who : Rindou & Jarett, with Esrey & Elyse
where : A Village, somewhere near Idia, Helena
when : Around 10 or 11 AM
weather : Fair, but slightly windy


This was probably the farthest from him home that Rindou had ever been in his life, and it was probably the most he'd felt afraid without being willing to admit it. Although Jarett had remained at his side for all of the journey, even allowing the boy to share a bunk with him during times they stopped to sleep in small inns or taverns that allowed room and board, there was a sense of urgency and oddness about leaving lands he knew behind. The familiar sounds and smells would be gone, along with many voices he knew, though Jarett reassured him that this was all going to be merely temporary and that they'd return shortly to the places he preferred to be.

Their travels, Rindou had been told, were because there were items in a place called 'Idia' that needed to be looked over. Thanks in part to many people wanting to learn more about other places, to immerse themselves in history from not just one specific place, Jarett had been assigned by the boss at his work to go ahead and check out some rather interesting artifacts. They were wanted for the museum, most certainly, but they museum wasn't willing to pay to have them shipped should the items be illegitimate and hardly worth what the demand for them was. Seeing as Jarett had slightly recovered from his wounds, now only possessing something of a brace on his foot to aid in his movements, it was considered that he was the best out of the options to go and view said relics.

This, of course, meant Rindou had to come along.

And this, of course, was how he find himself standing in an area that was totally alien to him. There was nothing for him to indentify, not by smells or sounds, and almost nothing for him to touch. Jarett had left Rindou there with a strong warning not to move, not even to think about trying to go anywhere, and almost as if to seal the deal since Jarett wasn't sure Rindou would listen - he was tied to a nearby tree. The rope around his wrist gave him free movement for a large space, he wasn't quite as restrained as one might think, but the boy frowned as he looked down at his wrist and the rope he couldn't see.

" . . .WHAT NOW . . . . . "