L O V 3 W I T H J U D A S



I really like the idea of Belle ! Because Arcadia would be so confused on her being so pretty but being somewhat the way she is x3 So that, in itself, would take her aback. So let's def do something with that !

With King, I'd be willing to do a fling but I feel like with his personality, I'd love to see how they mesh together. What do you think ? I like flings, but I love for jucy stories as well x3

xD No problem!
I'd love to get those two together then, I haven't had much rp with Belle recently, just due to RL business. Do you have anything in particular in mind or should we just toss them together? I love a little drama to keep things moving when my muse poops out n_n; Just to let you know I'm not a super fast rper, I can usually guarantee like one post a week and I'll try to do more but my job really wears me out so its hard for me to gather myself to reply sometimes, I hope thats ok!

And yes, we can definitely rp Arcadia and King and see how they do, I doooon't think he's romantic... At all... Maybe. I've never actually rp'd him with someone who is a potential fling so he could surprise me.,.. At the very least his charms will be staggered, so they will either need to not spend enough time together for him to be triggered into taking a swing at her to avoid scaring her off, or she'd need to be able to just shrug it off and realize he'll go back to normal quickly if she can just keep out of reach for a minute or two... Poor King, he wants friends so much x'D. Regardless of what you decide, we can definitely rp them, and no hard feelings if he's a little much for you n_n.