@Psycha — Is part of your aversion to taxis because they tend to be unsafe?
Mexican taxi's and buses are scary.... well buses is according to my mom growing up there and taxis is from the realization that most of them don't have seat belts for anyone besides the driver...
One thing you should avoid unless necesarry a picking up a taxi from the stress, take the bus safer and the taxi is really safe but the ones you call from your house to pick you up some place, they are more expensive but are safer they dont steal you, and buses well the only thing that oculd happen is a theaf getting up and ask everyone in the bus for money watches or jewelry but nothing has happen to me and I have almost a year living in Mexico in the capital
Um no not lies, I admit that's probably not true of ALL but that's what I'VE noticed when getting in taxis. As for the bus thing, that's from my mom's stories of people literally hanging off the bus to try and get to the University in the morning. That story just made me wary of bus safety. Of course that was about... 20 years ago so I'm sure a lot has changed.
Well lots of people use the public whats it called transport to get to university or their jobs like the metro the bus the metro bus and yeah they are really crowded Once in the metro I had to get down one station later becuase they never let me out and its a shame not many people here in mexico has the culture of using the metro not like in europe