sooooooo..... how's the family? wait we already went over that lol
hmmmmmmmmm gots 400k.... guess its time for some shopping whilst i listen to mah satelite radio..
oh! btw ya'll should totally try free sirius satelite radio lemme find the link. its totally free for a week just ur email and name then they email u the password and login.. then in a week u just give em a new email. we went ahead and bought it cuz we already had it in the car and are hooked on it
they have an outgay radio channel that i just love even if i am straight they go over so much that i keep up with news wise and funny shows and just talk shows where they talk junk bout celebs cant explain it but its win xD
edit: k here it is the free 7 day trial there the 2nd button down for ipod touch or computer.
smile then just favorite homepage and up top is a Media Player button. u click it and put ur login and pw in and listen away music channels and talk shows news eeeverything . uuuuuur welcome