Storm is done, lots of superficial damage to buildings but from what I can tell no one locally got hurt, lots without power still though.
I feel kinda bad cause people keep visiting and saying they have no electric, tried to offer a fully charged power bank to a bunch of them but they were to proud I guess to take it.
I have just seriously been addicted to pocket camp, the complete version gives you so much premium currency I can just keep playing it for houuurrss, lvl 48 already trying to grind to 50 so I can have bigger cabin.
I've been doing the opposite of you Rydia and been binging it to distract myself from all the latest bad tidings.
xp My main takeaways from it are future games should have a tracker for friend quests like PC does, I remember in Wild World/City Folk forgetting what the task was and then not being able to finish it.
Selling directly from inventory is just
heart Yeah I've watched an entire documentary on the Waffle House Index and how it can be used to accurately measure how bad a disaster is because they are always the last places to close and the first to open. Was really interesting, poor workers though.
Yaaay to getting the Emporium! Now shopping and selling will be slightly less annoying. That daily item RNG can be harsh though, remember constantly getting like a rubber duck over and over again
xp Hoping to have a look at the catwalk backlog tomorrow since I'm aiming to be home as much as possible, soooo mich laundry to do I swear my entire wardrobe is currently in the to do basket.
Hope the walk through for the house goes great! Let's get that bad boy sold!