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{Private} MD's Soq Rp Log

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:55 pm
My soquili's rps condensed here for ease of finding and reading. This is a private log, so please do not post. If you find an error in one of the rps listed here you have with me, pm me with the rp title and detailed description of what is wrong.

Page/#Post/Code | Title | Soq | Owner | Date Started | Date Finished
1/#1/Z | Watch Where You're Going | Xanthus | Favulous(Moxxiie) | June 11, 2010 | N/A
1/#2/Z | Wow, You're a Strange One | Xaivary | Haisyn Fierra | June 16, 2010 | Dec 3, 2010
1/#3/Z | The Cliffs Are Home | Thosi Pandryl | Divena/Divenasmom | June 20, 2010 | Dec 3, 2010
1/#4/Z | Back Off | Xanti | FitzRoyal | June 22, 2010 | N/A
1/#5/Z | I Bump You, You Bump Me | Vesuvius | Kamiki | July 17, 2010 | Dec 29, 2010
1/#6/Z | I Welcome You | Dangereuse | Wyntre IceBlade | Aug 10, 2010 | N/A
1/#7/H | By The Lakes | Houdini | Moonstar-xo | Dec 31, 2010 | N/A
1/#8/H | Easily Amused | Ebonyrose | Kathryn Dragonna | Jan 1, 2011 | N/A

Code: Letter- Soquili
Z- Zosime
H- Hipelagan

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:04 pm
Watch Where You're Going!

Xanthus had been flying high up among the clouds over the lake on his way home. A sudden hard gust of wind blew him to the side and careening out of control. He fought hard to right himself, but was having difficulty because the wind hadn't relented.

"Arghh!" he grunted, frustrated at his predicament, but still struggling to regain control. He was losing altitude, and fast.
Just a few seconds and he would probably fall into the waters below. Suddenly, he slammed into something hard, sending what air he had in his lungs out in a whoosh. He caught glimpses of something black and red. He thought he heard someone say something, and felt a sharp pain in his fore wing. The next thing he knew, the water was coming fast. He gave up on staying aflight, and focused on surviving this fall. He took a deep breath just as he hit the water.

Everything had happened so fast!

His entire body was submerged. He quickly started swimming to the surface, feeling more pain in his wing as he struggled to the top. He kicked hard with all four legs, and pushed with his wings despite the pain. He broke the surface and took huge gulps of precious air, still kicking and swimming to stay afloat.

Zosime was happily flying along under the clouds, minding her own business. She was grateful for the cloud cover as it shielded her from the direct rays of the sun. Being mostly black did have some disadvantages. Below her, she saw, was an absolutely beautiful lake. It looked so quite and peaceful. Briefly she considered landing for a small break. She wasn't sure that she was past the herd's territory; if they found her stopping on their lands... no she'd not stop and just go a little further.

Hearing an exclamation above her Zo looks up, only in time to see something large, whitish, and crashing into her. She yelps as the object, plainly outta control, sends her into her own dizzying tail spin. Knocked out of control a long canine tooth seems to graze something before she's sent spinning away. "Darn Over Grown Freak!" She curses and struggles her wings to righten herself. If only... A sudden gust of wind destroys her almost completed recovery. Her wings beat frantically, but gain no lift.

A bright blue object surrounded by green tells her that she's going to land here whether she likes it or not. At the last moment her wings tuck in out of instinct. It wouldn't do to hurt them. With a loud splash and fountain of water Zo meets the water. When she opens her eyes she under the water and floating on her side. Nearby at the surface she can see something large, with four legs floundering in the water. Prob'ly what hit me.

Moving to gain upright positioning she feels a twinge in her front right leg. The need for air compels her to engage her wings in sweeping strokes. Straining she thrusts her nose above the surface and gulps air. Zo fans her wings out to help herself float as she paddles with three legs. She quickly searches out the nearest shore and starts for it. As she moves by the other she casts a nasty look over her shoulder.

His heart was racing, and his mind trying to divulge what he needed to do next. "Gotta get to shore!" he thought, as he realized his positioning.

He saw another Soquili swimming past him, a red and black scaled Kalona-looking Soquili. "Oh great," he thought, "just what I need. A pissed-off kalona."

He swam towards the shore, trying to stay far enough away from the other Soquili. By the time his hooves touched sand, his wings and legs were sore from the strenuous swimming, and whatever had happened to his wing. He trudged up onto the shore, and shook himself to rid his coat, wings and hair of some of the water. He had a few strands of kelp in his hair as well, and picked those he could reach out with his teeth.

After checking over himself, he realized he had a cut along the meaty part of his left wing. It wasn't very deep, but was a couple inches long. He reached around to lick it and clean it, wincing a little at the touch. He would be sore, and probably have a scar, but nothing too serious.

He looked around to see if the other Soquili was still around, or if it had taken off again. He wanted to apologize and see if he had caused any damage to them as well.

Her leg reminds her in painful twinges as occasionally Zosime forgets and starts to use it. Luckily it seemed the shore wasn't too far as her feet touch bottom soon enough. She stands and pants to catch her breath before surging ashore. Once on dry land she shakes herself out as best she can.

Curse it! Her beautiful crest feathers were plastered with water against her poll and neck. They'd be darn uncomfortable until they dried too. She stands on three legs to keep her weight off her strained right leg. Well taking off is going to be bloody hard now. At least flying wont make it hurt. She growls softly under her breath at the irritation. Couldn't they have watched where they were going?!

On the way to a good sulking mood, Zo hears the sounds of splashing and turns to watch the other thrashing out of the lake with her red eyes. He, yes definitely a he, stopped to pull lake grass out of his hair and lick a wound. Well of all the nerve!

She hobbles over towards him, ears laid back. "Just what do you think you were doing?! Hasn't anyone taught you how to fly properly?" She sounds angry as her wings try to rustle but only drip water.

Xanth heard the winged Soquili coming towards him, and then it's voice, angry. "Uh oh." he thought.

He turned towards the voice, realizing it was a mare now that he could see her close up. "I'm terribly sorry ma'am," he said, bowing his head a bit to the female. "It was not my intention to collide with you in the air."

Xanth felt a bit of anger surge through him at her remark about his flying. "And excuse me, but I cannot control the wind. Things like that are unpredictable. A strong gust blew me off course and out of control, which is why we collided in the first place." He huffed. "Also, I could say the same thing to you. It's not as if you were dodging me either!" He had raised his voice a small amount in his anger. Immediately, he felt a pang of regret. He was usually such a gentleman.

Zosime pulls her head back and humphs. She seemed slightly molified by his apology. "Well since I doubt you really meant to hit me. At least not like that." A fast shake of her head sends water droplets flying off her head feathers.

"Wind is not unpredictable. In fact it is very predictable and if you were any sort of flyer you'd be able to tell that by the feel of it on your body and wings." She eyes him up and down. "And you DO have enough wings."

Her red eyes flash. "So! I am suppose to make up for your mistake and negligence?! How am I to avoid you when you come out of the middle of no where?!" She sounds outraged. "You shouldn't have been flying so high in the clouds! Any warning you could have given me and I would have gladly let you crash into that lake by yourself!" Even though wet her feathers were trying to separate and stand up in her irritation. The look was probably pretty comical.

He was getting pretty annoyed at this female's arrogance and tone of voice. "If I'd meant to hit you, it would have hurt a lot worse, and you probably would still be in the water." he said, a small growl entering his voice now. "Come on Xanth, stop this." He told himself. "Are you really picking a fight with a mare? Especially one with sharp teeth..." He shook his head, trying to rid himself of his conscience.

"Thank you very much, wind is very unpredictable. You might know this if YOU were any sort of flyer. Gusts come up all the time and when the wind changes direction suddenly, how is anyone to know when that would happen?" He ignored her comment about his wings, because yes, he did inherit a big mass of them, even if at the current moment they were soaked, and feathers plastered together. "I won't be using those wings for a little while now," he thought bitterly.

He paused a second. She had a point. Neither of them could have prevented the accident, and so, they should both just calm down and move on.

He gave a huge sigh, and another shake of his body. He could try to amend the situation, or just walk away and let her fume. "What would mother do in this situation?" he asked himself. Sighing again, he looked at the angry mare.

"Let's just take a moment and relax. Clearly, this was just a huge accident. Perhaps we can just both walk away and forget it happened. I do not wish to fight with you, for two reasons. One you are a female, and I was taught to refrain from fighting with females if at all possible. Two, this is just silly and doesn't merit either of us gaining any more injuries over it."

"As if you could hit anything if you tried!" Zo shot back. There was no way she'd back down from him. Her feathers slick back tight against her neck, signaling her intent to attack soon. She'd show him what it really meant to be hit by something on purpose.

"Clearly you don't know how to read the winds. Go back to your mommy boy! The skies aren't for the likes of you." She curled her lip back and sneered. Well if he wanted to get down right to insults, she could go there.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?" The fury filled the mare's eyes. No two-bit stallion was going to tell her what to do! "I don't see your ideals. I could take you on easily and you just don't want to admit it.

"You may be right but I will not fight with you." he bowed his head towards her, showing his submission. "I am a far better stallion than that, and I do apologize for my loss of control in the air, and of my anger here on the ground." His voice calm and collected. It was amazing how he could be so angry one second and the next he had gained control of his emotions. It was something he was working on. He hoped to keep his emotions in check so that he didn't lose control, but it would be a while before he was able to do that.

Xanthus stood up tall, and tried stretching out his wings a bit to air out the feathers but felt a pain in his wing again. He didn't stop, just winced through the pain. It wasn't quite as bad as he'd thought. He still wouldn't be able to fly for a day or so.

This sudden change in his demeanor surprised her. What got to her more was the fact he apologized. Zosime blinked at him for a moment, then fluffed up her head feathers. "My apologies as well. I do know winds can be unpredictable. Perhaps I acted a bit harshly from the cold dunking."

She ducked her head slightly in embarrassment. Just a moment ago, she was ready to lay her fangs into him. Now Zo could sense an awkward moment coming up and she strove to prevent it. But how? She remembered something while falling that she hadn't noticed at the time. "Um, I think I hit you while we were tumbling. Do you want me to check it?"

He chuckled a little at her immediate change in attitude as well. Sometimes someone just needs to apologize to lessen the tension in a situation, he thought, and smiled because his mother had told him that long ago.

Relaxing his wing again, he folded them back in. "I'm Xanthus by the way," he said, putting a name to a face might help alleviate a little more tension in the air.

He thought a second on her offer. "I think it's just a knick from your long teeth, but it should be okay in a day or so. It's mostly sore. I definitely won't be flying for a day or so." he said, watching her. "But sure, you can check it. He extended his hurt wing again, careful not to move it too fast, but still causing himself a bit of discomfort.

She relaxed further as he remained friendly. Perhaps he wasn't as bull headed as he'd seemed. Her head tilted slightly to the side. "I'm Zosime." She did not stupidly say 'It's a pleasure to meet you.' Yeah, I'm pleased to meet you right after I try to attack you, just didn't seem to go together.

Stepping closer to peer at the spot, she was mindful of her fangs. Sometimes she just forgot they were there. "Hmmm I see swelling, so its bruised at least a little. But it seems you were lucky in that you missed the point." A grin of humor crossed her lips as she stepped back. "Which I'm sure you're very happy about." Politely she moved back so she wouldn't be crowding him.

Lucky indeed, he said, a small smile hinting at the edges of his lips. Were you hurt at all in the collision? he asked, concern in his voice.

The wind had picked up again, causing a chill to run through Xanthus. His coat was still drying, and his wings were still damp, not helping in the matter. He looked up towards the sky to see darkening clouds overhead, hinting that an afternoon storm might be brewing. 'That sky doesn't look good. Perhaps we should seek shelter before it starts.' he thought.

Zosime stretched her wings and winced a little as she pulled them back. "It feels like the left one is strained, but no more." She'd felt the strain run up the length of her wing when she'd tried to move it. It wasn't broken but it was badly pulled.

"I'll need to rest it awhile. Day, maybe two." The fact made her slightly nervous. She'd recently been threatened and run off; promises had been made if they found her again that worse would happen. Zo didn't want to run into them again.

She headed away from the beach and toward the nearest foliage to find the best spot to build a shelter. Zo wanted to be safely hidden in a sturdy shelter; first from the elements and second from any searches.

He gave a light chuckle. "Well, it looks like we're both grounded for a day or two."
He watched as she went to build herself a shelter, unsure if she should follow or help. He thought about just leaving, but that wouldn't be courteous of him.

He approached her again, and spoke softly. "Would you like some help?" he offered. "I mean, I don't want to impose, but I thought I'd offer before I left for home."

Zo nodded. Hopefully by then her wing would have healed enough to fly. If not, she intended to start walking. It wouldn't be safe for her to remain here long than that.

She blinked as he came over and offered his assistance. He didn't have to, but he had. Zo eyed the spot where she wanted to build. It really wasn't so much as building as re-enforcing.

"That's very kind of you. If you could assist me in moving that big log there and nudging it up a foot to rest there that would be extremely helpful. I can do the rest after that." She smiled at him, and moved over to the log in question. It was already some feet off the ground, but to make a smaller area that would be tall enough comfortably for her it had to move.

"It's not a problem," he said. "Sure, I can help."

He went to the log and waited for her to direct him on how to help, just so he didn't move it the wrong way.

She nodded then pointed her nose to where she wanted him to push. "Right there please. Need to get it up on that ledge above it."

Zosime watched him take up his position. Furling her wings tightly, she came to stand beside him and picking her spot to push. "Alright, one...two....three!" On three the mare gave a mighty shove up. The log nearly reaching half way.



PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:14 pm
Wow, You're a Strange One!

Zosime stumbles through a dense forest. She growls as the low branches catch on her wings for the up-tenth time. Clearly she was not suited to this place. If I ever get out of here, I'm not coming back! If I can't handle it then a herd can't either. The young mare unhooks her wings one at a time then takes a step forward, only to get hung up again. Her patience was wearing thin.

The hint of salt on the air catches her attention. Salt isn't normally in the air. I wonder if I'm near another ocean. She'd encountered the ocean for the first time awhile back. It had been shortly after she'd left her valley home where she grew up. Her face twists up as she remembers how sick she's become after a small drink of that water. Boy! She'd learned her lesson well that day.

Besides that you couldn't drink it, she did like the ocean. It was fun to splash through the crashing waves near shore. Setting her teeth with determinatiopn she starts to shove through the dense underbrush and branches. She wanted out and she wanted out right now!

Xaivary had once again found herself at the seaside. The rhythmic beat of the waves against the shore was hypnotic, the distant barrier of sea meeting sky defined only by the occasional passing of a cloud. Unintentionally the brown mare had slipped into a mild trance while musing which way would have brought her to see her pal Honey. Aside from her breathing and the odd unconscious twitch of tail or ear she was still, both outwardly and inwardly. Nothing else ever seemed to have quite the same effect on her...

As out of it as she was at the time even she could not ignore the crash of snapping twigs and a cracking branch. Formerly relaxed muscles tensed as she swiveled head and body around to face the noise, her eyes for the moment greeted only by a flash of bright red and sun bleached yellow. What on earth?...

Zosime staggers clear of the branches and raises a wing to shield her shadow accustomed eyes to the bright sun glare. Her ears and nose told her that she was indeed close to the sea, very close. She gives her head a shake. Clearing the sun-dazzle from her eyes she becomes aware of little twigs stuck to her mane and wings. Bracing her legs Zo gives a full body shake to rid herself of the pesky things.

Looking around she finds herself on the beach with another soquili not too far in the distance. Oh, so this land is inhabited. No wings I see, probably wise. Her crest raises up in a friendly manor, though if the other understood head feathers was another question, and she starts to trot over. When in doubt, ask! "Hallo! Hallo there!"

When the other mare finally broke free of the trees the flashes of color finally made sense, but it actually took a moment for Xaivary to process what she was seeing. She had seen leathery wings before, though it was on a very different looking Soquili. The scales, the fangs, the crest of feathers, the serpentine tail... the entire package made a startling picture, and for just a moment the brown mare wasn't sure she was actually looking at another Soquili.

Her next thought, of course, was to wonder if this was an actual Kalona. One of those she'd never seen up close, and this would be an exotic looking novelty even among that race from what she'd heard.

Most would have greeted the other with hostility, if not outright fleeing in fear. But the method of her approach did not indicate ill intent, nor did the way she called her greeting. She wasn't sure what to make of the way her head-feathers moved around but it was interesting to watch, for sure.

Xaivary settled for remaining wary, but she would not judge the other until she was given something more to judge with than the fact that she looked like a cross between a dragon and a brightly colored bird. After all, Xaivary got judged on her appearance often enough, even if her looks were far more unassuming than the stranger she was presented with.

Peering at the leftover leaves clinging stubbornly to the mare's feathers Xaivary tilted her head. "Have a nice stroll?" She continued to watch as the other came closer, finally taking a slow step back once she was about two horse-lengths away. She offered a small, but friendly grin. "No offense, but I don't usually let things with teeth that long get any closer until I get to know them better."

Zo slows to a walk then stops as she sees the mare take a step back. Her feathers dip down then come back up. She didn't see any reason for the mare to back up and a quick glance behind her assured her that nothing was there. "No I didn't. Those are branches are too thick." She sounds amused by the question and a little frustrated at the lack of cooperation from said branches.

"My apologies. I don't mean you any harm." She grins back at the mare. "My name is Zosime. I'm not from around here. Do you live here?" She glances up irritated at the leaves, then decides to ignore them. Her feathers flick back with embarrassment. Thinking about it she could see the mare's point. Growing up with them, she didn't think about it anymore.

Xaivary grinned again. "Yeah, they can be. Even without the wings. I found a game trail back over there," she jerked her head toward it, "that got me past them, though." She hadn't really thought about it before Zosime mentioned it, because that sort of path-seeking had become automatic for her over her time of wandering, but there it was.

"I didn't really get the feeling you did. Kalona have an unpleasant reputation around here, though I've also heard there's several around that break that assumed "rule" about them too. Most people would probably just run away, or try to run you off. You or anyone else that looked like a Kalona, whether they were or not." She shrugged. "'Course they like to run off loners like me in some circles, too, so I try to make my own opinions. I just like to exercise a little caution while I do it." Another grin, followed by a second shrug, and then she moved on.

"I'm Xaivary. As for living here? Nah. I have a buddy somewhere along the coast here, but I'm not real sure which direction it is from here. I don't usually tend to stick to one place for long, you know? I've been just about everywhere this side of the mountains. Parts of everywhere at least."

Zosime looks downcast when the mare mentions a trail. "I must have missed it when I was flying over. Too late now to worry about broken feathers." She makes a note of the direction just in case. Well she might need it later, one never knew. Zo didn't much care for paths as a means of transport for herself. Usually she flew, her only use for a path was to hunt from it.

Her head feathers go straight up in alarm. "What is a kalona? What do they look like?" She figured if it had an unpleasant reputation she'd rather stay away from it. Zo blinks, "Why would anyone try to run me off? I wouldn't hurt them. At least if they didn't hurt me first." She smiles, "I wont run you off, if that helps." A straight up mare, Zo liked her already.

"Nice to meet you Xaivary. Ah, I didn't realize you were busy. Don't let me stop you from looking for your friend." Zo gives a moment to think. "Yes I think maybe I do. I use to live in a valley all by myself. A while ago I left and started searching." She makes a face. "Haven't spent much time in a single place for almost a moon now." She sounds proud of herself.

"Well the trail is hidden under the trees, so if you were up in the air I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't see it." She shrugged once more, tilting her head as Zosime asked about Kalonas. Did that mean she wasn't one? Or just one that didn't know about the others?... Xaivary supposed it didn't matter much in the end, since either way the darker mare seemed genuinely confused on the matter.

"Typically they have leathery wings, and long kind of snaky tails, and fangs, and usually horns. And they eat meat. I'm guessing you do that too?" She lifted her single white hoof from the ground and swung her foot in an idle pendulum motion. "People tend to assume if you've got even one of those features that you're at least part Kalona, though it's not always true. And I've heard that not all Kalonas are bad people either... just the ones that are, are bad enough to make most Soquili hostile and fearful of the entire group to a pretty high degree." She stopped swinging her leg, slowly putting her foot down. "Kind of sad, but since they've got a reputation for attacking other Soquili for hunts and games... it's bound to happen, I guess."

"I like to give people a chance though. More than most have given me." She offered another small grin, but it faded as another thought struck her. "Though I guess even I would have to draw the line at chatting with a Skinwalker."

She shrugged the unpleasant turn of conversation off and glanced up and down the shore. "I wasn't precisely looking for her, per say, I just sort of wound up here and realized she lives... well, around somewhere." The goggled mare genuinely smiled at the other then. "I like wandering... see something new every day. Keeps life interesting."

Zo seems to relax. "Ah, it being covered explains it." She makes a mental note that paths may be hidden from the air. This mare was full of helpful advice.

Her eyes go wide and her head feathers can't make up their mind if they wish to be up or down. With the exception of the horns... it sounded a lot like her. She tries to resist the urge to look at her wings and tail. Zo almost hangs her head as she admits, "I do eat meat, but I only hunt small game." She looks stoutly at the mare, not wishing to scare her. "It's a vow I took. You don't need to be afraid of me."

Zo nods. "My thanks for telling me this. I will be warier from now on. Particularly if I see a soq with those features." Her head tilts curiously. "A skinwalker? Is that a form of kalona?" Oh dear, another to look out for? Maybe I should have stayed at my valley.

She returns the mare's smile. "Mind if I travel with you for a short time? I wont be any trouble and can hold my own."

Xaivary gave Zosime a fairly long look after the dark mare gave an explanation of her dietary habits. Finally she walked over to stand near the other, shrugging lightly. "That's probably good to mention to others, if it actually comes up when you're around others." Had she been afraid? The goggled mare wasn't really sure afraid would have been the word. Cautious, sure, but if she'd really been afraid she wouldn't have stuck around to chat. Not that there was much point debating the detail with herself now, anyway. She'd decided to trust Zosime, so she was just going to have to run with that decision.

"Skinwalkers are... worse than Kalona. They're not even really Soquili anymore. Whether they were tricked or chose it, they're demons now, and they only live to kill and destroy. They could have used to be anyone, even someone like me... but I've heard tell after they change they don't even recognize friend and family anymore. All they're interested in is the blood, after it happens. They wear animal pelts down their backs, with the faces like masks. I've heard tell they transform into whatever animal they're wearing. But it's all been old stories I've heard... not sure if any of them are still around or not."

At Zosime's request to accompany her, Xaivary was actually startled enough for a moment to just stare at her blankly for a long and awkward moment. People chatted sometimes, occasionally swapped stories or asked for directions, but they had pretty much always gone their own way afterward, even if they invited her to come back. There were even a couple of people she'd more or less stuck to one place for, for a while. But no one had ever, even once, asked to travel with her on her wanderings.

"I... er... you really want to?" If she sounded confused and surprised like a startled foal... well she felt like one at the moment, that was for sure. There was certainly no concern about the other mare being able to take care of herself! But the idea that someone wanted to just travel with her, and on such a drop-of-a-hat sort of whim at that, was taking just a moment for her to actually wrap her mind around.

Zo feels happy the other mare accepted her so quickly. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind if they don't feel comfortable around me." It was too bad she didn't have any wings. She says so out loud and looks to see how she reacts. Did she wish she had wings or not?

She heaves a great sigh. "Then I must steer clear of them at all costs. How sad for them. I never knew my family. To forget everything." Zo shakes her head, unable to comprehend such a thing. Now she would never wear a pelt on her back, even if she caught something large enough to do so with. A shudder ripples through her body as she talks about them shifting into the animal of their pelt. "That just sounds scary."

Feeling pleased about the mare's shock her head feathers come up in a playful way. "Of course! I would not suggest it if I did not mean it. I'm not exactly traveling in any particular direction. It doesn't sound like you are either. I don't mean to sound presumptuous and if you find traveling with me offensive then I will go a different direction." Zo was hopeful. She wanted to get to know this mare better.

Xaivary canted her head at the comment on her lack of wings before peering upward. "Too bad? Eh." She scanned across the sky for a thoughtful moment before shrugging. "Faster to travel, maybe, but I rarely have anywhere particular in mind, so getting there fast is pretty much a non-issue." She looked back down to Zo. "Might be interesting to see what things look like from up there, but what I have down here isn't too shabby, I think." If she'd had wings she would have enjoyed them, probably. But if she really wanted to see things up high, she could go up in the mountains. If she wanted to go fast, she had strong legs, and enjoyed running to boot. No, lacking wings didn't bother her in the slightest. She was herself, and there was nothing wrong with that!

"...Yeah." A mild grimace and an uncomfortable shifting were Xaivary's only addendum to her monosyllabic agreement about the Skinwalkers. "But, I've only heard old stories, like I said. Better to keep an eye out, but I've never seen one, and it doesn't seem too likely." She shrugged again, not sure what else could be said on the matter.

"Well! I guess you'll have to put up with my slow little grounded self, huh?" Xaivary bounced on her front hooves in a playful return, thinking at least that she was picking that up properly from the other mare. "Not a problem with it, per say, just... nobody else ever wanted to go with me. Wasn't really expecting that." She looked up and down the beach, somewhere in the back of her mind trying to figure out, however hesitantly, where to go next. Not that she supposed they actually needed to set off right away, but the situation suddenly felt very different. "Anywhere you wanna go now?..." She glanced out at the water. "Not that this is a bad place to hang out for an afternoon."

Zo rustles her wings and inclines her head. "You do have a point there. Truth is I'm not really going in any direction with a purpose. More just looking everywhere with a purpose." She smiles. "From the air the land is beautiful. The higher you go the further it opens up before you. Like a flower opens with first light. Big things become small and it all merges together." Zo gives a sigh of contentment. Truly there was nothing like flying.

"Thank you, I will keep your advice close to heart." There really was nothing more she could say.

Zo giggles. "I do not mind going slow. My apologies for that impression. I simply fly for it allows me ease to evaluate an area quickly. When I find a likely spot I do spend some time walking it. Plus I like to exercise my legs as well as my wings." She was delighted when the other mare returned her play. Maybe not the way she expected, but still. "That is really their loss then isn't it?" Privately she was glad the other would let her stay around while longer. "I would like to explore the beach, unless you think there is a reason we should not. Indeed, hanging out here will suit me just fine. Taking the rest of the day off sounds divine." Her head tilts slightly, indicating Xaivary should lead the way.

"So..." Xaivary started, shifting to look down the beach contemplatively before beginning to move. "What purpose is it that has you looking all over, if I might ask?" She had no real response for Zo's opinion on flying other than a bit of a smile. After all, it wasn't something she really knew about. If Xaivary could find out what the other mare was looking for, though, perhaps it would help her figure out where to head next?

"I can understand wanting to get a good once over on something quick. I don't really have the option of flight though, so I guess I picked up on other cues for that sort of thing." She picked up the pace a bit, recognizing the area enough to know she was heading the right way; which at the moment was toward some tidal pools to grab some lunch. They usually had fish in them as well as stray seaweed, so maybe Zo could have something too if she wanted.

Zo gave a good humored toss of her head. "I'm looking for the perfect place to start a herd with others like myself. I want it somewhere kinda high, like in a cliff face, where we'll be safe from land bound critters. It'll have places with plenty of water and large enough for hunting." She trotted comfortably alongside the other mare. It was nice to have company again, and someone to talk too. She couldn't wait until her herd was with her, so she'd never be alone again.

"Yeah some land just isn't right. I'm not saying it isn't pretty or anything, just not what I'm looking for. I've flown over forests and flat bare hills. I love to see how the land changes. So, do you travel around far or stay pretty much in the same area?

Xaivary continued on her way, confident that when they got to the tidal pools they would be readily identifiable. The tide was still heading out at this time of day, and was far enough out that only the more far-flung of the pools amongst the rocky areas would still be completely invisible. That concern set well aside in her mind she began to mull over the details that Zo had stated about her desired "spot" aloud.

"Well if you want somewhere high, particularly if you're after cliffs, you're going to have to look near the mountains. If you want a lot of water you'll want to be in or near the forest, which is pretty much all around the base of the mountains on the coast side anyway. I'd say not too near the sea, since the water isn't drinkable and there would be less game this close to the coastline. Unless you could come up with a really great way to catch a lot of fish, anyway." They reached a rocky patch and she began picking her way over it, keeping an eye out for any of the pools. "Now the mountains north of the most heavily inhabited areas I know are already occupied by a rather large herd... and since you're talking about hunting you probably wouldn't want to be too close to there anyway. Game would be more scarce and there'd be more potential for hostile encounters with the locals. Like I said before, a lot of people get nervous around pointy teeth."

She spotted a tidal pool and halted her walk, peering at it for a moment before changing coarse and proceeding at a slower pace. "My best guess would be to head north from here and then follow the barrier range around and see if you can find something suitable. I have traveled around quite a bit but I haven't gone that far myself yet, so I don't have any more clue beyond that."

Stopping at the pool's edge she nosed around a bit until she found a piece of seaweed to dislodge. "If you're hungry there's probably some fish in here. They tend to get washed in with the tide and then get stuck in these little hollows when it washes back out again. Oh and... it's slippery, so don't fall." With that she grabbed the seaweed between her teeth and gave it a solid yank to pull it up out of the water. She didn't chew on it right away; far too much salt water was still dripping from it for that. She didn't mind waiting for a minute, though. Maybe she could occupy herself with watching Zo fish, if the dark mare was inclined.

Zo felt herself surprised at the amount of detail the mare was providing. It seemed she knew what she was talking about! She nodded slightly with each point; this information would be tucked back into her mind for future use. "Thank you, that's going to be most helpful. Plus it'll allow me to bypass places that really wont have what I want." Her hoof pawed the ground almost in a blush. "I've been looking for that place, but also using this chance to see as much as I can. I'm out here right? Might as well take advantage of it."

"Yeah, local herds would be bad. I'd like some place secluded. Course that may just be cause where I grew up. I don't want to conflict with anyone if they had first claim to it." She was a polite mare after all, and didn't see any real need to aggression if it could be avoided. Her ears perked forward, "fish? What are fish? Are they really big?" She had to giggle at the pointy teeth remark.

As the ground got rocker and then slipperier, Zo briefly focused on walking. Her cloven feet were somewhat of a help in this. This place was certainly strange. "The water goes back out? How weird." Her tail wiggled as she watched the mare pulling something out of the water. "What is that? A fish?"

Xaivary grinned a bit and set her seaweed aside on the rocks to dry a bit. "Well... if you're going to have a herd around, you can do a better job of taking care of them if you know what else is around anyway, I'd think. It's also fun to look around even if you're not the herd type. It's why I'm out here, anyway."

A quick jerk of her head at the seaweed and she offered an identity for it. "That's seaweed. One of the few plant-things here that are worth eating. The grass is dry and tasteless because of all the salt in the water, so..." She peered down into the pool for a moment before splashing her hoof into it near a small, scaly, finned creature with a rounded oval body and slightly bulgy eyes. "And that's a fish. They live in the water. Sea or river, just different kinds. Some of 'em are big... some aren't, like that one. I've heard they're tricky to catch, but when they're stuck in the pools like this they can't go far, so."

Shifting back from the slick edge of the pool, Xai swung her dampened hoof in an idle pendulum motion, side to side. "During the fall time there's some... Salmon, I think? They swim up stream from the ocean, hundreds at a time. I hear lots of meat-eater types hang out by the rivers that time of year because it's easy pickings and there's so many of them there's not even much point in fighting over them. Nice right before winter, I'd think."

Having run out of things to say for the moment she turned back to her seaweed and found it just dry enough to be enjoyable. With a small grin she picked it back up and started chewing with gusto.

"Yes, yes! I will have to scout the territory before opening it up to a herd. There must be certain requirements that have to be met. Well, I'm glad you are out here, or I wouldn't have met you." Zo flicked her ears forward happily.

She approached the seaweed and sniffed it curiously, and somewhat politely, before lifting her head. "Smells so different from what I know. I'd never have thought it edible." To her it really wasn't. Zo much preferred her diet of meat.

Watching her step, the black mare made her way up to the edge of the pool. At first she had trouble focusing her eyes and figuring out what she was really seeing. "I...um...its...." Her head shook as Xaivary splashed a hoof and Zo looked again. In the water she spotted something flashing as it moved in the pool.

Well it seemed more interesting than the seaweed. With a leap, she splashed right into the pool. Gaining her footing she turns in a circle to find the fish. Ironically, Xai can see it following her butt. "Are you sure it's still in here?"

"Really? So many? I would like to see that some day. Perhaps to try one." She smiled.

Xaivary halted her chewing for a moment. "I wouldn't have thought to try it either. My friend that lives around here told me about it." She watched for some moments after Zo splashed into the pool before pausing her chewing again and clearing her throat. "Check by your tail..." She grinned good-naturedly and bobbed her head slightly. "Just hang out by the rivers in the fall time, you're bound to see some. They'll be a lot easier to spot too, from what I've heard."

"It nice to have friends like that." Not that she really knew anyone she could have called friend or would have helped her like that. Zo was hoping to someday have friends.

On the advice, Zo turned quickly. She only managed to splash water all over her face and let the fish go free. "I'm not really any good at this, I think." Her head shook, sending water droplets off. She hauled herself out of the pool and shook off.

"I will surely keep that in mind Xaivary. Hopefully there will be a river near by so I can see." Something easier to spot would be helpful. Zo hoped the mare wasn't pulling her tail about the whole thing.

"Well... we weren't friends yet at the time. We'd just met, actually. I think she was trying to be helpful? Kind of like what we're doing now, I guess." Xai shifted away from the pool to make sure Zo had room to climb out safely. She could only shrug about the lack of fish-catching skill on Zo's part... it's not like she was any better at it. "The Kawani tend to use sharpened sticks and nets to catch fish... either stab them or trap them so they can't get away. Not really sure how it's done out in the woods..."

Xai turned to face the northward side of the beach they were standing on and canted her head. "Well... I guess we're checking north first anyway. Let's just follow the beach north until we find a river mouth and then follow it inland? We'll probably wind up by the mountains eventually that way, and hopefully some likely spots for that home you're looking for?" She had a feeling this was going to be a rather long journey, and into territory she didn't really know anything about. At least she had good company for that sort of traveling, though! There wasn't a lot that would mess with a Kalona, after all. "And after that we'll just go where the wind blows, I guess."

An odd way to start an adventure, maybe, but Xai wasn't going to complain. Most people never even got the chance to have an adventure, she sure as heck wasn't going to pass this one up. And the wind would blow her back this way sooner or later, anyhow. It always did.

"Oh really? Perhaps one day I will try that." She lost her train of thought for a moment in contemplating how to do that. "I'm sure I could come up with something. If it worked or not is completely a toss up." She giggled.

"I would certainly love the company up the beach to this river. If you don't want to go further with me I'd understand. It's not your duty to see my quest completed. You've been very kind to me already." Zo looked at the other mare gratefully. "Be assured if you really do want to come with me that'd be great."

Traveling by wing would be much faster than by leg. But Xai certainly couldn't fly and Zo wasn't going to say anything like that. If the mare chose to come, then Zo didn't see any reason why a few extra weeks would make a difference. Plus the company would be good. She perked up at the thought that perhaps Xai would eventually become her friend.

"Sounds great to me! Lets get going." Zo started to bounce down the beach........ in the wrong direction.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:31 pm
The Cliffs Are Home

Zosime gracefully wings through the sky. Her sinuous body sliding left then right with each wing stroke. She was over the heart of the territory, heading towards the cliffs she decided to call home. Glancing over her shoulder to spot the gold-n-red wind serpent following her. She'd been the first to apply for the Alpha position and Zo hadn't seen any reason to deny her.

She gave a sigh. In fact, it was rather disheartening that no one else had applied so far. Maybe there wasn't as many like her as she thought. Or maybe they just hadn't heard. Yes, yes that was it. But how to get word around? That was a difficult question. Maybe her new alpha would have ideas.

With another look over her shoulder she grins, "We're almost there now! The cliffs should be coming into sight after we round this mountain." Zo thrills to fell the wind surge under wings. Lifting her above the side of the mountain and bringing the valley into view. She thought it was magnificent.

Surrounded by mountains the valley below was well protected from those who could not brave the dangers. The valley itself was large and well able to support a good sized population. But they wouldn't overstress it, since Zo had claimed a good sized territory. She had been hoping the herd would be large; now she realized it may not be and was considering reducing the territory. They could always expand it again later if needed.

The cliffs were on the opposite side of the valley, preventing anyone from approaching without being seen. Unless they went on foot which would be a very long walk in deed. She giggles and stretches her wings to catch a glide.

Thosi winged through the air, following her new herd mate. That... was an odd thought. She wasn't used to having any company other than her familiar, Shori. However, the raven's perpetual glumness was starting to make her think bird would make a good meal. There was only so much doom and gloom anyone could take, and she'd had enough. So, when she heard about a Wind Serpent herd being gathered, she had pounced on the chance.

And so, here she was. Zosime was an... interesting enough creature. Okay, so, she was pretty dull so far, but Thosi could deal with that. Probably. And if not, she'd just leave. No, she didn't have a good concept of responsibility. Instead of focusing on the other Wind Serpent, she turned her gaze to the valley below. It was pretty enough. And quite a bit of it. That was good. Thosi liked having room to move about. She noticed how well protected it was, and the ideal location of the cliffs, and nodded in approval. Alright, so Zosime might not be so bad after all.

"How did you find this place?" she asked Zosime, slipping into a glide just to the right of the red and black Wind Serpent.

Shori trailed behind them, heaving a heavy sigh. His mistress was at it again, and he would be the one to pick up the pieces. This was going to be another miserable day.

Zo fluffs her head feather. "I've spent a year, maybe more, traveling and looking for the perfect spot. Hard to keep track with the seasons in different areas. Anyhow, I've looked at a lot of places, but none of them drew me like this one did." She gives a contented sigh. There really is no place like this anywhere else.

Out of the corner of her eye she catches the bird she'd noticed following her new herdmate. It seemed strange to her and unnerved her somewhat. Finally she decided to ask; better have it out now before the critter saw the caves if he was up to no good. "Say Thosi. That bird following you? Is it um.... friendly?" If it wasn't she wouldn't mind having it for a snack. Since it was small it was certainly within the bounds of something she could hunt.

Thosi shot a quick, dismissive glance toward the raven then snorted. "Friendly? Hardly. Dangerous? No. That's Shori. He's... something of a pet."

"Familiar," the bird grumbled, under his breath.

"Whatever, he follows where I go."

"Oh." Zo relaxes, no harm no foul apparently. Satisfied that she wasn't putting her new place into danger it was safe to proceed. Angling towards the cliffs Zo moves to land on a specific maw in the cliff face. It was perfectly large enough for two or three of them to land at once and still have room for another to stand guard.

She loved how protected it was. Nothing from the ground could reach it due to the sheer cliff face both above and below it. All they would really have to protect it from was fliers. Zo lands with a soft clatter of hooves and moves out of her Alpha's way. Turning back to watch the red and gold land. They would build a mighty herd. She was sure of it.

"Why does he follow you? I've never heard of something like that." She wasn't going to say that most small animals avoided her like an illness because she tended to hunt them. Wouldn't do for her herdmate to worry if her bird friend would be next.

"I've no idea," Thosi answered honestly as she landed lightly. She took in the scene around her with a critical eye before deciding this would do. It was a great deal of space for just a couple steeds, but perfect for a herd. "Something to do with having no flock, or safety in numbers. He's never really been too clear. He's good company when there's no other option, so I haven't eaten him yet."

Shori stayed in the air, flying in a large, slow circle. He didn't quite trust this new Soquili just yet, nor did he trust her affect on Thosi.

Zosime chuckles. "Un-talkative is he? Or just un-divulging? Good view hu?" She glances out appreciatively. "When your ready we can go in. There's a lot to see." Her tail sways meditatively. "Oh? Surely you could find something that's better company couldn't you?" She looks askance at the bird hovering outside.

The black and red mare looks expectantly over her shoulder towards the inside. She was eager to go in and show her new Alpha just all this place could be! But she would allow the other to take her time and get use to it.

"Oh, I have no doubt that I could find better company than Shori. But he has his uses... occasionally... so I let him stay around. The view is something else," Thosi agreed, appreciatively. "You did well, I think. I'll explore more thoroughly later. For now, the rest of the tour?" It wasn't quite a question, but not quite a command either.

Zo was more than pleased to drop the subject of the bird and turn to lead deeper into the caves. From the entrance it opened into a very large cavern. One could see from the light there were several more entrances into it. The light shown on the black mouths leading still deeper.

"Lets see. That cave there is just the right size for baskets and young foals. Even several private chambers for the expectant mothers. That one there leads to a very nice cave that would be suitable to you I think. There. That tunnel leads to numerous more caves. All very spacious. Where would you like to go first?"

"Hmm," Thosi considered for a moment, taking in her surroundings cautiously. "Are there any other entrances or exits?"

"Yes there is." She points with her nose to the right. "Two others to be exact. Both at large as this one. With enough members it will be easy to guard them all."

She frowned. While it was all well and good to have easily defensible entrances, only having two made her twitchy. Granted, they were flight creatures, and could easily escape if they were under siege or some such, but that didn't help the children much. Also, if they were under siege, it would have to be by some other air race, which cut off that escape. No, she didn't much like this at all. Never mind how unlikely it would be that such an event would occur, Thosi Pandryl liked her back up plans.

"What about any smaller, more hidden exits?"

Zosime tilts her head to consider. She had explored fairly thoroughly just to be sure that nothing else lived here and there was more than one exit. A hoof taps meditatively on the floor. "There's the three main entrances/exits. But you're talking backdoor type exits right? Like the kind a fox has."

Her head feathers ruffle in the slight breeze. "I didn't see any hidden exits per se. Then again, I didn't want any exit that could be used by a ground dweller to attack us." She exhales. "There is several sources of water that flow through these cliffs. They might have made small side entrances that I haven't found. Why?"

She nodded thoughtfully. "I want all our bases covered. Just because this place is hard for ground dwellers to get to doesn't make it impossible, and if we're going to be raising young here, that means foals who can't fly. Or worse. Helpless baskets. If the unlikely happens and we're under siege with all obvious exits blocked, it'd pay to have a more hidden exit or two."

It occurred to her, then, that she might have been just a little paranoid. It sounded paranoid coming out of her mouth. But admitting that would have been the same as admitting she was wrong, which was something she would never do.

Zo considers what she said thoughtfully. "Unless there is a hidden ground exit, that I don't know about, then it will be impossible for ground dwellers to reach us. The cliffs are sheer faces, utterly impossible for them to climb. Only fliers will be able to put us under siege. Besides, if we're under siege, will we really be going anywhere?"

"I can't say as that I'd like to have a way for ground dwellers to gain access, however improbably it might seem." She blows out through her nostrils and stamps a hoof restively. "There must be a way around that."

"The point of a back exit is to get the weaker ones out in the case of a siege. Show me these streams and I'll tell you if you we can most definitely keep the ground dwellers and other enemies out."

"But where our young could get out, so ground dwellers could get in. That's all I'm saying." She gives a shrug and heads off deeper into the caves. The echos of her hooves ring back from the walls. Deep within the caves several streams flow. Several spots have 'platform' like appearances that allow for easy access to the fresh water. The water comes from a hole in one wall and disappears into an identical hole in the opposite wall.

"We'll find a way to safeguard against that," Thosi decided, with the utmost confidence that they would. How had yet to be seen, but they would.

Zo gave a nod in compliance. Clearly is this was important. "Well now where would you like to go next?"

Thosi considered for a moment then, "Outside. I want to take a look at our caves from the outside."

Zo smiled. An excellent choice. She lead the way back the way they'd come. At the entrance she pushed off from the lip and circled around. She waited for Thosi, to see if the other wanted to look from the air or land first.

Thosi launched herself up into the air and circled their new home, watching the ground cautiously for any obvious openings or weaknesses.

Zo circled once then slide into place at the other's wingtip. The wake she created made flying easier. She wondered what Thosi was looking for.

"Looks good from up here," Thosi decided, seeming to take it for granted that Zo would just automatically know what she was doing. She spiraled downward, intending to take a closer look at their surroundings.

Zo nodded approval. She'd love the way the cliff face looked and the lush forest below. The whole valley was quite pretty. She took her time to spiral down. Letting her alpha have a good look around before she caught up.

Thosi wasn't admiring the scenery. At least not yet. Later, when she was confident she knew her new home inside and out, she would take in the aesthetic view. For now, however, she had a goal and was focused. "How thoroughly have you studied the outside?" she asked Zo when the other soq landed.

"Well I haven't done an inch by inch search, if that's what you mean. I first checked that no other herds were in the valley or nearby. Looked for obvious dangers areas. Good sources of water and plenty of large game for the others to hunt." She cocked her head at the other mare. "Did I miss anything?" Zo was certainly willing to learn if there was another factor she should have included in her calculations.

"Not for a first run through," she nodded a bit, approvingly. "Location seems ideal, and with a lack of any herds nearby, it'll give us time to grow and plan. But a clever mind determined to get in will find the weak links in the chain. If we know where those weak links are, we can defend against them. Sometimes, it pays to be paranoid."

Zo was pleased with herself. She hadn't missed anything on the basics. "Oh, I certainly hope we can grow. There doesn't seem to be much interest right now does there?"

She paced back and forth for a moment before turning back to Thosi. "Weak spots are vital. The dens will be one, I'm sure. We'll find the others and do what we can about them. I think we have a little leeway right now, since there's so few of us and no foals." Enough time, in her mind to make the place safer and guard against attacks.

Thosi nodded thoughtfully. "It will certainly give us tome to do a more through investigation. And, in time, the herd will grow. I'll make sure of it." She wasn't going to led a herd that had so pitifully few members. But for a start, this wasn't bad at all. She eyed Zo before deciding that she would do as a second in command. She seemed to have everything in order.

Zo rustled her wings. "Should we try going out to recruit or wait for them to come to us?" There was so few that there was a problem there. If they all left to look for new members, who would guard home? Then again, with so few, nobody might hear about it. She was definitely worried about the herd getting off the ground.

"We'll take shifts," Thosi decided. "I want to get a bit more of a feel for the land. You go and see if you can't find our sisters. Tell them of the home we're creating and bring them back. When your wings grow tired, you should stay here while I go out and do the same. When we get more members, we will be able to send more out at a time."

"Right." Zo tossed her head. This would work. She knew it would. "I wouldn't say no to a male or two either." She glanced at Thosi. They would need males eventually, to father offspring at the very least. Zosime was hopeful that some might end up making the herd their home too.

"Good scouting." She nodded to the Alpha and prepared to depart.

"You as well," Thosi nodded as she started in on her own task. Zo was right. They would need males. But in due time. First they needed more of a herd. If males came with the members, then that would be fantastic, if not... well, they would cross that river when they came to it.



PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:39 pm
Back Off

The day was cold. The north winds had picked up and the smell of frost drifted across the land. There was a blanket of gray clouds, unending, that covered the sky, dampening the sunlight and giving the blustery day a dreary atmosphere. Yet no rain seemed to fall from the overcast sky. Overall, it was a depressingly dull day.

Down on the forest floor, the wind hadn’t quite penetrated. Although it was slightly windy near the top boughs of the evergreens, the floor inhabitants were sheltered from the worst of it. Xanti was hidden, tucked firmly in the hovel beneath a large fir tree. He had dug himself a nest among the needles and was lying beside a large kill. He had wanted to get as far from the base of the mountains as possible, but when he had stumbled upon a wounded elk, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity, especially with so little meat this close to the mountains. He had dragged what he couldn’t eat to the closest possible shelter the day before, and had been lazing about ever since. At the moment, he was alert but bored, idly tracking the surroundings for movement. He spotted a field mouse, scurrying around the base of a pine, 10 feet off.

Hmmmm? Well there isss nothing else to do.

Lazily Xan rose to his feet, looking to play with his food before eating it.

Feeling fine this day, Zosime had stopped to hunt. Not a week ago she'd left the safety of the small valley she'd known all her life. Everything was still new and exciting. Prey here didn't expect her attack on them which usually made it fairly easy to catch sufficient prey for a meal. Today however, it seemed the prey was hunkering down in their tunnels.

With only a couple mouthfuls of vole inside her, her stomach growled to let her know it was still depressingly empty. Zo moves slowly and not quite 'stealthy' but enough so the prey did not come to suspect she was hunting. Her ears twitch to catch the sounds of easy prey moving nearby. The familiar scent of rabbit reaches her sensitive nostrils. Flattening her head crest she creeps upon it.

A flurry of dead leaves flies up as the rabbit realizing it's peril goes to make a mad dash for home and safety. Unfortunately for it and a couple fast steps for Zo the rabbit meets it's end. With a deft skill born of endless practice the rabbit in gone in a couple of bites. She moves on to the next with barely a pause. What catches her attention next is anything but small.

The whiff of a dead carcass draws her. While she wouldn't hunt anything that big herself, nothing said she couldn't scavenge from it. Provided of course that it was still good to eat. From the smell it was. Another scent that she doesn't recognize mixes with the first. Unable to place it, Zo dismisses the second scent as unimportant and makes for the first. This was much easier than having to hunt it down one tiny piece at a time.

Coming up on a large tree her nose tells her the carcass was under its covering branches. Feathers and wings clamped close to her body, Zo begins to wiggle under.

The field mouse provided enjoyable entertainment for a little while as it attempted to scurry away from Xanti. It wasn’t until it found a hole to hide in that Xan really got concerned. But it was nothing a little digging couldn’t handle. Although his hooves proved to be not suited for the task, his neck horns showed their worth. It only took him a couple minutes to dig a trench and unearth the squeaking vermin.

It fled, scared.

And Xan slowly lopped after it. Taking his time.

Hi ho, it’s heading back to my den...lucky.

The mouse scuttled under the branches of the fir and immediately scrambled up the base of the trunk, making an effort to reach a knobbed hole not too far up. Obviously its second den. Xan slowly followed, easily parting the branches and making his way into the quiet dimness of the tree's shade. He eyed the mouse as it darted up the tree, sending out a lazy hoof to knock it away from it's goal. Or he would have, if he hadn't been distracted by a noise. A noise on the other side of the trunk.

Something’s here?

The mouse managed to clamber its way up into its hole, and disappeared from sight. Xan’s pupil-less eyes watched the place it had vanished before sliding over towards the elk carcass.

Hrmm...more prey?

Zo had settled down to a feast. The carcass was still quite fresh and good. She'd barely gotten a couple of bites in when the frightened squeaking of a rodent filled her ears. Clearly it had entered from the other side and was making for the tree trunk. With so lush a meal laid out before her, Zo felt no need to chase the poor little critter.

About to return to eating, the louder noise of branches moving and the powerful return of the scent from before brings her fully alert. Something big was after the rodent it seemed. She stands up and slightly mantles her wings over the carcass. If it just wanted the mouse that was fine by her, but she wasn't going to give up the big game so easily. Her head feathers weren't aggressively plastered down instead slicked slightly back in warning. Hopefully....

Xanti moved out from behind the tree trunk, slinking, ready to pounce on whatever small critter was enjoying his kill. So when he finally managed to spot the creature, he was slightly shocked. He expected a coyote, fox or maybe even a wolf. Not another soquili.

It had glowing red eyes, feathers, wings and fangs. It appeared female, though it was hard to tell under the base of the tree. But it just looked slim and toned rather than muscular and bulky. Its head feathers were almost back and it had its wings out, black leathery wings, the sort you'd see on a Kalona. None of this really mattered to Xan. He knew one thing and one thing only. It was eating his kill.

Ears forward, lips pulled back, Xan let out a growl of pure animalistic rage. It reverberated through his diaphragm before becoming more of a roar. A warning if you will.

Zosime almost blinks in shock. The beast was as big as she. It's glowing feet attracted her attention first. What was this thing? Her gaze moves calculating upward. Definitely male and well muscled, he didn't seem any stranger to fighting. He didn't have wings, but did have odd spikes growing from the side of his neck.

She takes in his aggressive behavior as her tail whips back and forth. As he roars, she flattens her head feathers completely and nods her head. Flashing her overly large canines at him in a display to let him know that they weren't just look pretties. Zo inhales and lets out her own vocal warning. It sounds like water hitting a very hot rock. Sssssssssss!

Xanti’s ears flattened at the hiss. They pressed down all the way to his neck, sufficiently blocking out the sound. He eyed the feathered Kalona, for that is how he had started to think of her. He could see her gleaming white fangs. Large and dangerous. Gut rippers. And her long, snake-like tail whipping back and forth. Both something to avoid, but not something that would cause Xan to back down, especially not when the elk was right there at her feet. Her protective stance suggested that she thought this was her meat. Xan thought differently.

How dare this creature eat his kill! And claim it like it as hers!

Teeth still bared, Xan continued to snarl, only stopping to utter a few, barely coherent words. “Move. It’s mine.”

Irritation made Xan edgy. He stamped several times, releasing the tension from his front legs. If he didn’t calm down soon, he’d be attacking. Patience really wasn’t his virtue.

"I will not. You weren't here guarding it." Her cultured words cut through his snarls. She didn't relax an inch. As far as she was concerned he couldn't eat it all by himself anyhow, so finders was keepers. If he wanted it back that badly he could have it back after she'd eaten her fill and moved on.

Zo was confident in her fighting skills. She didn't feel the need to do big displays like some creatures. The most she did was whip her tail and a small twitching of her wings. Her red eyes stayed fixed on the other. She might have been perfectly willing to share if the other had asked pleasantly, but he hadn't. So she wasn't.

She read the irritation in his movements. Instantly she knew that this confrontation would never be settled peacefully. Instead she goes to make the first attack. Leaping over the elk to come at him. As her feet touch the ground on the other side, for the tree made jumping high enough to kick impossible, she snaps fiercely at him. If her luck was with her it would be a fast encounter and he'd back down. On the other hoof it could be long and dragged out.

HP: 50

Xanti was furious at her words.

Wasn’t here guarding it? He didn’t need to guard it when the largest creatures out here were wolves. Well other than her that is. Whatever, she will see me –

Xan had been watching the mare intently. Her twitching wings and whipping tail had been keeping his attention. They both relayed messages to him. One, that she was eager to either run or fight and two, she wasn’t in the best position under the tree. Wings would be next to useless, and would probably just hinder her agility.

So when she made a move Xan was somewhat prepared. She was quick; he had to give her that. She easily hopped the carcass and snapped her giant fangs at him. Backpedalling as fast as he could manage, Xan barely made it out of the way of getting a real bite. As it was, he felt the pinprick pain of her fangs cut two matching gashes in his thick hide, right above his shoulder. They weren’t deep and he wouldn’t even scar from them, but they sent a tingle all the way up his back. A tingle of anger. Now he was mad.

He lunged for her face. Her muzzle to be exact. He wanted to crush it in between his jaws, so that she wouldn’t be able to use those fangs on him again. So that she wouldn’t be able to eat any of his kill.

HP: 49

Her first attack met resistance that told her she'd scored. At least a small wound. To her surprise he backed up rather fast. She stumbled and moved to follow. It came as a more unpleasant surprise when he reversed direction for an attack of his own.

Zo hisses with pain as the brute chomps down on her nose. On purely instinct she jerks her head back before he could get a good grip. His fangs leave bloody furrows across her muzzle. Her eyes light with an inner fire. He hurt her! A growl more suited to a kalona comes from her throat. How dare he bite me! I must get him out more into the open. She was clearly a novice at fights and it showed.

She needed to get him out and away from the tree. Then her agility would have more room to work. Zo sinks back on her haunches as her left wing sweeps in from the side, claw first. Countless times in her valley she'd practiced using her wings in combat to get someone, usually a tree, out of her face. Unfortunately it had never occurred to her that by using her delicate wings in such a manor, opened them to harm.

HP: 45

Xanti felt his canine teeth sink into her muzzle, but it was only for a second. She quickly pulled away. His teeth dragged against her nose and he could taste the faint tang of delicious blood, so he knew that he had scored her at the least. But it wasn’t the crushing bite he had been hoping for. Disgruntled at her speed, he went in for another bite.

Just as she reared up on her haunches and sent one of her delicate wings his way. Her wings had spikes at the end of each digit, so when she swept it his way it acted much like a claw would. Xan was in a different position then he had been seconds ago, as he was going in for another bite, so he managed to dodge her wing by pure chance. It threw him off balance though, just by the surprise of it. He never managed to even get close to placing that bite.

Xan had never seen a flying soquili even attempt to use its wings in battle before. He had hardly ever seen them unfurl their precious wings unless they were trying to intimidate him or fly away. So here he was, startled and out of his desired position.


Zo snorts to clear the blood dripping into her nostrils. The wounds stung and bled, but didn't feel like major injuries. She'd take care of them once the fight was over. Seeing the next attack plainly coming she makes sure nothing in the way of it. Her front hooves touch the ground again.

It was sensing more than seeing that her opponent is off-kilter. Now is the time to attack. Zo eyes her opponent for a weak spot. She lunges forward, aiming for a bite on his chest. Zo hoped that would force him to move into a location more desirable for her.

HP: 45

Xan saw the mare lunge but he was too slow to avoid it. Her giant gut rippers closed in on him. Luckily she aimed for the tough scales of his chest rather than the softer flesh of his shoulder, or he would have been lamed. As it was, he managed to make off with less damage than expected. Her fangs bounced off the hard plated chest, managing to slice one of his scales. It didn’t draw blood since the plates were so thick, nor did she puncture straight into his chest.

In retaliation, he swung his head at her. Aiming to injure with his neck spikes. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but he didn’t think before his attack. He just reacted in accordance with his instincts, which were screaming at him to create space. He didn’t particularly want to retreat, especially when he had the advantage under the tree, so instead he proceeded to go forward. Trying to force her back with his neck prong.


She saw him pull his head back to begin his swing. The large spike on the side of his neck catching her eye as it came closer. It barely touched her. Zo scrambles sideways to move in the direction of his swing, staying just far enough ahead to remain unhurt. Close, too close. Her sides heave with a slight tremor. It would have really hurt had she not been able to move quickly.

Scampering out of reach of the deadly spike, she couldn't resist a parting shot. Her rear hoof kicked back. If she was lucky she'd connect to his head or another vital part; if not, then she might hit something non-vital or miss altogether. Zo wanted to prove she was dangerous from the front or from the rear!


The mare retreated, moving further towards the sweeping boughs of the fir tree. But not before sending one last parting shot Xan’s way. It went wide, missing Xan by just a few inches. He watched the feathered Kalona back off, but made no move to follow. He stayed put, his adrenaline racing, his sides heaving. And then he started to chortle. It started out as a soft chuckle but soon escalated into a real laugh. A laugh filled of amusement and just a tinge of malice. It had been a while since Xan had had this much fun. It had been a while since he’d had a good fight.

Grinning, he turned his pupil less eyes to the Kalona. “I’m starting to like you, you amuse me greatly.” the words were like velvet, with only a hint of his normal growl.

Zo gave a hiss when her hoof missed by so much. She'd have to practice that one again. There was no excuse for missing like that. Watching him warily from her spot a safe distance from him, her ears twitched as he started laughing. Laughing was good wasn't it? Even though they'd just tried to do serious damage to each other.

"Sooooo, then you'll share the meat with me even if it is your kill?" She looked hopefully at the other. Had he come to see that fighting was pointless? There was clearly enough here for both of them. Her feathers unstuck slightly from her skull and neck.

HP: 20 (Resetting from 20)

“Now why ever would I do that? I killed it and you did not…Just because I like you doesn’t mean I’ll share it with you...or maybe I should.” Xanti’s feral grin remained but he gave her a thorough glancing over. She had several wounds, but then again so did he. But he had managed to back her farther away from the carcass…and she was at a slight disadvantage with those wings.

But then again he was coming down off the bout of adrenaline and soon he’d have to eat or fear losing too much energy. And in order to eat peacefully he’d either have to get her to leave, or kill her as a second source of food. Which was a possibility, but a lot more work. Maybe if he just gave her some meat she’d leave.

Xanti gave a low growl. Conflicted. Finally, he came to a decision.

He turned and casually walked over to the carcass, appearing to be at ease even though his back was exposed to an enemy. He began to rip and tear at the caribou, occasionally glancing back at the feathered Kalona. After several minutes of chomping on the dead creature, he dragged one of the rear legs away from rest of the body. It was a fairly big portion, containing the whole leg plus the area around the hip. It still had a decent amount of meat on it. He tossed it her way.

HP: 20

Zosime opened her mouth to respond, then closed it. Why should he? He was absolutely right when he said she didn't kill it. She couldn't. Her vow forbade her from killing any large game. Her stomach rumbled as she tried to come up with a valid reason.

She didn't think that kindness would be a good reason for a soq like this. What motivated him then? The mare was completely baffled. He said he liked her, but she wasn't so sure it meant the same thing as when she said it. Zo could feel the wounds bleeding sluggishly now and knew they'd close completely soon.

She was getting her breath back slowly. The stalemate was starting to make her nervous. Why didn't he do something? She assumed he'd attack. The surprise was clear on her face as he actually turned away from her and toward the carcass. Wasn't he afraid she'd attack him like that?

Intrigued she watched him. Her ears twitched at the sounds of ripping meat. Her mouth salivated, it smelled good from here. Zosime didn't move from her spot the whole time he was working on the carcass. When a haunch of caribou came toward her she stepped back. Was he attacking her with the meat?

Then it hit her. He was giving her a share. Gratefully she looked at him, "why?" He hadn't come off as the kind to share.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:21 pm
I Bump You, You Bump Me

Zosime had been traveling for weeks. The lands she had become familiar with were long behind her. She knew this had promised to be a long task due to her exacting standards, but she didn't realize just how long. For her, the search for an appropriate mate was a serious matter. He had to have just the right qualities.

Now it was mid-day and she wanted stopped for a break. Currently Zo was flying over an area of plains; she beat her wings and looked upon the softly rolling ground. A glimmer catches her eye as it snakes its way around hills. She turns on wing and heads towards the nearest part of the tiny stream. A long drink and a quick hunt is what she wanted.

Her hoofs sink slightly into the soft ground closest the stream. With dainty steps she approaches and checks that the water is clean and pure. Satisfied that it would do her no harm, her head feathers relax back as she bends to take a long deep drink. Even though she was drinking and relaxed didn't mean she was completely oblivious. Her ears swivel around to catch any noises. Unfortunately the stream took the lowest course which meant that it was always within a valley.

Pausing her drinking to lift her head, Zo takes a look around. Her ears bring the tiny sounds of rodents scurrying among the grasses. There would be a quick and easy lunch for her today.

Vesuvius was lying down in the long grasses, on his side, feeling the hot, blistering waves on his body. The heat that so many Soquili thought unbearable did not seem to bother him at all. He had been lying there for several minutes, half and hour almost, watching a string of fat black ants pick apart the corpse of a dead field grasshopper. Piece by piece the dead insect has been disassembled and in and orderly straight line been hauled back to the empire of dirt a couple of yards away.

Vesuvius didn't question why he found the process so fascinating. It wasn't the death of the insect or the feat to the tiny ants. Just the whole process seemed to calm his mind - which was often racing and easily distracted. But the minutes dragged on, the grasshopper was almost completely gone, and the strain of lying on his side was beginning to get uncomfortable. Completely oblivious to the serpent mare that landed by the stream's bank nearby, he hauled himself up onto his feat. With a satisfied snort he shook free his mane and coat of all the dirt and debris. He took a couple of strides over to the ant pile, looked down at it for only a few minutes before casually sweeping his front hoof over the mound, toppling it over.

Zo hears the grass rustle around something big, then hears it shake and snort. It sounded like a soquili. She turns to face it. Wondering why she hadn't noticed nor why it didn't react to her. Did it simply not see her?

As she turns, Zo finds herself facing a handsomely red stallion. She blinks in surprise at the horn growing out of his head. Her head feathers fluff up in a relaxed sort of way. "Hello?" she asks tentatively. Who knew how he'd react to her being there. Her tail slowly swings side to side.

Vesuvius pulled his attention away from the explosion of activity at the destroyed ant hill and looked up to see a strange mare approaching him. His eyebrows raised slightly as he took a few steps towards her - mostly so the ants wouldn't attack his hoof while he was distracted. "Hello..." he returned, just as tentatively. His voice was low and rumbling, making him sound older than he was.

His eyes traveled over her, taking in all her features. It wasn't in a salacious way - he had never seen a Soquili quite like this one here. She resembled his mother - but only slightly. This mare was sleeker, scaley, and had an impressive pair of long fangs. He flicked his tail behind him and gave a nod of approval. Perhaps this mare was worth his time.

She was pleased he hadn't tried to run her off right away. Now how to come to the point of her being here? Well maybe it was best to simply get to know him first. Zo stops a polite distance away. She notices the fury of activity of ants near his hoof. "Why did you do that?" She blurts without thinking. Her head feathers dip down for a moment in her embarrassment. Zo you'll have to do better than that!

Zo gives a polite cough. "Um, I'm Zosime. What's your name?"

Ves's eyes widened only slightly as she asked about his handywork with the ant hill. His eyes drifted back towards the ground, watching the little tizzy of black dots as they frantically went about trying to rebuilt their home.

He gave nothing more than a roll of his shoulders. He didn't know, so he no good answer to give her. He had just recently left home and had been wandering with little direction. This made his frustrated - and the only thing that made him feel less frustrated was destroying something. Crushing rocks, digging his sharp hooves into the trunk of a tree... the release calmed his smoldering mind... at least for a while.

But thankfully the conversation quickly drifted to something easier for the young stallion to put into words. "My name is Vesuvius," he said, giving her a nod. "Nice to meet you... Zosime." He looked at her for a minute... he didn't know many Soquili outside his family and his mind raced with something to say that might make a good impression. "I like your feathers," he finally blurted out, looking at the cockatoo like protrusions on her head.

Zo hadn't really expected answer. Perhaps it was best she didn't know. His business with the ants was his business; no matter how curious she was. Her eyes drop briefly to the ant hill as she sees him glance in that direction. I wonder what he is doing out here. Is he alone? An ear twitches around listening for any soquili that might be trying to sneak up.

She returns his nod with a smile. "A please Vesuvius." Now what? Did she make small chit-chat? Or try to get closer. This was certainly harder than she'd thought it would be. His sudden comment surprises her. She ducks her head in pleasure as her feathers dip again. "Thanks."

Her head tilts slightly to the side so one red eye can get a good look at him. "Do you live here?" She hoped she wasn't being too nosey and he wouldn't take offense. It might be taken badly if he already had a mare and she made her offer. But if he was alone.... then maybe he'd be agreeable.

Vesuvius looked around the plains around them, and didn't answer for a moment. He wasn't trying to be rude; just thinking. Did he live here? He lived here right now in a way. I mean, he slept in a near by gully just the night before, But he figured that's not what she meant. Living somewhere implies some kind of emotional connection, right? This was not home... he had left his family many moons ago and had been wandering aimlessly ever sense. He didn't even know if he was going to go back.

"I'm not living anywhere right now," he finally settled on, tossing his mane over his shoulder and watching her reaction carefully.

He wasn't living here?

Zo pawed a hoof into the ground slowly, "Oh. I was hoping you'd be able to warn me of dangers. I'm also looking for other soquili. Um, stallions specifically. You shouldn't know of any others in the area?" It made no sense to continue this way if there were none to be found after all.

She hoped he'd become interested in why she was looking for them, and ask. He seemed rather shy with her there.

He cocked his head. "Well, there are a few skinwalkers that live in the area, I've heard. Haven't seen any myself... but I know someone who was nearly killed." He gave a definitive nod, as if he was a local expert. "But you can smell them coming a mile away. Just steer clear of them. Unless you're looking for a fight." He added that last part in there quickly as an afterthought - like he didn't want her to think his normal course of action was to run away from a challenge.

"Whatcha looking for stallions for?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"That's good to know. I'll be sure to avoid them, thanks." From what she'd heard, skinwalkers would not make good mates. "I think I'll avoid them for now, since I'm not really looking for a fight." Zo smiled.

"I'm sure you've nothing to fear from them. You look as though you could take on several easily." She ducked her head, a little shyly. Now for the moment of truth. "I'm, uh, looking for one to sire foals. My herd is rather small right now, and we're looking to increase our numbers."

She arched her neck and nodded her head. "I'm looking for one who has wings...." Her eyes traveled significantly over his wings as she left the sentence hanging on an up note. Would he be interested?

Ves couldn't help but puff up a bit as she mentioned his ability to take on several skinwalkers. Though it was completely untrue; his ego was still bruised from his families crushing defeat to take over Balrog and Stormwild's herd. He snorted at the memory, almost getting lost in his hatred until her next sentence shook him back into reality like a douse in cold water.

His eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in scrutiny. At the mention of his wings he raised them out a bit, as if to show off how impressive they were.

But... siring foals? The thought had never even crossed his mind before. He was still fairly young and all... but he was by no means a little foal. No, he was a stallion now.

He looked like he was hesitant to answer right away. "Maybe," he finally settled on, looking over the mare with intense scrutiny now.

She wondered why he snorted and figured he'd tell her if he chose to. Prying into his past was not her place. Zo didn't intend to tell him any of her history if this was just a fling.

When he extended his wings, she nodded at them. "My herd lives high on a cliff. The babies need wings to fly. You'd be welcomed to come and see it for yourself. Stay if you'd like too."

She turned to the side so he had a good view of her. "On the other hoof, if you'd rather have nothing to do with the offspring, that is your choice as well. The only requirement I have is the foals stay with me and the herd." Her tail waved side to side.

He stretched his wings out and folded them neatly back at his sides. "Cliffs you say?" He got a suspicious look on his face... he knew of another herd that lived on the mountains. Storm and Balrog's herd. But certainly she wasn't a part of them. She too closely resembled a kalona...and she would have recognized him from the recent attack.

"I am not a... dispensary. If I sire foals, I must be sure they will be in good hands. Perhaps I can see your herd for myself."

He was quiet for a moment, his heart heavy in his chest as he remembered his family..and how lonely he felt though he would never show it.

"Perhaps I may stay."

Zo nodded eagerly. She loved talking about the home she'd picked out. "It's got this great valley for hunting. The cliffs are sheer faced so nothing without wings can get to us. It's deep in the mountains away from other herds." Her tail twitched excitedly.

She fluffed her head feathers up, pleased. Good, he had a sense of responsibility. She liked that. Right now she wouldn't hope on him staying past the foal's births, but that would be enough. She wondered if he'd stay for the foals or perhaps another reason.

"I did offer. I would champion you into our herd lands. You'd be welcomed to stay as long as you liked provided you obeyed our rules. We need more members so you'd be welcomed to stay permanent if you chose." She smiled.

"Right now there's only three of us, so you might be propositioned by the others too." She watched him to see how he felt about it.

He nodded his head at her, indicating that he would follow her lead. He seemed to approve the location on her logic... sounded like a nice secure spot to raise foals... as long as they didn't try to leave the nest too early.

He did look a bit flustered at the mention of being propositioned by others. He blinked and his feathered ruffled up a bit. Spirits be with him... he had just wandered out on his own and already he had an attractive, strong, fierce mare offering to foal with him. Now there may be more.

He gave a quiet, rumbling whinny deep him his chest. Perhaps, however, that wasn't such a bad position to be in. After all, his mother and father had treated him barely better than a pawn in their 'master plan' to steal power from his grandfather's herd. This lady at least seemed to see the value in him. Why, he's almost be a king, right?

So he let a sly, satisfying grim creep over his face. "They're free to ask," he purred, "as long as I have reign to decline. As I said before, I'm not a dispensary. I should be a bit rebuffed that you even asked me without looking for others. But clearly you know what makes strong lines... I like that." He gave a self-assuring nod. "But perhaps I am more picky than you. I like what I'm hearing so far, though. What rules do you speak of?"

She turned back the way from which she'd come. The going would be easier now. She knew the land between here and her home. Zo turned her head to see if Vesuvius was following, then slowed for him to catch up and walk beside her. She debated flying, but his questions changed her mind. Walking would suffice for now.

Noticing his unease she tossed her head playfully. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. It's just that you'll be the first stallion to be on herd lands. It might go to their heads, and I wanted you to be prepared for that possibility."

Zo nodded confidently, "You are there as my mate and you may decline their advances. Right now no one is dispensary." She smirked and flicked her ear. "I've been searching for some time. You're aren't the first I've run into." Let him mull over that one.

She tilted her head, "Of course, if you'd like me to keep looking I can do that. Once I take you there, and introduce you to the others then I'd head out again. Vesusius, it is difficult to come across a stallion that is up to my standard. Nothing is set in stone yet. Either you or I may decide that it wont work between us in the interm. You could stay or leave if that became the case." Zo felt that she must meet a certain standard or he wouldn't be agreeing to come along in the first place.

So far so good. She moved into an easy trot; it would cover more ground while letting them talk.

"The three of us are mares, but don't let that fool you. We are strong and can do practically anything a stallion could." Her feathers came up as she cocked an ear. "Except one. We can't have foals on our own. Don't let that go to your head. We don't need any stallion thinking he can come in and simply take over, or thinks he needs to take care of us." She gave him a hard look to be sure he understood that. If not, she'd end this right here.

"And as I said before, all the foals must remain with me." She wondered if he'd be able to accept that. Some of the others she'd approached had tried to take that attitude with her. It hadn't ended well.

Ves easily kept the pace, nodded as she talked, letting his mind wander with images of three beautiful and strong mares bickering and vying for his attention. The thought was admittedly growing on him.

He had never considered females the weaker sex, so that wasn't going to be a problem. His mother and sister where vicious, fiery mares... to be honest a meek, wilting mare would hold no interest for him. Better suited for pets and familiars than mates.

"What about when they grow up," he queried. "They can't be forced to stay if they don't want to." He gave her a sideways glance. "But as foals, they will stay with their herd, I promise. If I find it suitable enough to sire foals to begin with."

Zo found she liked talking with him. He wasn't putting her down or trying to put her in her place. He was a strong stallion that could add much to the small herd.

She gave a long sigh and nodded. "True. I would never force anyone, an adult, who felt that they didn't fit in with the herd to remain. However, I hope that is a very rare occurrence. Even then an adult may leave the herd for some time to find a mate, either temporary or permanent, like I'm doing with you."

"The whole purpose behind doing this is to expand our numbers. We can't have every colt and filly running off whilly nilly." Deep down, Zo hoped that none of her offspring would feel the need to leave. She'd grown up with no family in her valley, now was her chance for one.

A thought ran across the deepest part of her mind. Would Ves stay long enough for the foals to reach adulthood then lead them away?

"That's good," he said after a few moments of silence. He spoke, but his words came slow and thoughtfully. Like no sound left hims mouth unless it was a conscious decision. "I don't want any of my children born into captivity of course." He paused, looking for over and with a small hint of a smile, "But I suppose if they are raised right they would have no reason to leave."

He found himself getting excited over this prospect of a new life. He was lonely, even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone he couldn't deny he did not like the wandering lonely lifestyle. Though he knew he wasn't suited for just any herd. He was peculiar, he could admit that. He couldn't tolerate incompetence or weakness.

Was this a blessing from the Spirits? Were they trying to make up for his humiliating defeat led by the hot-headed blind rage of his father?

Perhaps They were giving him a gift in the form of an amazing importunity.

Zo tossed her head and made her feathers sway. "No member of the herd would ever be a captive." She smiled, "even a foal born without wings. He or she would be raised in our ways and as they approached adulthood I would encourage them to make their own way in the world. Our home is not suited for the flightless, but they would always be welcomed there."

She pawed the ground aggressively. "However, trespassers wont be tolerated. I suppose we could hold them captive, but for what? I'd rather have them run off our territory. If they want permission to remain they can ask the proper way."

Ves bobbed his head as he listened and followed. "Careful breeding should eliminate the possibility of wingless offspring anyway," he said. "Hopefully that will never come up. I know for sure both my parents had wings, too. My father's side is downright obsessed with it."

He gave a sage nod.

"Weakness should not be tolerated. This can be easily controlled, especially starting form such a small start. It's not the quantity, but the quality."

At least, he thought to himself, that's how it should be. He wouldn't let the shadow of his father's defeat follow him for the rest of his life. He was ready to shed all that and start anew. He would show his father in the end.

"I hope it wont too. One of the reasons I've been so careful in selecting a partner for this. However I am prepared for it to happen. We wont abandon a foal just because it has no wings." She grinned, "that's good to hear. That will increase our chances. See I don't remember my parents at all. I don't know if they both had wings or not." Her red eye scrutinized him carefully as she revealed that little tidbit. How would he feel about it?

"It doesn't have to stamped out, but gently guided." She had dreams of being the tiny start to a large successful herd. Zo wasn't vicious unless she absolutely had to, like protecting her herd.


A month of steady traveling finally saw the two soquili at the entrance to the valley. Zosime lead Ves over the ridge so that the valley opened in panoramic view. It was lovely in her eyes. Content to be back home she leaned against her potential future mate.



PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:34 pm
I Welcome You

Zosime had spent a long day trying to find enough to hunt for herself. It seemed to be either too large or not there at all. She pondered if something else had entered the herd territory unknowingly. No, not with all the big game I saw. The little critters must be use to me by now. That's all. Her wings swept in wide arcs as she back winged furiously to land daintily on the lip of one of the three entrances.

She'd given the newest member a day to settle in. Now she trotted back to the cave Dangereuse had claimed for herself. Standing at the 'doorway', Zo tapped her hoof politely on the wall. "Dangereuse? Are you in? It is Zosime." She tilted her head and pricked her ears forward to ear.

Alexion looked up from his corner of Danger's new living quarters. He was actually very content being in the folds of other Wind Serpents even if Danger was wary of them. He couldn't really blame her but still he was supposed to be keeping guard over her while she slept. Seeing Zo he smiled and scampered off to where Danger had made her bed. Nudging her slightly he tried to wake her.

Danger felt Alexion's wings brush against her she knew what he wanted even before he had come upon her. She could scent her fellow herd-mate before she had appeared. It had been a day since she found herself in this herd, it was by accident that she even found others of her kind. She actually liked Zosime the self proclaimed protector of the herd, the self proclaimed alpha on the other hand she wasn't fond of.

"I hear Lex....I'm awake..."

She stood and bowed her head gently to show her submission to Zosime,

"Hello Zosime...I was wondering when I would be able to get to know you."

Danger smiled softly,

"I...you can call me Danger if you would like...And"

Nodding towards the Tinger she smiled again knowing how faithful her companion was,

"Alexion...or Lex...if you havn't already met the fur ball."

The dark soq fluffed her head feathers up happily as she saw the newest member emerge from her den. "My apologies Dangereuse for not stopping by earlier. I had wished to give you enough time to settle in. Is everything well for you and your little friend?" She glanced at down at the rabbit like critter with a smile.

"Ah, it would be a pleasure Danger. Do you have a moment to talk? If I'm interrupting I could return another time."

"It seems I am the only one without a companion." she chuckles, and lowers her nose to the Tinger so show no ill will towards him. She liked how well their colors matched. "Lex are you settling in well?"

Danger watched the way Zosime's interaction with Lex and smiled. She was a bit worried at first bringing him in to the fold since her first meeting him almost resulted in him becoming dinner.

"I am doing well Zosime, there is no need for apologies"

Danger took a submissive stance to Zosime, something she realized came very easily however her pride kept her from being too submissive even to the alpha of the herd.

"I have all the time in the world to speak with you. In fact I'd like to know more about this herd...the area surrounding our caves and anything else you would like to allow me to know."

Lex happily nodded at Zosime. He did like her and wondered if he couldn't find a companion for her. She seemed so sad whenever she looked at him. Smiling happily for her he finally said, "Yes I like it very much and Danger is settling in very well." He nodded happily as he stood by his mistress' side.

"Still, I do not wish for you feel that I purposely neglected to meet you. Of course, feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns you might have." She nodded. "Would you like me to come in, or shall we take a stroll?"

"Indeed, but herd members should not put off getting to know one another. I feel that you should know as much about this herd and its territory as you want. So what question would you like to start with?"

"There are some questions I would like to pose to you. After I have answered yours, of course."

Zo chuckled at Lex's comment. "That is good to hear. You'll of course come to me as well with any problems?"

Danger smiled politely

"I did not think you were putting it off. I believe a stroll would be fine."

She wasn't sure how to ask the right questions to ease her mind. She was new, she could afford some time before making the decision about talking about Bris just yet.

Lex nodded at Zosime. Watching Danger intensely he knew something was weighing on her mind even though she would never openly talk to Zo about it. Wondering if he should bring it up he finally chattered about, "What about Males? Mates? Potentially that is..."

Hearing Lex, Danger let out a low warning growl, there was no need to be asking those kinds of questions. Then looking back at Zo,

"perhaps that walk...a look at the territory..and of course any questions that you could possibly have for myself."

Zo took that as assent and turned away from the cubby Danger called home. She headed towards the main entrance. "A stroll sounds lovely. It's just so nice out." She waited until they had left the corridor. "A good question Lex. I'll answer that as soon as we get down and into the forest. Danger I'll want to make sure I show you the Circle."

She neighed softly in amusement. "I'm sorry about the name but I really don't have any better." The nearest entrance came into view. Zo put on a burst of speed to give herself enough momentum that she wouldn't drop like a stone. A great big shove at the lip sent her wheeling into the sky. Several minutes later after a fast drop, she stood waiting for her herd mate and Lex.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:41 pm
By The Lakes

It was a sunny day. Hipelagan was playing by a couple lakes she'd found in the forest. It had been hot the past couple of days, so she was taking the opportunity to play in the water. She galloped and frolliced. Fanning her wings to send out waves or water sprays to soak everything.

It was hot!

His wings felt heavy, his breaths shallowing by the day as he stomped forward in search of liquid refreshment. Right now he wasn't fussy, a river, berries, dew drops; anything that provided him with a moments relief would be welcomed. Houdini should have guess when he started his adventure that he should have been more careful, not pushed himself so hard in the heat.

Slightly panting now he paused, closed his eyes and allowed his hearing to take over. His ears twitched. Soon the sound of water reached him.

Desperation caused him to run towards it. He wasn't thinking or caring much about his enviroment as the relief of actually finding water took over. His body crashed into the surface, a tidal of water rippling out around him and a sound similar to "Hooooorah!" Erupted from his lips. He drank his fill. The liquid satisifying.

Only then did he look around, and he froze. There was a mare here. A wind like him, but with a pelt of midnight broken by a delicate design of red and gold. Unsure what to do Houdini simply stood staring at her, or perhaps gourping would have been a more accurate description of what he was doing.

Hipelagan had gotten herself pleasantly damp. Her wings had a nice dewy mist that felt nice on her wings. She pounced in the water, chasing the fish that swam nimble out of the way then returned to taunt her. They seemed to enjoy it as much as she was.

The tranquility, what was left while she played, was shattered as a stallion made his entrance onto the scene. She stood stock still as he plunged into the cool waters and a wave of water soaked up to her belly. He had wings like she did, and he had a horn! She blinked in surprise, starting at it.

Hipelagan saw him freeze as he saw her. After a moment she started to laugh at the stallions antics. She reared up and came down hard with her hooves. Directing a spray of water toward him.  



PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:44 pm
Easily Amused

Ebonyrose pranced around the meadow with a seashell hanging from her horn. She probably would go back to the shore again soon, but for now she was amusing herself with her keepsake from the last trip. Around and around she spun the shell on her horn and around in a circle she went running trying not to spin it off the end of her horn.

After a while of this she lays down on the grass and puts the shell in front of her while she rolls in the flowers. There were lots of interesting things to explore, but for now she was in a playful mood. She would explore more after a bit of mindless playing. The conk shell goes back on her horn as soon as she stops rolling and she lays with her legs tucked under her, spinning the shell some more.

Flying overhead Hipelagan had a bird's eye view of the world. She loved it. Seeing everything, but not being seen. She often saw interesting things that Hipelagan thought she might not otherwise.

As such, she noticed a black soquili rolling around in a meadow. Was the other hurt? She decided to find out and offer assistance if she could. Gliding down to land, she did her best not to kick up too much debris from her wings.

"Um, excuse me, are you ok?" Hipelagan saw when she got closer that the other soq was female like herself, but unlike she had a horn and no wings.

Ebonyrose was not aware of being watched until the other spoke. She blinks and looks around, letting the shell stop spinning on her horn. "Me? Oh, yes, I'm wonderful! How are you?!" She jumps up, the shell falling, forgotten to the ground for the moment, and rushes over to inspect the new arrival. Curiosity had her looking at everything from the wings to the markings. "Your wings are so pretty! What's it like to fly?"

In the excitement of having a new Soquili show up, Ebonyrose seemed to have forgotten her manners. "Your markings are so bright and colorful!" It took her a moment of squeeing and question shooting before she remembered herself. "Oh, dear, how rude of me. I'm Ebonyrose... nice to meet you." She ducked her head bashfully and tucked it half behind her shoulder in embarrassment, peeking out to see if Hipelagan was mad at her.

Hipelagan blinked back. Now what? Her eye caught the shell falling to the ground. What? She grinned. "Oh that's good. I saw you rolling, and thought you might of needed some help. I'm doing well myself, thanks for asking."

She stood stock still and let the other look her over. Her neck arched at the compliment to her wings. "Thanks! Flying is..... I donno. It takes your breath away." Hipelagan felt sorry that this mare would never experience it.

Her head bobbed happily, as she seemed to have no problem keeping up with the squeeing and rapid fire questions. It was nice to be appreciated! "It's ok. I'm Hipelagan. Please to meet you too, Ebonyrose. I like that colorful thing on you're chest." She lowered her head for a closer look at the glowy.

"What were you doing with that thing that fell off you're horn?" She walked over until she found the shell where it had fallen.  
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