Was a point in time I got bored and just wrote a vampire story it's not very long but it's intresting.

The life of some are Normal wake up to see the sun the hand in front of your face clearly visable, the details lit by the vibrant glow of the sun. For some mabye an alarm sound to wake the from their dreams then agian there are those addicted to the ever famous snooze button trying to return to their dreams wishing for that extra 5 minutes to return to their paradise. This situation might be discribed as the start of the day and is nearly known by anyone who breathes, how ever there are those who have diffrent ways to start a "Day" or in very few cases ways to start a night. my story doesn't begin with the sun but with the first sign of a star, the street lights glow, or mabye the hoot of an owl. From here is where I will begin.

12:00 A.M.

A small click was all it took, to drag me from my dream. The slight snap of a light switch as the nieghbors turned the lights off as the night had finally arrived. My eyes opened glaring at the darkness in front of me as I slept on the floor of an assumed abandon building. The walls were thin and small crack allowed the light of the moon to shine through. The night seemed quiet as if all was dead. But the smells in the air were thick giving me hope that I would eat easily tonight. I walked down the stairs as they creaked I took silent breathes as if someone was sleeping in in the rooms above and below. My decent from the top of the stair case seamed to last hours as I slowly made my way down small holes in the walls could be noticed where photos were hung for years before the building finally layed empty without owners without love or care it seamed to be as lifless as the night. As I finally reached the bottom step my breathing returned to normal lettign out a sigh of relief as if the air on the stair case had been polluted. I waited a few moments making sure no animals of anysort had wandered into the house during the day. After a few moments a small sound could be heard from front room. Walking through the house I made my way towards whatever was creating the small sound as my steps grew louder the sound seamed to stop. My breathe was silent as I finally looked into the front room small eyes could stared me down. I stopped focusing my attention on the creature it seamed to be frozen in time never moving as I entered the room. Then I made my move to quickly dash across the floor but barley making a sound as my movemnt grew closer the yes raced towards a small opening in the wall but my speed out matched that of the small animal I threw my arm forward grabbing a tail the animal let out a hiss seconds before my other hand grabbed the neck and snapped it.

1:00 A.M.

The house was silent again the night took over making no noice at all. The small animal now was motionless it eyes open but the life had left it;s body. I quickly glanced at the features of the animal it's fur was quite dark making it difficult to see but it was obvious the creature was a cat that had wandered through the opening in the front room. My first thought was to throw it into the street animal blood was never any good it was barly a meal yet it seamed wastful to simply let it rot. I stared at the animal for a few minutes before finally relizing it would be better to not leave a trail so my actions led me to the front door the cat in my arms I pushed my left armfoward opening the door it swung out letting out creaks as the hinges weakened. I looked into the street. It was empty noone walked around this time, no jogged, no one traveled not in this town it was silent I finally managed to step out the door and bent down setting the small cat on the bottom step of the porch. thne without waisting a moment dashed into the shadows by the side of the street. Travelign silently as I ran thorugh the darkest part of the street momentailry light hit my face as I ran making it visable my face wouldn't be concidered ugly in fact my apperance was young, but pale due to my lack of sun light my face was white and snow. I wasn't exactly mad at the life I lived, but it was diffrent. My body never aged so my ability to find someone to marry was usless because anyone that I was with would age as I stayed the same. My age was a mystery much like how I was made my mermories of past events was blurred and my mind seamed weakened by my iggnorance of events that happened during the day. I had met very few people like myself and knew none that were still alive that lived a life how I lived. My journeys had taken me many places and this town was just another stepping stone. The olny problem in this life was the difficult task of finding food. By many standards my tastes would be found preverted by many, But my tastes are my own curse due to the fact that olny certain people would truly taste filling. This night on the other hand my urge for blood seamed to be easily filled by just the right person.

2:00 A.M.

My hunt for food was over I'd found the perfect meal. Because in my view a young girl walked into view under a street light. Although this girl was wel ldressed her figure could be seen perfectly her body seamed to be perfect in everyway. The body was not quite the thing that captured my attention it was the smell of her blood. My taste as I menton ealier is based off a very simple emotion. Lust, I could smell the scent off her breathe that she was quite active in many ways I took a few moments figuring how I would eat this meal. Would I simple kill her sucking the blood from her lifless body or would I leave ehr alive by knocking her out. No I decided to to take the simple approach of restriant and draining the girl of jsut the right amount of blood to knocked her out. By dojng this her emotion for lust would stop and her scent would return to normal. I finally stepped from shadows staring down the young female as my hair fell out of my face I began to walk towards her. Her attenion seamed to be else wehere and didn't notice me approach towards her. I walked faster and got closer and closer, 5 yards.....4 yards......3 yards......2 yards.......1 yards..... I stepped right besides her my shadow left her in the shadow my appearance would have been fritening to almost anyone at this point finally she looked up at me she opened her mouth to scream I threw my arms around her and kept her quiet by placing my hand over her mouth and kept her arm by her side with my hold around her. I didn't say a word the girl seamed t ogo cold from the terror I had set I finally opened my mouth my fangs glowed as I grew closer to my victim as Finally get to her neck I sank my fang in draining, Feeding, Taking blood. I felt the emotion of lust being drain from her as I finally began to fill up I drained her of the most blood I could Without killing her. I withdrew my fangs and let her relax as I relieved my grip on her I then relized I couldn't simply leave her in the street I decided to hide her I threw her les up and retruned to the side of the road hiding then began to travel back to the house I had arose from.

2:00 A.M.

My footsteps had grown louder from the smal lamount of extra wieght I was carrying I made my way through the outskirts of the town my victum in my arms trying to get to my place of resident before it was to late but I fianlly stopepd realizing it was tstill dark. I looked up to see the moon as it was past the to pof the sky and now was returning to the horizan but it still remained ngiht and I would have plenty of time to return my victum. I wlaked to a field setting the girl down and leaned her againsts a tree makign sure to not hurt her. I then leaned agianst the tree as wel lbesides her supposrting her as I looked up into the sky. The ngith didn't have a single cloud to block the stars or moon and I had gotten far enough from the city street lights to see the sky clearly. I took a breathe I was now full and knew that I wouldn't have to eat til the next night. My victum laid silently. I assumed she'd sleep through the night. But as fate would have it assumptions never pull through for people like me.

3:00 A.M.

I had been staring at the sky for a long time before I relized my victum was awake. I looked at her she had her eyes closed trying to give the illsuion of sleep but I could smell the diffrence between a sleeping being and one that was awake. I tried to ignore her but find myself drawn to ask her so many quesions about the day time. I left the air silent free of conversation because I knew that if I let my victum live I would be found out. I then let out of deep breathe and too ka small pocket watch from my pocket seeign the tiem I knew somethign had to be done. My nature seamed like killing wouldn't be a problem, the animal at the abandon house seamed to be easy but killign someoen who'd I had fed on seamed....wrong. I guess it's a mystery on how my kind thinks our morales no problem taking blood but stopping its flow chilled my heart. I then raised a hand and tppedthe girl on the shoulder. Without a word I point at he city. Hers eyes opened as I did this and she raise her head and returned to a upright position she saw where I was pointing and began to rise. She then looked into my eyes and I looked into hers She opened her mouth but she didn't speak finally I rose to my feet and turn and began to run as I ran I didn't look back at the girl I had stolen blood from I could give nothing in return so no more quesion seamed to pop into my head I then began my travels back to the dark street where my home lay.

5:00 A.M.

...... I Stopped for some reason I never Finished this story I don't feel like writting the rest of it I don't think many peole are gonna read this anyway, So comment if you like it if someone accaully likes the story I'll write the last part