A couple of my friends decided that they wanted to do a comic book and to sell it at the major convention that we all go to in may (Anime North '09 heart ) . And they asked me to write it. So far we had planned it to be two volumes, six chapters each. So far I've done the first five chapters sweatdrop but I'll spare everyone and just put up the first chapter. 3nodding We were planning to sell the first Volume at the '09 convention.

Please let me know what you think and if you want to read more pm me!


Chapter 1 – The Interrogation

“Please don’t take me away, I’ve done nothing wrong!” screamed Larry as they dragged him into the interrogation room. The two guards that were restraining him placed him on the chair with an alarming force that it caused him to whimper. Larry sat in a bleak room colored in a pale gray. There were two chairs along with an empty desk and a two way mirror were the only things in the room. And the only source of light came from a light bulb hanging high above Larry’s head.

“The detective will be with you shortly” said one of the guards as he stepped out of the room, and closed the door.

Larry stared blankly to his left, straight at the door expecting it to open at any moment. The door opened with what seemed like no force at all. The detective came walking in with her nose buried in a folder that she was carrying bearing Larry’s name. Her hair was pulled back in a bun and her glasses were pushed down her nose; it made her seem a lot older than she looked. She looked sharp in her business suit as she slipped into the chair in front of Larry.

She had put the folder down when she started to speak “Did you think you could waltz in there, steal something, and not be caught?”
“No but I…” replied Larry but was interrupted by the detective.
“We have you on surveillance exiting the looted place.” As she showed Larry the picture of him at the store he had visited earlier that day.
Larry stared expressionlessly at the picture, he knew he was innocent.
“You expect us to believe that you have no idea how much money that item is worth?” she asked with the authority ringing in her voice.
Larry sat there his palms sweaty and beads of sweat slipping down his cheek.
“And we have a picture of your accomplice too.” She said with slight smugness as she put another picture in front of Larry.

His eyes widened as he looked at the picture.
“But I…” Larry stopped himself.
The inspector gave him a weird look. “You what? You don’t know him? I’ve played this game before!” she said angrily. “And because of your guilty status you will be staying with us. Your trial is in six months.” She looked down at the folder sifting through the pages.
“There will be no chance for bail; the evidence is pilled against you.”
Larry opened his mouth to say something.
“And we checked you can’t make bail.” A small smile was forming on her face again, she knew she had him.
Larry hung his head.
“And we’ll be taking you to our own holding facility for that duration.” The detective gave a little smirk.
“Take him away boys!” She shouted at the two way mirror.
As Larry was being dragged away by the officers, he couldn’t help thinking about the detective and how she had a nice a**.