Chillin! I have stress ate my butt up about 5 pounds and I've had it! I'm getting stiff and blah. So we're on day 2 of eating like an angel.. packing ahead lil jars of oats, yogurt and fruit and little to go salads to keep outta trouble. and i found some low sodium triskits that while are very much like eating slightly salted bark are not the worst.. probably because that's how much i crave the salt. and we are sticking with the dancing on just dance and walking. hopefully it'll shave off a few lbs. just 6 lbs and i'll quit crankin over it! rofl

dealing with trigger thumb cuz i wrecked it gardening with bad hand practices.. beating plastic stakes into ground with palm.. suprisingly not a good idea.. also shoving a hoe at an angle to break ground.. probably not the way right? dramallama i think it'll heal in few weeks. but hard not to worry. i cant play rockband guitar and that peeves me but rly.. first world problems

so lets break out some kava and mmo's.. they didnt tell me to quit pc yet. and they may as well not rofl

if someone needs a snack or a drank just holler