You can tickle me pink,
orange, red, or
blue, but not grey

It's great that you want to RP but the fact remains that this guild did have an RP forum because people such as yourself wanted 1 so bad and the guild leaders thought that it would bring up attendance (as you said, that you thought it would in an earlier post,) but then sadly no one used the forum even after an announcement was put out saying that it needed more activity. sad If you want to bring up the request or just talk about it more with the guild leader her user name is Faithful Quenga. For now if you really want to do an RP in this guild you could make 1 in the guild's chatterbox sub-forum if you wish. ^_^ And thank you for bringing up your request (which is a good but like I said, we have tried it and it didn't work.) If you have any other good ideas then please feel free to bring them up. ^_^

Because grey will not do.