A Lonely Leaf
I'm not sure what sort of Christian I am. I hope that's ok. I'm still trying to figure out what God wants for me.

I went to the beach yesterday and it was on the walk over to the beach that I started talking about God. After a while, one of my friends said, "Can we stop talking about religion?"

I said, "I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about God," and then he didn't reply back.

I don't know if it is that he does not believe in God or if his faith is lacking, but it felt like he didn't want to listen to me talk about our Lord.

What I don't understand is why him and my other friend label me like I am some saint. Maybe they think that because I don't think like they do. The way they speak is more secular, using profanity on occasion. One of them says things sometimes that really makes me think, "How can he say something like that?"

You are not respecting them. At all they asked you to stop and talking about god all the time to people that are not Christian gets quite annoying.