I kinda wanted a place to tell about one of my gaming storys so I made this thread

Its a story your choice to look tell me what you think

That was it they made it to the finale and my squad had to stop a group of 4 we outnumber them greatly we saw them leave their preparation room we knew if they surived we would have lost and they would have escape. Even though we out matched them number wise they had guns we didn't we had Smokers,Hunters,Boomers, and the occasional Tank and of course a massive horde (too bad they can get killed very quickly).Our team knew there location at all times and their Health status too. Tot try and kill them we when to places they couldn't and we tryed to weaken them befor they can contact their Evac. We constricted them ,Jumped then maul them,even summon the Horde but before we inflicted a good amount of damage on them one of their teammates would come to the rescue then of course punch us and shoot us ,but of course we kept trying.(I think they were holding M16s).Anyways the 4 were 3 guys one being Bill a Green beret he was ,Francis a guy that looked like a biker, and a black guy called Louis he was wearing a tie he looked like he was the everyday man and the last one was a girl called Zoey she looks like one of those colledge kids.Now back to the events they broke through our army and used the raido in the house to call an Evac what made it worse was the house had suppiles Med kits,Pipe bombs, a weapon stash,and a Mounted machine (Chaingun).From past evac expriances I guessed their rescue would come in 10-15 min we had that much time to kill them before their only way out arrives.They had no choice but to wait in our territory . we charged into the house army in all.They took a formation each took a spot on the second floor they put themselfs at the corners in each others sight to make sure they stay alive we hardly ever seperated them and when we did one of them came to save then since whenever one goes alone we try to inflict as much damage as possible on them.Something happend to change that we had a Tank it has two powerful attacks launching a big projectile and one massive blow powerful enough to send one flying.When entered the house the 4 ran to the lake and they fought it there we tryed to help by using our jumping and mauling ablitiy but we discovered in the lake its no good we had to count on our Smokers and the Tank to kill or at least bring their status closer to red,but because the one controling the tank died they ran back to the house and thus they camped again on the second floor .Time passed the the evac arrived I felt mad that we didn't down a single person and I didn't have control of the tank,suddenly that was going to change I was the next Tank I found my self right on the deck to the evac boat I didn't care about that all I wanted to do was stop them from leaving I charged in their M16 fire as it hit my body didn't scared me in fact I was hardly hurt so I delivered a blow I got 2 people with that strike one fell into the like the other was Bill lying there on the floor despertly trying to kill me with that little pistol I raged out on him hitting him and throwing random pieces of concrete at him he was still alive.Then I remebered the other surivors were one pier it was Francis and Zoey since I knew that they had to get on the boat and they would run if I approached them I think I ripped a part of the ship then threw it at them Francis took the hit Zoey was alive shooting me with her M16 I ran up to her with a devastaing blow she slided up the hill side she was still alive so I backed up then landed the final blow on her I looked around as I got back on the ship Louis was missing since I couldn't find him I turned to Bill who was still trying to kill me I approached him then. Then the ship left with me and Bill I'm not sure what ever happened to Louis as the ship departed I asked my teammates where was Louis?.I think one said "I think we killed him" that made me wonder was he still on the ship? But the fight was over the boat was leaving the boat meant to rescue the the group of 4 .

And these events happend on 5/11 with me wanting to be the Tank again someday and me feeling the accomplishment that we together had "All 4 dead"