You put in the channel number for Comedy Central. A funny comedian is onstage telling funny jokes. You watch for a few minutes, waiting for the cat lady to return with the milk, and you laugh and laugh at this guy. I mean, he's hilarious! A total riot! He's amazing and you have no idea why you've never seen him before. Doesn't anyone else think he's funny?

Soon he's telling this joke involving his wife, a cat and a curling iron and you bust a gut at the punchline. You can't stop laughing, ready to roll around on the floor in tears when he tells another hoot. Suddenly you realize you can hardly breathe, and you try to stop laughing, but find you can't. You try to grab for the remote to flick the tv off... but it's too late. You've died laughing.

Better luck next time, chum. Why Not go back to the start and try again?