Well guys Im back...seeing that my other requests for items werent responded...i decided to make a new one...if you can donate or get me one of the items...It will gladly be accepted and ill try to return the favor...just name it....
My myspace anyone? Please add me crying

Witch-craft and what not...
-Its not realy that good and It is my fave creation....the tattoos are just for show so you dont need to get me those....or the pants an shoes...or the gloves...I just need the scythe and mask...

User Image
Total Value: 84,145 Gold
After Exclusions: 75,557 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Black Tribal Torso Tattoo
Black Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Black Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Coal Gunner Boots
Black GetaGRIP Gloves
Western Zodiac
Those Black 90s Pants
Four Horsemen