o.o I'm questing for my dream avi...
And, a little of help wouldn't be so bad at all ><
I Have The Cheaper Items, But The Collectibles Are The Problem ><
So If Anyone Donates One Or Gives A Little Of Gold,
I Would Really Appreciate It...
Well...Here It Is ><:
User Image
Total Value: 86,237 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Romani Glasses
Celestial Wrap
Buttoned Down Fauna Shirt 'n' Sweater
Black Tie
Black Catscratch Pants
Leather Elf Shoes
Heart Shaped Box of Sweets
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
Fox Ears
Syaoran's Goggles
Thx For Anything You Donate ><
Well...Just That biggrin
Bye, Take Care ><