Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:46 am
Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty I know!!! i could warm him up with my hands! um.. i wouldnt do that... probley go and grab it with a peace of paper and a cup and bring him inside the houce to warm him up...we dont want knitterz to get stung. hes to sleepy for that.. yea.. i think hes dieing... sad poor bee... but i still wouldnt want you to get hurt.. becuse bee stings suck! yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be...
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:47 am
NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty I know!!! i could warm him up with my hands! um.. i wouldnt do that... probley go and grab it with a peace of paper and a cup and bring him inside the houce to warm him up...we dont want knitterz to get stung. hes to sleepy for that.. yea.. i think hes dieing... sad poor bee... but i still wouldnt want you to get hurt.. becuse bee stings suck! yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be... lol let the bee ...be...
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:47 am
Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty I know!!! i could warm him up with my hands! um.. i wouldnt do that... probley go and grab it with a peace of paper and a cup and bring him inside the houce to warm him up...we dont want knitterz to get stung. hes to sleepy for that.. yea.. i think hes dieing... sad poor bee... but i still wouldnt want you to get hurt.. becuse bee stings suck! yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be... lol let the bee ...be... xp the fuzzies on his back are really soft<3
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:50 am
NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty hes to sleepy for that.. yea.. i think hes dieing... sad poor bee... but i still wouldnt want you to get hurt.. becuse bee stings suck! yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be... lol let the bee ...be... xp the fuzzies on his back are really soft<3 quit touching him.. he is probley in pain as it is... id just let him die quietley.
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:54 am
Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty hes to sleepy for that.. yea.. i think hes dieing... sad poor bee... but i still wouldnt want you to get hurt.. becuse bee stings suck! yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be... lol let the bee ...be... xp the fuzzies on his back are really soft<3 quit touching him.. he is probley in pain as it is... id just let him die quietley. gonk i put him outside already! *pout... mutter*.. daddums...
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:55 am
Ta heck with my ball bat this bikini is hawter than victoria secrets. I wants this outfit for real life lOL!! And I sympathize with the bee problem. I'm terrified of bees and wasps but feel bad when I make someone kill them. I try the cup thing and take them outside same for spiders. I actually even had to get drunk. Fight my cat (black cat Remey-my baby!) and get him by the tail and took him round front and dropped him on my landlord's doorstep. mwhahaha! rofl
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:57 am
NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty Darthspanky NeonKitty yea i know... and im alergic to them >.<;; .. ima put him in a flower pot and let him be... lol let the bee ...be... xp the fuzzies on his back are really soft<3 quit touching him.. he is probley in pain as it is... id just let him die quietley. gonk i put him outside already! *pout... mutter*.. daddums... well i jsut dont want our little knitterz to get hurt *hugglez*
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:58 am
SorceressRydia Ta heck with my ball bat this bikini is hawter than victoria secrets. I wants this outfit for real life lOL!! And I sympathize with the bee problem. I'm terrified of bees and wasps but feel bad when I make someone kill them. I try the cup thing and take them outside same for spiders. I actually even had to get drunk. Fight my cat (black cat Remey-my baby!) and get him by the tail and took him round front and dropped him on my landlord's doorstep. mwhahaha! rofl thats mean to do to a cat....
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:59 am
yay!! ride her peco! XD peco is doin missonary to my nala doll!! omfg rofl
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:01 am
NeonKitty yay!! ride her peco! XD peco is doin missonary to my nala doll!! omfg rofl lol
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:03 am
oh now come on! I'll be the old cat lady by 80! I didn't actually fight him literally! It's just the poor thing was under the chest of drawers and we were both grabbing for him and his claws are from prehistoric times and the mousey was the size of my thumb. I just got to him first. My cat owns my apartment. I have no say according to him.. He dictates treats feeding, mauling, lap laying. He's always flopping on my laptop cuz he's getting jeolous of my time on gaia! Shh... he might hear! eek ninja
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:12 am
Is there a mod who will do me a favor. One of my first and bestest friends I met on gaia said he'll join fg 4 pg's. Will one of you send him an invite. I know I've not been here long but I'll vouch for him. He's funny and sweet and cute and will be good on here! Here's his gaia name: TheBlueWarrior I told him to post at Manji's here first cuz I'm here and I'll know he joined. Pweeez! mrgreen
Professional Conversationalist
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:29 am
Yowza! he's in the gizziuld!!! (what the heck was that word? rofl ) Yeah! Thank you mod gods!! What happened to the idea of a girl president, she's dancing in video next to 50 cent! Listening to new Pink cd! Dancing next to 50 cent video on tele!!! rofl
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:30 am
SorceressRydia Yowza! he's in the gizziuld!!! (what the heck was that word? rofl ) Yeah! Thank you mod gods!! What happened to the idea of a girl president, she's dancing in video next to 50 cent! Listening to new Pink cd! Dancing next to 50 cent video on tele!!! rofl your way too hiper and happy today...
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:34 am
*Walks in and sits next to Rydia* Hey everyone! biggrin