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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 3:04 pm

cookin n cleanin cookin n cleanin! got sanrio amibo for new horizon coming in this weekend fun!

gonna order a buncha the 50 furniture rv amibos for new leaf too cuz i'm still rly into that. probably gonna upgrade all 4 characters on my islands so i can go decorating wild!

been reading up on modding my 3ds. sounds doable. there's a bunch calling their online 3ds modding pretendo. and they're talking bout adding back the functionality for new leaf. the tortimer island, visitng ppl all that stuff. and miiverse stuff.. i think imma look into it. glad someone took that project on. yay nerds!

first nite of firelands raid tonite with my guild excited! went and checked marketplace all the jack 2024 stuff all in there affordable. and a 2024 gaia anniversary sash didnt even realize that was a thing. check it out! happy friday all! we keep on keepin on! heart
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 12:46 pm

Had a pretty good birthday, worked a long day but got a bunch of gifts while in work then went to a really good local steakhouse with my bf just now.
Fillet steak was so gooood.
Some weird homophobic guy tried starting some sort of fight with me yesterday but I got the f out of dodge before anything could happen, idk I don't like this "new world" people keep saying we now live in.

I love the Katamari games so much! Such a chill vibes sort of game.
It's all you can really do now the die are cast is look after your own and your own wellbeing, protecting your peace is more important now than ever I think.#
I wanna play new leaf so bad but I cba travelling to my parents house to get my 3dsxl back, probably will get it back when I visit for xmas.
Adding back that functionality with homebrew would be amazing, I loved the home parade plaza thing where it would savestate your friends houses so you could visit them just by streetpassing them.
Glad you're feeling better now! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:12 pm

glad you had a good birthday! and i'm sorry that happend to you. its a scary time right now. i'm tired of pendulum swings in ideology. i tend to make it a rule to not discuss any of it or anything in my mmo guilds because its so likely to have ppl on diff sides fighting and the more ya learn about ppl in that aspect its harder to get along. but gaia was always an open forum for discussion of all sorts of thoughts and stances and politics. so its unique to just be open about that.

its hard being open minded and an ally and democrat in a rural state. for ya safety u dont say much outloud in public. but after this ive been looking into getting involved even if its volunteering as a gopher or some computer work with some democratic campaign stuff locally or for the state. i'm getting old. i should do more to help if things have gotten in a state i don't find hopeful at all. its one of the reasons this week i've dove head over heals into both new horizons and new leaf lol. ppl get along there ya know? altho in new horizons i dont allow them to move away so that's a lil twisty. and i taught them all to holler "i'm wasted" but also suits the times now rofl im gonna order some knock off amibo furniture cards for new leaf and new horizons. hyped.

anyway just know ya definitely got a friend in me. heart

happy sunday!
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 1:34 pm

Tysm Rydia that means a lot! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Honestly I'm good I did just expect a sign of the times to happen so quick lol, I try to live without mentioning politics then it shoves its head in my face regardless.
I wasted so much energy on politics when I was younger for this to be the end result so I never do it the traditional way anymore lol.
I tend to just give to causes directly now rather than work within the system itself.

In a bit of a game rut I bought the Metro Series and bf got me the Lara Croft originals remaster so probably tool around with them a bit the next few days I'm off work
Get dem AC cards, expand dat gammee!


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 4:21 pm

ya i can see donating to causes to help too. super helpful doing that too! i keep seeing streamers playing this game with really awesome cartoon animation with british humor and voice overs imma have to pick it up sometime. diggin up name of title from my steam wishlist. they have it on switch also. being touted as just hilarious feel good walking sim but done in a really fun way. called "thank goodness you're here!" i gotta check that one out! enjoy metro and lara croft!!

happy sunday! did i say happy sunday yesterday? i had it in my head yesterday was sunday lol.. (rechecking last post) i sure did lmao.. well technically was it sunday in the wee hours when i posted at least? naw lol just senile xD happy wtf ever day it is and keep being fabulous ya'll!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:47 pm

Ayooo chilled so hard today I had to take a nap xp
Went out and got a huge breakfast for my bf and me this morning cause he was WFH.
I gotta look at that walking sim I really want more chill experiences I keep just staring at my steam library and freezing.

Taking it slow this evening and watching the last season of Better Call Saul User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 5:07 pm

that sounds real nice and ya i been lazy watching others play it and i think i'll still get it eventually lol. got my lil animal crossing furniture cards in today. excited to go get that ordered later tonite so it starts showing up on island tomorrow. it'll be next month on the rv cards and reader for new leaf. bro gonna need help on some bills b4 months out but thats fine i got plenty to tinker with on new island and cooking momma 4 i been playing. and few other thangs i aint even touched. katamari and pioneers of olive town. totally not paying so much attn to the real world this week and that helps. i'll have to stick my head out soon probably but.... not today! enjoy ur tv watchin!

happy tuesday ya'll!
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 7:36 am

officially on our way to window when i finally surrender my wall ac to storage! love having my full window back tho and so does my bro's cat who already took possession of it lol. making another chicken veg stew b4 mom swings by to do some laundry b4 she heads back to work on other place. she's been doing alot of small wood work on door trims and puttying painting.

got my sanrio amibo cards and furniture for acnh! so cute! mass ordering on my 5 toons cuz i can only order 5 pieces a day so i'm slowly stocking beaches for buds b4 i fool around with the furniture myself. there's a frog lookin thing on a lilly pad that's actually an edible dish but i'm crazy bout frogs so that might be my fave lol

happy wed ya'll! its very much a fall pre winter day! got down to freezing last nite here! cozy!

Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 12:16 pm

Sorry been doing a bunch of overtime so most rest time lately been sleeping and staring at the moon with a smoke.
Mystery shopper soon and I'm terrified because I completely bungled the last one.
Only game I've played has been pinball FX cause it's easy to jump into and out of quickly. Big light make brain go brrrrrrr.
Lol I feel yah with ignoring the big bad world I've just been listening to music the second any of *that* dread kicks in til it dies. xp
Glad the cards came and they worked good!
It's freeezing here too I'm constably walked around draped in anything sherpa lined I can find. whee
PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 12:04 pm

Had to go into work early and now I am worn out.
No sign of mystery shop and goddamn it I just want it done.
Started replaying Fable Anniversary to try and 100% all the achievments for it, already 74% of the way there.
I am behind of the catwalk again but I finish early on Sat so gonna get all caught up then, I'm gonna be a lil cheeky and slip msyelf into the week I missed with a look xp

Have a beautiful day! heart


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 10:59 pm

This was my thursday post i just realized was up in the catwalk so i brought it here lol:

had to run all over the place today to pick up bro's meds but got him all settled and got a firelands raid going tonite! wow guilds going well and got a couple nites a week looks like on our raiding 10 mans which is nice. its a social life lol. pirate wolf made a thread! she was around loooong ago in the olden days so i was excited to see her there.

annnd today's: morning! so tired just got my vaccine and then spent all nite working on other flipper house with mom and got home in the wee hours. im so excited to sleep like a bear in the winter tonite so imma get catwalk going now so i can sleep in saturday day! have a nice day ya'll!
PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:18 am

Whooopsy that's alright xp
Ended up not finishing early because it got so busy but I did 3k in 4 hours, that comission gunna be lit tho
Feel bad for being behind on catwalk, ik it's no pressue but still feel wah wah a lil cause it means I don't have the free time to do them crying
Wish I'd used a lil more of my leave before going into this blackout period sweatdrop
Sunday hours tomorrow so deffo home earlier and I can finally do pretty piiiiics heart

Yaay to sucessful WoW raids! Just saww that thread got posted (thank god for the recent tab lol), that's awesome I'm glad they got da nostalgias User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Might just do a post in catwalk with a series of entries to the few I missed xp

Have a beautiful one! heart


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Sparkly Phantom

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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 11:52 am

grats on the 3k in 4 hrs! eek and ya that's why i fixed up that catwalk thread the way i did. so it was minimum hassle for everyone involved. we can scroll back thru posts to see what ppl wore and if you're ever inspired you can pick up on the new stuff ya dont have to do all of em if that helps. and ya i know you know you aint gotta do any of em lol its just for fun. i'm not worried in the least. we have a wall already of themes to show off how we roll! tis fine!

got my covic booster over weekend. bro and mom felt nothing but a lil sleepy and sore arm. whooped my butt i still have a mild temp day and a half later lol but i figure by tonite it'll be all settled. glad to get mom and bro and i all set b4 holidays got flu shots too! gotta get my butt up and unload the flat trailer. mom and bro loaded up garage tools to bring home from other house. and its gonna be cold at nite from wed on so off to make more kindlin and chop some wood up smaller pieces to burn on log splitter for ourselves and neighbor. still going overboard on acnh. getting all the amibo furniture set for freebies and my inventory. lordie i dear diary it here somedays lol

lookin fwd to a rock band clone nite tonite. have a good sunday funday!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:08 am

ahh mad scramble. got 2 ppl wanting to see the house for sale. gotta help mom get her butt up there but she keeps doing last min things here. i gotta get wood split smaller for firewood and a few baskets kindlin b4 it gets dark lets foooookin goooooo. lumberjack fairy bless me with choppy energy lol

Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 11:57 am

Been under the weather but trucking through it, distracting myself by playing Fable Anniversary constantly. 8 achievements away from 100&#xin;g it whee
The blue light filter making it bright orange to save my eyes the stress just adds to the fantasy vibes lol
Glad everyone is staying safe and getting boosted, atm in the UK only the elderly are given them but that seems to work
Hopefully you get a bite from those people interested in the house, someones gunna appreciate the work that went into it!
Good timing on the kindlin, our whole hemisphere decided to freeze over the last 3 days

Stay warm and cozy! heart
⟡⟡THE KINGDOM OF SPAMALOT! (Spam here & ONLY here)⟡⟡

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