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xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:15 pm
roleplay between ;; Platy&&Ama ( too lazy for usernames ) /// inge&&oxiin and krinn&&lan. please dont post unless you are one of those two.


The last week had been utter.... utter.... Oh god, what was that word? Hell. Well, thats the phrase Lan would have used, had he been in his poor charges situation. The last week had been utter hell. All because - as Shuuhei had put it - hormones. Krinn let a loose sigh fall off of his lips as he padded along, awkwardly staring at the ground, his hair falling over his shoulder in waves. Half of the newly grown hair was tied back into a stormy ponytail, but the rest refused to stay in such a formal position, and now wrecked havoc on him and his entire being. He wasn't used to long hair, he wasn't used to long legs, and he certainly wasn't used to looking like this. Another sigh, and Krinn paused, recapping on the situation at hand. It had been going on for a bit over a month, he supposed. Lan had noted that it looked like he was finally growing up. Krinn had noticed some subtle hints to, but no one thought much of it. And then last week... Last week Lan had been called out for something, and had needed to spend three days over at the cafe, sleeping over, renovating, and working day and night for a special event. During that time... During that time, my body decided it hated me. Krinn thought to himself, tugging on one of the long strands of hair. During those three days, Krinn had basically had a growth spurt - "to the extreme" as Lan had remarked in between gasps and a light flailing of the arms.

Krinn said to himself, raising both his hands to try and push his hair away from his face. "Its not that long is it?" The teenager was now referring to his hair, which had basically decided to have a seizure during the three days he had literally just... grown. Lan had come home and.... well, started to crack jokes at the other. After all, not only was his hair longer then Lans, but he was also awkwardly taller then him now, which made his guardian even more amused by the fact that Krinn had decided to have a sudden growth spurt. Whenever the teen denied that he had anything to do with it, Lan had just snorted and shrugged it off. After a few days, Krinn had ceased trying to convince the other of anything different and had submitted to the horrible corny jokes. Even though it wasn't funny! Krinn groaned out, sticking to a traditional pout. As well as that, it was true that he felt a bit different... The young adult shifted his feet and picked up his pace. Thinking about it wouldn't get him anywhere, anyways. The dust had decided on traveling through the city today - after all, Lan had gone off to do something and Krinn wasn't inclined to join him as it most likely had something to do with the person he was currently infatuated with. A ting of red appeared at the edge of his ears at the thought of that. Ridiculous. The rain dust straightened himself up as he felt the sea breeze knock into him with a gentle force, and couldn't help but smile. Nowadays, he moved more fluidly then he had as a child - subtle changes appearing in his walk, his talk, and his overall being. Where there had been unrefined curiosity there was now a shaky exterior of self control and limitations. Of course, little did he know just how unstable his patience would become as a teenager. And being a rain cloud didn't help much at all, either.

Too lost in his thoughts, Krinn barely registered that he had started falling until a few seconds later, when gravity seemed to laugh at him in good nature. Because of his new growth spurt, his legs had become a bit long and lanky, and Krinn was still not used to the change. He had already fallen down the stairs, tripped over himself trying to walk the dogs, and had simply fallen on his a** more then just a few times. A yelp never made it to his throat, instead, Krinn tried to rebalance himself and only managed to twist around and land on his back on the hill next to the concrete he had been walking on near the shopping area. Of course, it didn't stop there. Instead of being able to get up and brush himself off, Krinn gasped breathlessly when he felt himself tumbling down even further. Giving off a loud "umph!" when he finally reached the bottom, Krinn groaned and put two hands to the back of his head, shaking sand from his hair and the kimono that was only pulled on half way to reveal a white tank top. He had landed on the beach near the docks, and as the sea breeze filtered through Krinns ears, he sat up, exhaling a bit and staring down at his lanky legs.
"Stop that!" He ordered them firmly, as if they had a mind of their own. Sighing, Krinn shifted a bit and tilted his head back, watching the waves slide back and forth over the sand. Narrowing his eyes lightly, he thrummed a low note of newfound disinterest and picked himself off the ground.

Maybe someone would come along and cure him of his boredom.

Maybe someone would come along and tell him how to act his age.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:24 pm
Puberty; what a bummer... As much as he knew everyone went through it, Inge couldn't help but silently believe that Mother Nature had been particularly cruel to him and had dished out an especially malicious serving of hormones. Occasional growth spurts that left his bones and muscles aching and weeping for mercy, hair sprouting all over the place – the fisherman now had to shave on a fairly regular basis to avoid having a wiry beard like his adopted father – and worst of all; spots. They just wouldn’t leave him be. He’d struggled with all of the suggested remedies, eating healthily, drinking plenty of water. He’d even gone as far as to buy some quack medicine from the market; a potent smelling cream that he smeared on his face every evening. Yet always one lurking spot remained... Currently it was on his right temple. An angry little thing, that seemed to swear at the world from Inge’s forehead. The fisherman luckily could use his straw coloured fringe to conceal the most part of its red glow, but even so, it was painfully present; he couldn't help but raise his hand to it every couple of minutes to readjust his hair for maximum shielding.

It was irritating that the spot was so aggressive when he was ordered to go to market; a place full of people to see the brand of his teenage body. What if whoever served him happened to be an attractive lady. Rather than sweet talking him she’d most likely see the spot, grimace, before sending him on his way. ((Not that an attractive lady had ever been found manning the fish tackle stall, but there was always a slim chance?)) Huffing slightly at this thought he crossed his arms and scuffed the loose sand underfoot. He was taking the long root round – going down the thin stretch of beach from the docks before turning inwards to get to the market. As per usual ever snippet of time away from his grumpy father was a blessing and when in a bad mood the refreshing stroll was a godsend.

However, it seemed as though he was not alone on his sullen walk down the beach. Another youth, perhaps the same age or slightly younger, was coming towards him. Inge would’ve ignored the other boy if a strange recognition didn’t tug at him. He could’ve sworn that he’d seen that storm grey hair before... Then it clicked. The Aimes spring festivities. He’d gone over to this child’s father to inquire what he had perched upon his head – some furry critter garbed in a minute dress. The bizarre thing was that back then the boy must’ve been a mere 12 or 13 back at the festival. Now he seemed like a teenager, lanky and gangly; probably laden with all the same problems that Inge himself had. It had only been a small passing of time since then, a few weeks or a month at the most. Growth spurts did happen, Inge had shot up a few inches in a month to overtake Jeremiah, but not to the extent exhibited before him...

Curious, Inge waved at the boy – hoping that he would be remembered vaguely and that it was indeed the same boy. After all, this lad in front of him could well be the child’s older brother and Inge would look incredibly stupid if that was the case and thus he stopped the waving, biting down on his enthusiasm just in case. Luckily for Inge the boy didn’t notice his waving, as he’d got tangled in his long limbs and had stumbled to the floor – cursing his own limbs as if they had somehow been the cause of his fall. Perplexed Inge approached him.

H-hello? Are you alright?” He inquired, struggling to recall if the child from the celebrations had given him a name.


X Purple--Platypus X

xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:59 pm
Krinn watched the sky with a hardy look, trying to figure out why he felt so different - both physically and mentally. Lan had mentioned something about hormones and puberty.... but he had distracted himself with work and told Krinn it was the kind of discussion that a mother was more likely to have with her daughter. If the teenager hadn't been so worried about himself, he would have probably noticed the obvious awkwardness that Lans face and eyes showed when he had told him about it. Luckily, he was a boy and not a girl, else the poor chef would have probably passed out. Sighing, Krinn put his hands on his hips and wobbled a bit, not sure he trusted himself to walk around on what almost felt like new legs again. It was like he had barely grasped the concept of walking now that he had grown, and if he didn't get a concussion just from trying, he was sure to do something insane. Bending over a bit, he placed his hands on his knees and hung his head between his shoulders with a sigh. This was ridiculous, what was he supposed to do? There was a strange shifting in his gut all the time now, and he couldn't even get his emotions in check. Was this what it was like to be a teenager? If it was, Krinn wasn't sure he liked it. And on top of that, his voice had changed too! The first day Lan had got home, he'd almost fainted just from hearing the break of Krinns voice and the deeper, more mature tone that now took over.

About to stand and stretch, Krinn blinked when he heard another persons voice, asking if he was okay. He was tempted to snap "no! I'm not!" but that would be rude, and certainly not an optimistic choice for him. Looking up, he spotted a familiar face and his eyes narrowed slightly as he tried to remember who this boy was. Standing at his full height, a bit taller then the other because of his new lanky legs, Krinn blinked and cocked an eyebrow.
"I guess it depends." He rumbled in reply, rubbing the back of his head where a sore spot now formed. It hurt to the touch, but with a few days, it would be gone. As long as Lan didn't try whacking him upside the head again, he would be alright. Blinking as he felt the slack of his ponytail falling apart, Krinn frowned and snagged the hair tie from his hair, collecting the fallen strands back in an array of something resembling a stormy mess. Tying it back like he'd been taught a few days prior, the now grown teen glanced over the boy, trying to place the face with the name as the boy offered up an attempt at his name. "Close enough." He thrummed, shrugging his shoulders up and down. "I'm Krinn." He said loftily, waving one hand in the air. And you are...? He thought to himself, still trying to place it. He had seen him... somewhere. Just then, a little hint rustled in the loose dark blue pouch tied to the edge of the kimono. Looking down, Krinn blinked, seeing a familiar set of ears poking out from within.

Oh, right.

He'd let Mon Cheri come along for the ride, after all. Hearing a familiar mew, he reached two long spindly fingers down and scratched her head, glancing back at the other teenager now. That was right, he'd met this kid at the Festival... And back then, he'd just been a kid. A small smile fell onto his features.
"Inge, right?" He asked, remembering the name from when Lan had been talking to him. His voice was a low rumble, something he wasn't used to. Deeper then before, but not to the point of sounding scary. It was fluid and melodic on a good day, but when it started to break again, it became all over the place. "Its nice to see you again - you work on a boat right?" Krinn eyed the other up and down, his dimmed curiosity still shining through in the corner of his mismatched eyes.

Blinking as he came upon something strange and alien to him, Krinn frowned a bit. There was... something red on Inge's forehead. If it wasn't so alien to Krinn, he probably would have cracked a grin. However, he simply raised an eyebrow and scuffled forward a bit, examining the thing without noticing Inge probably didn't like his staring. Cocking his head to the side, Krinn raised a finger and poked it lightly - using his new advantage of height to see it clearly. Leaning away and putting his hands on his hips after his inspection was complete, the teenager knitted his eyebrows together in a curious manner.
"What is that?" He asked loftily, not thinking much of it even though Inge probably thought about it quite a lot. "It looks strange. Is it new? I didn't notice it before..." Some things do end up changing, in the end.

Krinns curiosity however, would never falter in the least.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:39 am
The boy greeted Inge with a sullen snappish air that made the fisherman ponder whether making conversation with the peculiar boy had been such a good idea. After all, the other teen would be quite irritated by his stumble, and Inge could sympathized with him - it was never nice to make a fool out of yourself, especially in front of someone you knew and Inge starting a friendly conversation seconds after wouldn't be well greeted by anyone in such a position... However, it also appeared that Inge had mispronounced the name of the youth and Krinn correct him with an authoritative rumble, loosely waving a hand to Inge in a gesture that he should also donate his name. The wave was almost lofty in it's casual yet demanding nature, further confusing the blond; this 'new' Krinn was quite a way away from the child with polite and friendly mannerisms that Inge could recall from the festival..

The teen was about to respond with his own name, when there was a rustle of fabric and Krinn was retrieving a familiar furred creature from the pouch hanging by his side...

The curious critter from the Spring celebrations that had initially drawn Inge to the gather of people wedged between the stalls!! What had the animated man, presumably Krinn's father, called it? Mon Cheri? Hoping to lighten the atmosphere between them Inge nodded at the boy's recollection of Inge's job whilst scrunched his face into a display that cleared showed how adorable he thought the beady eyed creature was. Alongside the pet the boy seemed to have remembered Inge's name and pleased Inge nodded. "Yeah, Inge's my name," He looked on as the other indifferently scratched the intriguing creature's head - Inge half wondered if the other had discovered what exactly the creature was. However, before the question could even form on his lips the other boy was leaning forward oddly matched eyes - one a piercing cyan the other a light grey - and examining his face closely.

For a second or two Inge was truly baffled. What on earth could Krinn be doing? But then the awful realisation hit him. His spot. The flaming spot devilishly placed on his brow. Gritting his teeth and slapping a hand to cover the dratted thing Inge hissed; "Nothing, just a spot." Didn't the other teen have the manners not to point it out?! Surely he understood that raging hormones were a bane upon the skin and resulted in profusely ugly growths that scared off girls almost as though there was a sign floating above you saying something akin to "KEEP AWAY!!!"?? Then again, Inge scanned him with sea blue eyes, Krinn didn't seem to be plagued by that problem...

Lucky guy.

X Purple--Platypus X

xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:00 pm
Sighing as he realized the other was probably noticing the irritable air to Krinn, the dust stood at his full height and tried to work the irritation at his new lanky legs out of his mind. It was troubling, to have grown so fast without any time to accustom himself to this new body. But taking it out on Inge was not the smartest thing at all. Whatever happened to him being polite and overly embarrassed? Maybe it came with growing up. Maybe being a teenager was like this. Krinn frowned to himself. That didn't sound too good. However, the gut instincts were all mottled and hard to clear and figure out. His emotions were all over the place, from happy to irritable, to angry and even sullen. This is so confusing. He thought to himself, hiding a pout. He'd have to ask Lan about this thing called "growing up" later. To him, it was just a strange event that messed up his entire way of thinking. Remembering Inge, the dust glanced over and sent a small smile towards the boy.

When he was told that he had gotten the correct name, Krinn sighed in relief. At least he hadn't messed that up. Of course, it had been up to him on a constant basis to remember names for Lan at some point. The man had a memory as good as a squirrel, but only to people who didn't interest him for more then three minutes. As the other boy gritted out that it was "just a spot" when Krinn so obliviously pointed it out, the teenager cocked his head to the side with a frown. Why was Inge so suddenly flustered? What was wrong with it? Did people view it as a bad thing. Lan had told him once that a "hickey" wasn't something a person should flaunt openly, and had cleverly left out the note on exactly what a hickey was. Perhaps this was something of a similar nature? Krinn raised an eyebrow and drew back. He didn't want to make the other even madder then he already looked.
"A spot?" He repeated, looking the other up and down. "Is it common? Are you supposed to get them?" Krinn felt his forehead for any of these "spots", but his hands only brushed over marble skin, feathery soft as though it were made of tufts of actual rainclouds themselves. "Ah, is it a human thing?" He asked obliviously, cocking his head to the side. "That might make sense..." Krinn muttered to himself. As of late, he had a habit of referring to things that differed between dusts and humans as either human things, or dust things. The dusts abilities, for example. And then the notable trait of actually having two viable parents. Krinn was still looking for more. And perhaps this was one of them?

Krinn stroked his chin in thought, his elbow rested against his loose arm, wrapped calmly across his stomach.
"Lan forgot to tell me anything about these... Hnn. Thats weird." Blinking, Krinn blushed. He was talking to himself! Ridiculous, how had he managed that? Looking over at Inge, Krinn raised both of his hands and waved them in the air, turning a bit red. "Ah, sorry about that! I was muttering... again." Krinn laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. It was funny how talking to himself seemed more embarrassing then an angry red spot. Though Krinn was thankful he didn't have any of those. Looking down as Mon Cheri rustled again, he made a small sound and held out his hand to the pouch, watching as the creature wriggled out and crawled over his hand and onto his shoulder, sniffing his cheek tentatively before licking it and mewling. Mon Cheri had her own way of saying hello, after all. And she seemed to have taken more of a liking to Krinn then she had to Lan, who had almost forgotten she was there in the middle of icing a cake. Smiling a bit, Krinn turned to Inge and looked him over again. "Sorry again about that.... I guess we might have gotten off on the wrong foot." He paused, and looked sheepish for a moment before straightening out.

"So what brings you here, anyways?"
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:43 am
Inge had to seriously double take when the grey haired youth inquired about the spot. Krinn seemed totally unaware of what it was and still had his head cocked, intently checking out the blemish on Inge's brow. For the self concious teen it was truly unnerving and Inge's opinion on the boy was swiftly going downhill; Krinn hadn't enjoyed the embarrassment of falling over in public, thus he should equally understand that Inge felt equally irritated at the spot. The other boy's almost innocent question of; "Is it common? Are you supposed to get them?" Didn't seem like much of an excuse either. All teenagers knew the horror of spots and acne - even if they weren't personally subjected to it. What was the other boy playing at? Why would he bother playing dumb? However, the next thing that the teen said really threw Inge off course leaving him rather lost for words.

"Ah, is it a human thing?"

That implied that, unlike Inge, Krinn wasn't human..? The fisherman raised a brow and took a slightly wary step back as the other continued to ramble - something about Lan not telling him something or other. The hairs on the back of Inge's neck were raised as the boy stopped muttering and sheepishly inquired to what Inge's purpose for his outing was. However, he wasn't given a reply straight away, the youth was too busy observing Krinn; taking in the tousled grey hair, almost animated enough to appear blown by some stormy wind, and the rather vacant eyes.. Where had he seen eyes like that before? The memory of Cadaver, a boy collecting herbs in the forest rose to mind. The boy had been pleasant enough and Inge hadn't noticed it at the time... But their eyes had that same almost empty quality.

"Uh- I- well, I need to get some more fishing gear from the market." He choked out. No longer quite sure how to deal with the situation. After all, neither Krinn nor Cadaver had shown any signs of wishing to harm anyone.. But the natural fear of them not being human tugged at his gut and urged him to either run away or confront the peculiar teenager in front of him. But Inge bit back on these urges - best not to ask, he may not like what would result from finding out.

X Purple--Platypus X

xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:01 pm
Krinn watched the other carefully, taking his reactions in and mulling them over in his head. He saw the other step back and raise an eyebrow, and almost let a sigh loose from his lips. He shouldn't have said anything - he wondered if Inge would understand. He was so used to blurting things out that it had become a habit. Saying "it must be a human thing" probably sounded odd to Inge, now that he thought about it. Krinn rubbed his temple a bit and smiled sheepishly at the other. He didn't want to pull anymore stupid stunts, but he had no idea if he would or not. Thinking before leaping and then reflecting later had become a bad habit of his and one someone really needed to stop him from doing. Digging a canine into his lip, Krinn brushed two gentle fingertips over the top of Mon Cheri's head, listening to the purr of the creature against his shoulder. Nuzzling the teenagers cheek, the familiar thrummed a low note of pleasure and sunk into a peaceful sleep, gripping firmly to the other like she was anchored to him. Smiling a bit, Krinn glanced up and examined Inge once again, still intrigued by the angry red dot on his forehead. What could have caused it, he wondered in the back of his mind. People were such interesting creatures.

"Fishing gear?"

Krinn perked up, his curiosity peaked by this new thing. A smile was already on his face. He knew that he'd messed up once, and that Inge probably thought he was crazy now. After all, not many people said "it must be a human thing" and got away with normal stares afterwards. His mismatched eyes examined the boy for a second. He worked on a boat, and he fished for a living? It was such a mysterious thing, and Krinn was interested in finding out more.
"I've never fished before, and Lan doesn't know a thing about it." Krinn admitted, a faint flush on the edge of his cheeks. "How do you do it? Fishing? I heard it takes a lot of patience..." Pausing, Krinn blinked and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, by the way, I dont want to keep you from your work. We're actually going on the same direction though." Krinn put his hands on his hips, turning to fully face the other with a soft glint of mischief in those gray and blue depths. "Want to walk and talk at the same time?" The dust grinned and waited for either acceptance, or a polite decline.

Hoping it was the first option, Krinn took the time to examine the other for a moment. Other then the angry red spot on Inges head, there was nothing wrong with him. Sure, he wasn't picture perfect, but who was? Krinn was too girly for his own good, after all. The thought of what other society might think of the boy flew right over Krinns head - after all, he had grown up far too oblivious to peoples aspects on how others looked on the outside to understand it at that moment. Biting his lip, Krinn went over their previous conversation again. Something about that spot bothered Inge, and he obviously didn't like it being pointed out. Maybe it hurt? Maybe it was bad? Lan didn't like it when he got bruises, or cuts, or these things called hickeys that Krinn had still yet to get an explanation of. Maybe it was like that? A hickey? Well... they were red. But not like that. Krinn felt the urge to stomp his foot. He wanted to ask so bad! But Inge probably wouldn't like that... Krinn bit his lip again. Sometimes curiosity had to be contained, as Lan had chided him. Waiting for Inge again, Krinn tried to avert his eyes from the spot. Not out of disgust or anything of the like. But simple curiosity.

That would surely be the death of him.
PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:08 am
Chewing nervously on a nail, Inge nodded as Krinn bombarded him with questions regarding fishing. It seemed as though the dual-coloured eyes really did hold no understanding about fishing, which would've unnerved Inge regardless of the other teen's apparently different race. However, the fisherman was determined to remain polite and civil towards Krinn despite his obvious apprehension about the youth's bizarre nature; thus he answered Krinn's queries as best he could... "Well, yes. It does take a lot of patience when you're fishing the 'normal' way. Sitting around with a rod waiting for a fish to bite. But I don't really do that type of fishing for a living; just as a hobby. It's not that practical; too much waiting around and not enough fish at the end of the day." He paused, taking a breath and collecting his thoughts - thinking how best to explain his type of fishing to someone with apparently little or no knowledge on the subject. "The fish that my father and I catch to sell are caught using nets, rather than rods. Big nets that we drag through the water with our boat to ensnare lots of fish in one go. It's much more economical and has a lot less waiting involved. Though when it comes to pulling in the nets full of fish it takes a lot of muscle! It's hard work!" With his final exclamation he flashed the other boy a weathered grin and pulled back a sleeve; flexing a toned arm in teenage playful banter. For a moment he nearly forgot that this guy wasn't a fellow human youth to have normal teenage rivalries over who was more toned.

Regathering his feelings, feeling a little foolish for letting himself slip so easily back into forgetting, he stitched a polite smile back onto his face. Inge could still see no reason why he should avoid the company of the storm haired youth. So far he had been pleasant enough; admittedly a little quirky, but otherwise harmless. So long as he kept himself aware of the peculiar nature of the other teen he would be just fine. Thus he nodded his head, locking up his fear and placing it aside for the remainder of the short journey to market...

"So..." Inge began, scuffing the sand with his foot and taking a step forward. "What do you need from the market?"

X Purple--Platypus X

xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:36 pm
Fishing. It sounded fun, but in a way in which Krinn would have to watch from afar. Knowing him, he'd just fall into the water after the fish. Stupid way to go, right? Inge was probably wondering exactly what he was now - the air seemed to hold a new string of tension now, thrumming along with Krinns growing pit of unnease. He hated being looked at as something incredibly outlandish. "Normal way? I see. It sounds pretty boring - more like something you'd do with friends." Krinn admitted, crossing his hands behind his back and leaning onto one foot, cocking his head slightly with a hum. He could only imagine Sable or Cada trying to fish - if they hadn't before. Those two would either give up, fall in, or somehow turn the situation upisde down. If Krinn had any say in the matter, at least. He almost felt a bubble of laughter escape his throat, but tamed it as best he could. Best not get on anymore of Inge's cautious side, eh? "Nets? They sound huge. And heavy." At the mention of muscle, Krinn glanced over, looking at the toned arm with his dual toned eyes. A smile tore onto his lips and he couldn't help a bit of good natured laughter escaping. "Well, it looks like you've got plenty of that! It sounds exhausting." He admitted, calming down a bit.

As the two began walking, Krinn hummed, swerving in and out of the salty water as it washed over the show and over his flip flops, wetting his ankles and feet with whispers of amusement in his ear. Watching the waves, he hardly remembered that Inge probably didn't view him very normally anymore, but when the other asked what he was going to the market for, Krinn glanced up, blinking for a moment before grinning over at the other.
"Le'see... I'm supposed to meet up with Younka, get dog food, cat food, the new shipment of halters and the saddle that someone from the stables ordered, oats, bird feed, flea medicine..." Ticking the list of things off on his fingers, Krinn smiled sheepishly and looked over at the other. "And then I have to wait for someone to bring down the shipment of hay, and help Younka load it." Yeah, it was a lot, but the Old man had appointed Krinn as something of an errand boy. And with two pairs of hands once he got there, the giant load would seem a lit less troublesome. But running back and forth in this heat was hardly something new. As of now, it was sort of expected. Grinning over at Inge, Krinn flexed his own arm, the toned muscle showing through. It wasn't much, compared to Inge, but it was enough. "Its not as hard as what you do, I bet, but this requires lots of muscle too!"

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