Manji's Super-happy-Fun-Bar!!!
now, back (with a vengeance!) My Ramen bar is back and open (as long as Sakura will let it be)!
Since this is the guild version, we shouldn't really have any bumps or stuff like that (given that there are already rules for this guild).
I only have a few simple rules if you do wanna post in here.
1.) obey the gaia ToS and the guild rules.
2.) PLEASE dont stretch the page. if you need to put a link up, hot link it using this formula:
(whatever you wanna say here)
3.) DO NOT stretch the pages.i said it once, but i REALLY mean it! i dont wanna have to delete any posts, but if you stretch the page, i'll give you 1 minute to fix it (or until i get a little too annoyed with the page-stretching, whichever comes first). get it fixed in that time, and it wont be deleted.
other than that, enjoy yourself and have fun~! 4laugh
~we have FREE Ramen, Root Beer, and Milk too (for all of those just wanting something to drink)~
i make the ramen, the root beer is IBC (in the old-school bottles that thney come in still to this day. only the best for my customers), and the milk is healthy and tasty too (not skim milk btw)
~We also have alchoholic drinks if you're interested (this IS a bar you know)~
xp xp xp
Feel free to chat and hang out, just do whatever you want. this thread was such a big success in the New years event forum, i decided to remake it here (people loved it a LOT and didnt wanna see it go). but if sakura wants this in a different forum or in the RP guild, then this thread will be moved, just keep this in mind
if you wanna check out the wacky, zany stuff that went on in the first Ramen bar i made, check it out here
ALSO: if this thread gets moved to Sakura's Next Nexxus (the RP guild) then you may have to join that guild to get to my bar. dont worry though, Next Nexxus is only the RP guild for FG-4-PG, so if you wanna hang out there, here is the link to that 3nodding
~i'm going to have a few barkeeps as well to help keep this place up~
the with first ramen bar i had, i stayed up and kept it alive from the time i made it. although that was very fun doing that for a whole 24 hours, i dont intend to stay up even longer to serve every single person that wants to hang out here. SO, if you want to sign up to be a barkeep and keep this running some while i'm not here and off doing stuff, you may do so, just ask me. 3nodding i will only have 3 other than myself, so the spots might fill a little quickly, just f.y.i. if IM or stiched wants to be one, and they dont get here before the three spots are filled, they'll be one anyways. i wont mind going over, besides, they were great in the first bar ^_^v
~Current Barkeeps~
IMWanderling (and her mules)
(more will be added if required later)
*sets up shop*
the bar is now open~! and YES, we have orange juice for screwdrivers now! blaugh
~gold prizes of 250 gold awarded to the first person to post on a page that's a multiple of 50 (i.e. page 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, etc.)~
STOCK UPDATE! i found you can buy pocky at H.E.B. in the asian food section, so we now have pocky! mrgreen (HEB is a huge grocery store franchise in and around Texas)
for those of you that know what it is, me, kitterz and kinta are on it as well as some of the newer regulars to this bar. for those of you that dont, it's a new, cool, and FREE MMORPG! (the name is short for fly for free) =p
if you wanna get into it, go to
if you have a character, or need a friend, just add Manjiluo (that's my character) x3
guild flyff'ers names
Kitterling (Knitterz)
Kinta (it's fly for FUN hun =P)
Corngasmo (sakura)
Kakkie (dark_shy_angel)
Raidenkaza (RaidenKazama, obviously)
Stolen (~Magic Trevor~)
KittaraMirrou (I hope that's spelled right...I'll check when I'm on again)
PonChan (Goddess Ace)
(mods add names so we can find you)
for those of you that know what it is, me, kitterz and kinta are on it as well as some of the newer regulars to this bar. for those of you that dont, it's a new, cool, and FREE MMORPG! (the name is short for fly for free) =p
if you wanna get into it, go to
if you have a character, or need a friend, just add Manjiluo (that's my character) x3
guild flyff'ers names
Kitterling (Knitterz)
Kinta (it's fly for FUN hun =P)
Corngasmo (sakura)
Kakkie (dark_shy_angel)
Raidenkaza (RaidenKazama, obviously)
Stolen (~Magic Trevor~)
KittaraMirrou (I hope that's spelled right...I'll check when I'm on again)
PonChan (Goddess Ace)
(mods add names so we can find you)
update (6/25/06)
also, go to page 2838 and see my post if you haven't already
update: (7/1/06)
sorry, but i'm leaving for a month. i need to take a break from it anyways and knitterz helped sway me from leaving for good. all my servants, please go to my harem guild and read the announcements =3 please and thank you.
and sorry everyone, but there's no way i'm keeping up with the tabs for everyone x.x if someone wants to make a list of people who are getting on pages that are a multiple of 50 and give it to me when i get back, that's fine. i have my PMs turned off though, and please keep in mind that i might not be able to pay everyone if they do keep getting on the 50 page marks. so if you guys wanna take a collection or something to pay each other, that'd be awesome x3
thanks everyone, and cya in august
update: 8/29/06
Rydia-Beck loved the bar so much, that she's willing to get the "page prize" gift going again ^_^ it's gonna be a little bit different though:
the person who makes the first post on each big numbered page gets the gold, like it was before, but the big numbered pages have been changed to a little bit "bigger" numbers ^^;;
for every page that's a multiple of:
-500, the first poster gets 500 gold.
-1000, the first poster gets 1000 gold
-5000, the first poster gets 5000 gold.
so if you get say page 8500, you'll get 500 gold. if you get the first post on page 9000, you get 1000 gold. but if you get on page 10,000 (you lucky gaian, you), you get a whopping 5000 gold!!
as of this post, Rydia-Beck is also an official FG-4-PG barkeep. for those of you older members that dont remember if you are or aren't a barkeep, you might wanna check this first post again to see if your name is there. remember, the barkeeps CAN serve ramen and stuff for me while i'm not here. i'm not sure if any of you have forgotten that or what sweatdrop but i'm just saying.
(12/20/06 ...about 1:45 am, CST)
sorry for the lack of "me" everybody. i'll try to be on more since i'm back home for the holidays blaugh
i also noticed that some people i don't really know like to add me to their friends list ninja they're from this guild, and that's good and all, but if we do become friends, i'd rather get to know you a little better before i add you right off the bat. the best way for me tog et to know you better is to talk to me in FG-4-PG (obviously). PMs can work too, but i'm sometimes busy with them, so if you're reading this message, and you happen to be one of those people that wants to add me, try not to go nuts on me if i don't add you right away x3
big props go to Raz and becca for rocking my socks off in general in the short time that i've talked to them in the last few hours.
e-props to everyone in Ace's Sex For All thread
aaaaaaaand huggles for IM since she's back from her (rather sad) leave of abscence