Have you all heard of the electric car (no not a hybrid, electric) one of the companies had some years ago that after a short time they recalled all of them and made it illegal to own or drive one. They are all still sitting in some guarded parking lot just cus they don't inhale gas and poison the earth?

And yes hummers are for driving in army/war quality terrain just like all modern cities and suburbs. rolleyes

Also I ride the train to school everyday and could take it into the nearest big city. And what makes me sad is that years ago people had dreams of the world being crisscrossed by trains. That vision is gone and yet driving is so more work than riding a train where you can amuse yourself with a book or just look out the window.
I love the reactions of the occasional kids I see. There is so much more for them to experience and no seat belts for them to feel confined in. (no one likes that feeling)

Yes. They are being revived though. (At least over here)
But you're totally right..and it's the reason why cars have so many fatigue parts.
With the ucrrent technology you would be able to build cars that dont need maintenance or part replacement for yeaaaaars, while being much much much more economic than yoru standard car.

But...where is the profit in that?

And the dream of trains crisscrossing still lives on. There are things like the venus project with people who strive for just that.
They'll fail though... if not alone for the fact that the world is already filled with places to settle...and they plan to crate a whole new society.
Definetely interesting and great on paper, imho... but... yeah -_-
(But then again I'm a sort of scientific..dreamer or something. I did want to work in the research branch after all -_-)

It's sad. It really is, such things are, imho...a real pity. because they'Re based on real, feasible solutions which cannot be turned into reality cause everything else disallows it.
And then people wonder why the world is so boring now...
I mean it's 2009.... tube transportation my bloody foot. Enjoy your slow "everydys people" advance so even our big new breakthroughs flow into a hazy mush of familiarity.