
Am I seriously the only one here with a thing against the Death Note ending? o.O


Loved the beginning, then somewhere in the middle, a bit before L dies, it looses a chunk of the awesome-ness. From Near onward it just lacked and lacked worse the parts that made the show so awesome at the start. I hated that last episode (well, the last two). Ya, it was fun to see Light freak out, but, I dunno, it lacked. Besides, he's the one that told L in the first place about shinigami, and displaying that he can control the time of death and has a police connection. :/

naw, i feel ya on death note sucking at the end.

i hate those sad/melancholy/it had to end this way kinda anime. crying

i also found a cute ova called "hoi-hoi-san", which came as a special bonus with the manga. its set in the near future were all household pests ((bugs)) are now immune to ALL forms of pesticide. so a company in japan created these tiny girl robots with giant weaponry who's sole job is to shoot all the bugs in your house for you. 3nodding its hella cute, and only 10 minutes long, so that's fun, too. xd

edit: here, i uploaded it for y'all. heart