Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:04 pm
Darthspanky Mara_Brightwing Hiya, Kitt, and IM, and Blue, and Sheer, and Rydia.... I hope your body feels less uuggghh soon, Darth... ya im going to go and try to get some stuff done.. maybe lay down for a bit... gonk *cling*
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:06 pm
I'm back!! Flails both arms like a tard! eek rofl
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:07 pm
SorceressRydia I'm back!! Flails both arms like a tard! eek rofl *flails like a monkeh* wb! xd
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:07 pm
SorceressRydia I'm back!! Flails both arms like a tard! eek rofl YAY *gives Rydia a big hug* biggrin
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:07 pm
TheBlueWarrior *still eating ramen* I hope Rydia gets back soon. *takes a swig of rootbeer* Aww!!!! That's why I luvzsh ya! Hugs! Howdy all! heart
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:10 pm
So I'm in a dilema.. not really but. Make breaded catfish balls (no don't think it!) balled up catfish breaded! hee hee or just go the easy way cuz I may mess up a real recipe right now and just go for grilling hot dogs and corn? Listening to fix you by cold play. Pretty song! lalala! heart
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:13 pm
SorceressRydia So I'm in a dilema.. not really but. Make breaded catfish balls (no don't think it!) balled up catfish breaded! hee hee or just go the easy way cuz I may mess up a real recipe right now and just go for grilling hot dogs and corn? Listening to fix you by cold play. Pretty song! lalala! heart I would just grill Hot dogs and corn. Don't forget the Cosmos! wink *Gives Rydia another hug*
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:15 pm
LOL! That's what I'm having actually! rofl Get outta my head! Speaking of which..... I must've gotten molested by some bunny cuz look at these ears! ninja
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:16 pm
*yawns and pulls out her bob... kneeds it with her claws and lays down for a nice nap* ~purr.. purr.. purr~
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:16 pm
I look like a girl who scared hugh heffy into barring me from the bunny mansion LOL!
Professional Conversationalist
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:18 pm
Sprinkles cat n** on neon kitty's bob! That'll be funny later! blaugh
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:18 pm
SorceressRydia I look like a girl who scared hugh heffy into barring me from the bunny mansion LOL! Lol, your crazy. *pokes Rydia* So it sounds like your having fun. Want to dance again?
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:18 pm
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:25 pm
*pounces* CAT n**! numnumnum
Professional Conversationalist
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:28 pm
Aw hell Sakura's on the n**! Grabs blue and swing dances. Don't know how to swing dance but we'll learn together. dance dance!