Best: My intership at this public preschool. Even though they didn't have a lot of funding or hi tech stuff. They loved all the students there and all the kids were warm and friendly. It didn't take long for me to make deep impacts to them. By the end of my intership even the shy ones would run up and hug me first chance they got. It was funny cause they would forget to tell their parents goodbye.

Worst: They were privately owned "preschool" and it showed. It's was just an overrated day care. They didn't care for any of the kids and didn't even help children with learning or behavioral issues. They kept allowing this one five year old to kick stuff and they would just send him to the directors office. All she told him that one day he will break his foot and they will laugh at him. stare Also, since I was bounce between different rooms I didn't really get to bond with any of the students... oh and every Friday they would just watch TV instead of reviewing what they learned so far or learn something new. It was just a baby factory.

I feel like in order to work with kids, you have to first like kids.

I'm tend to hear people in shock when they hear that I've worked with young children. I believe this is because of my world-views, but those are not something that would make surface when working with other people's children, and involving myself in their impressionable minds.

I voluntarily worked for a latch-key program, and it was a lot of fun, I had a first grade group - my only bad experience was teaching a young boy Math and he couldn't grasp it, so he cried. I felt terrible.

Have you ever worked at the YMCA? I have a friend who wants to try to get me in as I told him I was looking for summer work when this semester ends. I haven't worked with children for about 4 years but I'm eager to do it again, but I wanted to ask if you had any experience there, or what would you recommend even if you have had next to nothing to do with the Y.