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Reply ⟡⟡THE KINGDOM OF SPAMALOT! (Spam here & ONLY here)⟡⟡
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 12:42 pm

Beeen a crazy busy last few days, like 1k in sales days.
Everyone seem to resent spending the money like why you even here and taking it out on me sweatdrop

Sorry to hear the weather is grim there it's the same here but an absolute deluge of rain. It's been heavy raining here for 3 days straight to the point that the drains aren't working in places, counting my lucky stars tho cause other areas got floods and landslips.
That game looks really cute tbf I'll have to have a look at it!
Just downloaded Pocket Camp complete and really liking it so far, feels kinda dangerous to have an Animal Crossing on my phone I can play at any time xp

Omg I've only bought like 4 xmas gifts so far and one of them was for myself lmao, I really gotta get my butt in gear with that but I'm selling gifts to people so much of the time and when I am off I'm either cleaning, washing or fixing something I have long neglected.
Might be doing most of it on Amazon in the evenings.

Sorry you've had such extreme weather Ryd I hope the power stays up and you can just huncker down and wait for the storm to pass User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. heart
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 4:50 pm

yay on pocket camp! i been crafting and popping in on it for a few days for a few minutes but havent taken time to rly sink teeth into yet but i know i wanna keep logging in daily for goodies cuz that holiday stuff!!

and ya i'm still enjoying gourdlets so chill and cute. happy game.

might have a raid tonite dunno. some ppl absent. fine either way lol always tired. brought it lil more wood got big chicken order from butcher that bro brought in. big a** box of trimmed chicken breats. i packed away like 17 zip locks of 2 chicky breasts each in freezer lets goooo.

we ready to get thru the month grocery wise and a couple lil gifts each and stockin candy. rest of it is all being careful trying to survive till that house sells and we dont have to pay on it anymore!

have a great nite ya'll!

Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 3:11 pm

not alot going on today and totes fine with that. first day lackin s**t ton of chores and wood to gather. i have been a couch potato most of the day except the hike to the mailbox for a few presents for the folks. might play some rockband after i check on a few game things.

trying to decide on either duck simulator or gourdlets. both kinda run in background if you want them to and gain ducks or flower thingies for more furniture.. tough decisions lol. balmy 23 farenheit out this evening. keeping the fire. getting used to being up every 2 hours to get fire for 2 weeks now. kinda feel a slight permament sleep deprived buzz now lol.

i think after tomorrow we get a few normal days no fireplace so yay altho sunday i gotta go cut up rest of the wood cuz middle of next week we got like 4 nites cold again wheeee. stay toasty!
PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:58 am

So Storm Darragh is happening, I live basically in the middle of it.
Like living in the opening of Wizard of Oz, trees been ripped up and thrown around. Neighbours front wall facade got ripped off and is now down the street in little peices.
Lots of places without power but I live right by the town center where all the shops are, guess they get priority cause I still have power. Lights have been flickering though.
On top of all that we still had to go to work despite one person having no electric and ultimately not coming in, another who was genuinely terrified and so got there real late. Sold one thing the entire time while the wind blew crap into the store through the door we aren't allowed to close.

Been hell of a day and it hasn't let up yet sweatdrop
Bf is doing a huge fry up now and we are gonna hunker down in a room in the back of the house til this all blows over, pun intended.

Been playing sooooo much pocket camp to just chill out and stay calm, the complete edition is so good, I bet they made bank on the original microtransaction game cause I swear this app has more features than New Horizons did (apart from terraforming).
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The level of customisation on absolutely everything is *chefs kiss* though, more than makes up for it imo User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Is Duck Simulator similar to Goat Sim? xp

Here's to a tomorrow where I won't have to duck while walking because the air has roof slates going through it! xp


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:31 pm

omg i hate that you're going thru that over there i hope its gone soon and noone got hurt. absoluately ridiculous about the shop some ppl are so dumb and greedy. like the waffle houses in the south have an awful reputation for not closing for the apocalypse so it was an occassion when they actually shut down for helena hurricane.

i loooooove looove the animal pocket camp set up ya got love seeing pics. i need to commit more time to it im at least trying to log on daily and hit the daily things but im so busy and tired keeping the house and fire place running during the freeze spell while moms away and keeping bro straight lol.

duck simulator isnt like goat simulator its a kind of interactive wallpaper almost where you get to turn the camera around an area with 2 parts like a top deck pool and a bottom and watch rubber ducks fall from the sky with diff outfits and abilities and sounds when u click on em. they interact sometimes certain ones with others in ways u dont expect. i dont wanna spoil lol. its just a peaceful thing to open on side and tinker with as you get more ducks over time. log in during holidays to add those ducks. can save game with tons of ducks to return to. very peaceful game but funny!

rly into new leaf too. just passed 3rd fashionista report today im getting nook emporium shop in a couple days i bet woot!

im so glad to hear pocket camp is a blast that's what im hearing from folks too. when i finally get some down time to rly soak it up i bet its gonna be great. till then im at least checking in on it so i dont miss holiday stuff. and yes they made dosh with the freaking microtransactions i remember. there was so much you just coudlnt do. and i got bored of it cuz i didnt wanna spend 40 hours on a furniture set or spend 10 bux to get it. i unlocked the promo items for new horizons and uninstalled.

so they def got their money from that phase of it and now with the set pricing lol. but i'm hoping they realize that wasnt the way to go. it cheapened the game a bit. good to see it get some cred back for the cell release!

oh gosh im just now gettin on pc at 730pm. still staying up every 2 hours of the nite keeping fire but hoping i dont have to tonite. if the temp drops just 2 more degrees i will tho. gotta get that fashion report done on ff14 and catwalk here lets gooo! happy weekend friends! sending non stormy thoughts aaron!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:01 pm

technically tomorrow in est as i post this but i think it'll count for the 8th cuz pacific time lol. busy af today. mom came home for a day or two to get caught up on her laundry and she has a check up same day as my dentist reschedule for tuesday. so i went nuts and swept mopped whole house and made 2 chicken pot pies and got rest of xmas decorations out. 1am but its all done lol. well for now. still few things to wrap as they come in the mail.

nite ya'll!

edit: its 230am now and i keep coming back to this 4 dollar freaking game. i got like 20 hours in it now i bet lmao best 4 bux bf ever spent! rofl GOUURDLETTTS

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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:57 am

ahhhhh! someones interested in house just got a call gotta go mom and i going up to do a walk thru video hi loves bai loves!!! gotta run! fabulous day! never know.. could be the right buyer!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:30 am

Storm is done, lots of superficial damage to buildings but from what I can tell no one locally got hurt, lots without power still though.
I feel kinda bad cause people keep visiting and saying they have no electric, tried to offer a fully charged power bank to a bunch of them but they were to proud I guess to take it.
I have just seriously been addicted to pocket camp, the complete version gives you so much premium currency I can just keep playing it for houuurrss, lvl 48 already trying to grind to 50 so I can have bigger cabin.
I've been doing the opposite of you Rydia and been binging it to distract myself from all the latest bad tidings. xp

My main takeaways from it are future games should have a tracker for friend quests like PC does, I remember in Wild World/City Folk forgetting what the task was and then not being able to finish it.
Selling directly from inventory is just heart

Yeah I've watched an entire documentary on the Waffle House Index and how it can be used to accurately measure how bad a disaster is because they are always the last places to close and the first to open. Was really interesting, poor workers though.

Yaaay to getting the Emporium! Now shopping and selling will be slightly less annoying. That daily item RNG can be harsh though, remember constantly getting like a rubber duck over and over again xp

Hoping to have a look at the catwalk backlog tomorrow since I'm aiming to be home as much as possible, soooo mich laundry to do I swear my entire wardrobe is currently in the to do basket.

Hope the walk through for the house goes great! Let's get that bad boy sold!
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Sparkly Phantom

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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:21 am

dang lvl 45 that's awesome! rly glad its scratching the itch! i played it a lil bit tonite while mom was touching up paint on stair wells. i am 3am getting in bed cuz we were up painting all nite any windowsills that had chipped paint so it can pass inspection. that family that game do seem to want the house so we'll see! omg i'm exhausted. nite nite time!'

i thought i had 3 gracie fashion checks but no emporium yet must need 1 morelol. i need to sleep i'm nodding off mid type and have dentist consulation at nooon in like 8 hours. hf!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:04 pm

Passing visit today turns out bfs mum and my sis are visiting is a very short timescale sweatdrop

Hope the day is bountiful! heart


Vice Captain

Sparkly Phantom

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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:00 pm

got appt for couple fillings mid january. least it wont mess up the holidays so i'm good with it. i thought where my back molar stopped hurting and feels strong that i woudlnt need a root canal but dentist lectured i shoulda made appt to get it done sooo.. probably that'll be after fillings in january..

gettin old is just s**t falls apart and u duct tape it together to hold up till teh wheels fall off lol so i'm doing my part! glad no teeth are getting pulled. i'll live.
finally got a tiny bit further in pocket camp. is cute!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:07 pm

so busy today. weather turned cold and nasty tonite so i spent all day getting mom sorted. bills mail paperwork cooking packin. but she made it where she was going and bro made it home. trying to get a couple hours goof off time b4 raid. have a lovely wednesday!

Rydia-Beck aka Lillea


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Sparkly Phantom

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:08 am

Xmas rush is in full swing now my god, grinding out that comission but I am coming home burned out every day.
I keep just doing online things on my phone and leaving my laptop not on, me and bf tried too do more Saints Row Co-Op but it disconnected and crashed way too much.

Cuuute camp!

Here's mine User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
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It's a shame they nerfed the online friend features for the complete edition, I can help ya get in the quarry still tho User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Between work and trying to pull off my own xmas shopping I am so beat,
Imma liee down and stare at the ceiling for a bit

Have a fab one! heart
⟡⟡THE KINGDOM OF SPAMALOT! (Spam here & ONLY here)⟡⟡

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