I know this may be too old for a lot of people who are too obsessed with their Halo 3 and Soul Calibur IV yoda-whining but I recently stumbled upon my disc of Nox while I was cleaning out an old dresser and noticed it was scratched beyond repair, and shattered in a few places somehow maybe from the pressure of being stuck under a box full of MTG cards, but I went on an internet soul-searching and found the NoxForums and re-realized what a fun if graphically non-complex game it is.

Well tangent aside I have two questions for anyone.
Have any of you ever heard of or even *gasp* played this under-rated game that EA trashed soon after gaining Westwood studios?
Second anyone else have any games that make them well up with fond memories that are fun to play and that they'd like to share with us?

(Small tip if you try Nox for the first time, don't try conjurer right off the bat you die in melee and have 'terrible'* spells but if you can micromanage your pets you'll do fine)