With all the uniqueness of Earth there isn't another planet like Earth in the known universe there may be planets that are
livable but we will never find one more livable than Earth.
But the argument can be made that there is no God because there is Evidence ((though very little)) that he doesn't exist
And there would not be more than one God there is only God capital G he is unique and God is his name.
But there is more evidence that God does exist, by just looking at the sky look around you see comets you see blue stars, all of these things would not be in existence if there was no God, because blue stars well for lack of a better word explode in the billions of years required by Evolution because they simply cannot reform, in fact no star can form they explode, and the gasses start to join into a circular form and are about to ignite from the friction...the gasses disperse and go out into the infinite void that is space.
There is no evidence that God doesn't exist, none. And if one refers to evolution, than that doesn't defeat God, only a certain concept of God. (Evolution itself isn't even actual science, to be actual science it would need to be re-testable but as we all no it isn't, for the fact that it would take millions of years to test it. All we can prove is Natural Selection, which is only a part of what is needed for evolution to work.) But thats going into something entirely different.
But my argument for the existence of God would be that of information itself...DNA. DNA, as we all know is the make up of biological organisms, which is made up of a four letter alphabet, which put together makes up what we look like. Now if you were to walk down a street and read in the sky 'Drink Coke' you would not think that it was an odd cloud formation, no you would automatically know that someone had wrote that in the sky (via plane). Where there is information, there is a mind behind the information, and DNA is the information of biological organisms. (This is a philosophical deduction of scientific evidence. Had to point out because I've noticed people enjoy getting that kind of thing mixed up. (By the way what you said Phoenix was pretty dead on, and usually what I would use, though a tad different, hahaha)