hey im a fan of the online multiplayer war game called WARROCK. the main thing about it is. when u sign up and start to play you are in the lobby at first. now you can go to the item shop and see that u start with 30,000 dinar (dollars) ok now buy what weapons you want but be aware some are just for premium members (paying customers) so yeah i to ur left ull notice a guy standing there. thats the engineer. click medic and you will received a female character. medics have some pretty powerfull guns. learn how to use them. also next to snipers (my personal favorite) of course you know they snipe lol. yeah the only sniping weapons you can get at lvl 1 for sniper is the default the m24 and you can buy the ssg my favorite sniper rifle or u can buy the aug a rifle that can zoom only once but can shoot more rounds quicker than the ssg. the ssg has no speed but 100% accuracy. aim for heads lol. yeah ok now to assault. everyone should know them. main weapons like ak's, m4a1's, all that. Heavy trooper this is where the fun begins lol if u like to blow things up like vehicles choose the heavy trooper. sadly you only can choose three rocket launchers to use. you can have pzrf. its ok against vehicles but weak against ppl. rpg is strong on ppl and strong on vehicles. stinger is great for locking onto flying vehicles like 500's or heli's. but sadly the gactling gun is only for premium crying . i know it sucks. lol oh well. now there u go. also you can go to the k2 clan tournament site to register for clans that might let u in but u must have good kdr for most clans and good rank. like alot will want kdr(kill/death ratio) about 1.50 or more. and atleast a rank of 20 or more. im in a clan currently that is called the KnightReapers. We rule get over it lol. ok we arent a top clan but we just play to have fun and we dont hack to all those weaklings who have to use hacks to feel good about themselves. also we have a sister clan named S.P.L.A.T. its under the leadership of Corroded and KnightReapers is under the leadership of Flynchunky. both are awesome guys. they are funny and chunky likes to make jokes. his laugh is great. it will make you love him lol not gay way if u are a guy. just friendly way lol.