no reason to lead you to believe that I am LEET, as what you think LEET is contradicts actual LEETNESS. So by your simple acknowledgment that I exist in my current state, and by my own and other's confirmation that such state is LEET, I am able to have confirmation of my LEETNESS from you without you voluntarily offering it. i see your logic, and i also see that your statement works under the exact mindset and thought of a leet person as well, but i am still a non-believer that you really are.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:13 pm
i gave up on argueing with trevor a long time ago. your moral will be crushed.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:18 pm
i am not arguing. i am just stating my opinion on the matter. it's up to him to start arguing or not.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:18 pm
Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo Awiergan Manji-luo the seaking video deserves merit, but unfortunately, not enough merit to be called 'win' in my book neutral i suggest you pick up Kiwi Kraze if you can. if not, then play it on an NES emulator. Once you have mastered it, then you will be able to say you've done everything there is in life. Mastering Kiwi Kraze will ensure that you are l33t. anything less, and you will only be able to claim the title for yourself, not have others state it for you. It's hardly worth the effort just to get you to acknowledge it. Others already do. pleasing all your constituents is nowhere near as satisfying as pleasing ALL of them. do keep that in mind. Your failed judgment is based on a single factor instead of an overall comprehension, leading me to believe that you don't have a full understanding of what LEET actually is. By actually being more LEET than you, I am able to see the flaw in your concept of what actually is LEET. I have no reason to lead you to believe that I am LEET, as what you think LEET is contradicts actual LEETNESS. So by your simple acknowledgment that I exist in my current state, and by my own and other's confirmation that such state is LEET, I am able to have confirmation of my LEETNESS from you without you voluntarily offering it. i see your logic, and i also see that your statement works under the exact mindset and thought of a leet person as well, but i am still a non-believer that you really are. Believe what you will. The evidence is stacked against you. Some people still believe that the world is flat. It's not my job to change your belief, but simply for me to know that I am right and move on.