Watching the man go from over his shoulder, Lan raised his eyes a bit. In truth, he didn't want him to go. He was selfish, and he didn't want the other to go to work instead of to stay here. Shaking his head, the chef brushed a few strands of hair from his face and smiled a bit. He would see him again. Lan was sure of it. Turning, he moved back into the cafe, his bandanna sliding a bit to reveal his streaked golden hair. A hum of interest left his throat. He hadn't been expecting Milo to say anything in response, but it was alright. He had made Milo blush - that had to count for something, right? Stopping next to Krinn, Lan turned and watched the disappearing back of the other man. His eyes were alive with a bit of mixed emotions as he considered what he'd just said. He hadn't asked someone out in over five years. This had to be an insane kind of first. If only it really was. Lightly brushing a hand over his chest, Lan blinked a bit at the irregular beating of his heart. When had it started skipping beats? Lan felt his ears burn a bit and turn red at the tips. Had he really been that pumped on adrenaline that he hadn't even noticed the change in his own self.

"You look like you've just run a marathon."
Krinn commented, back to his usual self now that Milo was gone. Looking down, Lan smiled a bit sheepishly and ruffled the kids head. "Oh really? I never even noticed." He said light heartedly, but his eyes drifted back to the door once again. That wasn't true - he had noticed before. And the worst part was that it was only ever around Milo. That was bad. That was only bad in Lans mind, actually. Everywhere else, it just set off butterflies. "I cant tell whether I should be jealous or entertained by you kids..." Lan thrummed, making Krinn blink and look over at the other. The kids storm eyes danced with confusion, and Lan looked over, blinking for a second before grinning. "You guys dont even know how to begin to grasp the concept of roller coaster relationships that adults have." He said lightly, ruffling the others hair again. Ignoring the aggravated yelp and "what do you mean by that?" Lan turned and started back for the kitchen. Krinn watched the other go with a bit of a pout and shuffled a little.

Lan was so weird.

One day he'd be completely sheepish and - and normal and the next day, he'd be flirtatious and "sexual". Or at least that was the term Noe had used for it. Poking out his bottom lip, the child crossed his arms and stared at the others disappearing back for a moment. "Whats up with him." He said to himself, unsure of whether to be concerned or amused. He felt bad for Milo, having to deal with the constant sexual advances of the devious chef, but at the same time he knew that Lan wasn't just that bad. And on top of that, he was happy that as long as Lan kept up with that, it meant more chances for him to see Milo. After all, the man seemed interesting. And fun - Krinn would enjoy talking to him more, if the chance ever came up. But first it was a matter of resolving the constant ups and downs of Lan and Milo. Krinn blinked and thrummed. Maybe that was what Lan had meant by roller coaster. A frown fell onto Krinns face. This was all too confusing. He was a kid - he didn't need to think about this did he? Not yet at least... Or maybe he should. Some part of the dust was curiously amused and interested in learning more about this strange human affair called love. Another part was a bit scared of what might come of it. Well, first off was making Lan act normal again. Not that he wasn't.... But ever since the appearance of Milo, the other had been all over the place. It used to take at least a day for him to go from flirty to sheepish, sentimental to sexual. Now it was like with a snap of the finger. Maybe that was one of the strange effects of love...? Wait, did that mean Lan was in love with Milo? Krinn blinked. He would have to ask the other. But if that was true .... -



The kid jumped when he felt a familiar weight on his shoulder. Shifting a little in embarrassment for being clung to like that, Krinn disentangled himself and turned to the girl who had bombarded him. She was what looked to be his age, with a cute spring time dress and leggings. Her blond curls bounced across her face in waves.
"Morning." She chimed. Krinn smiled. Same old, same old. "Morning, Willow." Krinn said, raising his hand to greet the girl. She was the owners daughter, and Jeckals baby sister. The two boys had easily grown a protective older brother feel to the younger girl, and usually made it a habit to watch out for her, no matter where. Of course, when they weren't getting protective, they were most likely getting annoyed by her sometimes constant jabber. A sheepish smile lit on Krinns face. Maybe he could ask Willow what she knew about love.... If she knew anything, that was.

Back in the kitchen, Lan had just burst through the doors to the back, only to yelp and hold his hands up when a spatula was pointed menacingly towards his throat. Noe turned to him, a grin on her face.
"Lan, you startled me!" She said laughing as she handed the utensil off to Shuuhei, who simply waved to Lan with a "please get her out of the kitchen" look on his face. "Now, before you take any further steps, give me a full report." Noe waved a finger in his direction, hoisting a platter of orders into her expert fingers. "I want to know just how much booty you've collected." She giggled, poking the others chest. Lan stepped back a bit and put his hands on his hips with a sheepish smile. "Not as much as I would have liked." He said to the second comment, sky blue eyes dancing. The familiar sound of the kitchen assistants clanging around in the background with Shuuhei yelling at them made the acrobat feel a bit at ease. Noe, however, did not. "Though I successfully asked him out. Thats gotta count for something." Lan said with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head. Noe literally bounced and wrapped one arm around him. The jabbering was drowned out as realization hit again on what Lan had just done. He had asked someone out. He had asked Milo out. This is insane. He thought dumbly to himself. He had never once held any sort of outstanding relationship. Milo might have been doing better in turning him down now. His mind sort of wished for it so that nothing explosive would come of it, but his heart was full heartedly pounding for him to not give up until he got a yes.

Watching dumbly as Noe pulled back and bounced away, saying something about customers and work, Lan grinned a bit and walked around to the back where most of their aprons were hung and tied one around his waist, brushing his hands over the white cloth before padding back into the haphazard of the kitchen before him.
"Shuu-darling, I'm back." He thrummed in amusement, the older man turning to him. Seeing a butcher knife made Lan sway to the side and away from the menacing thing before his counterpart put it down. "It looks like you came back with all of your limbs. Thats surprising." Shuuhei said, looking back at the other. "I want to hear all of the details later though. I want to make sure even you aren't getting in over your head." Shuuhei laughed fluidly and waved a hand at the other, turning to bark orders to the kitchen staff as the two began to collect orders from the front. "Because the day you get in over your head is the day this kitchen explodes." Looking over, Lan laughed at Shuuhei and smiled disarmingly. Too bad. Glancing down at his order, Lan conversed with the other light heartedly as they began to move back into routine. All the while, Lan smiled to himself, not telling Shuuhei what exactly what was on his mind.

I'm already in over my head.
