My sources are linked at the bottom.

This reaction to Virginia Foxx's statement is quite late... but I've only just heard it.

She said that Pelosi's healthcare reform bill is an "exercise of tyranny by the majority." (C-SPAN)

My problem is not with the statement itself. My issue is that she harbors such conflicting opinions. For those of you that don't know - she's the representative of North Carolina's Fifth District.

She insists that Matthew Shepard's murder was merely a robbery gone awry. She also insists that although the hate crime bill (The Matthew Shepard Act) is named for him, it's really a hoax, that that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills." (Source 2)
She truly doesn't think that Matthew Shepard's murder was a hate crime.

Now that the background is done - here's my problem. I would really appreciate both consenting and dissenting arguments here. I truly want to understand.

How can Rep. Foxx argue that the new Healthcare Reform Bill is an "exercise of tyranny by the majority" - while still being in favor of denying same-sex marriage? She's in favor of amending the US Constitution so that it defines marriage, but insists that it should be defined as strictly being between a man and a woman.

I'm also in favor of amending the US Constitution so that it defines marriage, and I'm willing to back up that statement. If the only special rights granted to married couples were State Tax benefits, I would be all for leaving it up to the states to decide. There are over 1,000 Federal rights that are not granted to the couples entered into a civil union. Marriage is recognized across all fifty states, with no heed to what state you were married in. For these reasons, marriage truly is a matter of the Federal Government and should be defined in the US Constitution. (Source 4) Separate is not equal, I'm sure that's an idea everyone can agree on. Civil Unions are clearly inferior to Civil Marriages.

By denying same-sex couples the prospect of Marriage, the government is exercising "tyranny by the majority."

How can someone accusingly and disgustingly state that the Healthcare Reform Bill is exercising "tyranny by the majority" when she agrees with denying same-sex marriage?

The conflicting nature of her beliefs.
Do you agree with her?
Stance on Homosexual Marriage?
Are there more people who feel like this?
How can someone who truly believes that tyranny by the majority is terrible deny rights to a minority? Or is it common practice/the right idea?
Do you think denying same-sex marriage is a tyranny by the majority? Why/Why not?

Any and all sources you have and wish to share are greatly appreciated!

Please keep your emotional responses tame. I wish to discuss this in a civil manner.


1. Virginia Foxx: On The Issues
2. Virginia Foxx and the Matthew Shepard Act
3. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx's Webpage/ContactWith the Public Page
4. FactCheck: Marriage VS Union