I differentiate between the person and the beliefs of the person. A person, to me, is to be respected until proven otherwise. A person's beliefs, however, are fair game. That reciprocates. I don't expect anyone to respect my beliefs or ideals, and so I don't mind if someone doesn't. If someone does, well, it's a welcome thing. Not required, though.
See that's another difference. My beliefs are important to to me and are an integral part of who I am. To disrespect my beliefs is to disrespect me. That's why I don't disrespect others beliefs because those beliefs shaped that person into who they are. Their beliefs can tell you a lot about the person, at least that's what I've noticed.

Don't take my disrespect of your beliefs as pointed at you. If it helps, think of me targeting the words.
Doesn't matter what you intend, its what I gather from your comments. If I see your comments as insults because they're insulting to me then they're insults. Simple as that.

And that's entirely on you. don't care that you insult people do you? Geez this is why I get so upset talking to you.

I only care if I do it intentionally. And I only do it intentionally when it's in person and I can see their face when it happens.

It reciprocates. I don't care if someone insults me either, and will most likely get a kick out of it if it's creative.