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[PRP] Welcome [Faust-Willow-Amleth-William]

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:22 pm
In the small town lied a small family business. The large house contained five guest rooms, a restaurant and a bar, all run by one young man who had inherited it alln ot too long ago. The business had been in his family for generations and now it was Faust's turn to hold the torch.

It had proven to be a pretty uneventful day at the old inn. Faust was incredibly bored; he hated waiting around for something to happen. It was around that time of year, everyone was going to spend time with their families and thanks to the snow people just where not leaving there homes.He just hoped business picked up before he ended up in the poor house, or even worse spiders started to weave the webs around his motionless frame. He rested his palm against his chin and let out a deep sigh, his blue eyes wondering over to the bottle which had taken residence on his desk. It had soon become his favourite trinket, it had somewhat of a hold on him and he found every day, even if it was just for a second, his eyes were drawn to its beautiful colouration and shiny surface.

He reached out; his fingers laced its thin rim and brought it closer to his face, watching how the light shone off of it. He could almost get lost in its beauty, who knew something so simple could look so wonderful. Or how beauty could have such a grasp on a otherwise business like man. He stared and for a split second something sinister revealed itself. A face could be seen inside the vessel, one much like the ones kid carve into pumpkins at Halloween. He gasped and quickly put it back where he had grabbed it from. Maybe he did need a vacation; he was starting to imagine things...

He took in a deep breath to keep his composure and then his gentle eyes went over to the door. Hearing the bell go to signal someone had entered. A welcoming smile came onto his lips and he nodded his head over towards his new customers, to signal them to approach the desk so he could see to their needs. “Welcome, is there anything I can do for you today?” He asked his tone very polite and calm.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:21 pm
It was no easy thing giving into the imperious commands of a particularly difficult child, and if Amleth wanted food, Amleth wanted food, whether William was busy, broke, or asleep. Fortunately, today, it had timed itself nicely with dinner time, and William silently patted himself on the back for maintaining some sort of schedule while Amleth just as silently rode on it. The scrawny blonde child had a paper crown perched crookedly on his head, his serious expression focused curiously while his arm remained hooked around William's neck, helping to hold himself aloft.

William absentmindedly hefted the boy as he pushed the door open, blinking at the eager figure that came to greet them only to smile warmly, "Ah... hello. Yes. We were hoping to get something to eat?" Nevermind why the sleepy-looking, brown-haired, lanky man in his twenties apparently fathered a red-eyed, blonde-haired little boy. Ahem.

William is immediately distracted by the sight of the bottle on Faust's desk, however, and he suddenly points to it with animated fluster. POINT. He exclaims, green eyes wide, "You-You have one of these! I had one of these!" He suddenly shuffles Amleth down off his back, catching the thin boy under the arms and lifting him, shoving him towards Faust excitedly, "It turned into this - er, him! He came out of one of those!" He probably sounds a bit crazy, and Amleth just blinks a couple times at Faust, lifting a hand after a few seconds in a motionless wave. Uh. Hey.

Likely realizing that he's being kind of weird, William retracts Amleth and sets him down next to him, resting a hand on the boy's head gently, "Er. Sorry. It's true, though. I'm not the only one. I met a couple people who it happened to... has it done anything weird yet?" That's Will. Direct to the point of strangling himself with his own sentences.


Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:30 am
“W-wha?” Faust looked very uncertain; he did not know a lot of things about children. However he was quite sure that they did not come from bottles. His eyes scanned the pair and he did admit they looked nothing like each other, plus the taller man seemed to be too young to be a father. Faust himself was only twenty-four and William did look around his age. He stayed silent for a moment or two and then his blue eyes went to the side to look at the bottle.

He picked it up once more and looked in the glass, had it done anything strange? He did not know, he had noticed one or two things, however he always thought it was bad lighting or his overactive imagination. “I- I could not tell you. Nothing that could not be explained logically. There has been one or two instants where I thought I could have seen something... however I am not sure.” He finally explained, he was a little freaked out and he did not know if this guy was sane or not.

He blinked and then thought about what he said; there were other people who had these bottles? He did not believe him at the moment, however he was curious to see what he had to say. He had a odd feeling something was not right with this trinket, even though it was nothing scary or intimidating there was something. Something in the back of his mind what he could not put his finger on. Almost drawing him to it.

He shook his head and returned it to its rightful place on his desk. “Food is something I can do. Erm, seating for two I am guessing?” He nodded, he might as well get down to business, he started to lead the two into the dinning section, pulling out a chair at the table for the younger child.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:03 pm
"He thinks you're nuts," Amleth is happy to supply as he squirms in William's grasp, ultimately demanding, "Put me down!" Grump grump. William droops slightly at Faust's reaction, not putting Amleth down but tucking the slim body against his side, carting him on his hip comfortably enough. He's tall, so even their age difference doesn't effect this pose. The boy's imperious expression becomes a bit less irritable and, as they begin to follow after Faust, Amleth helpfully, if quietly and suspiciously, supplies, "He's telling the truth. You shouldn't ignore weird stuff. It's important sometimes." He says this with the grand air of someone who is used to being listened to, only to frown as William sits him neatly in the chair that was pulled out for him. Rather than drag himself in, he looks up at Faust expectantly, waiting for the man to push him in as well. Brat.

William tumbles somewhat haphazardly into the adjacent seat, looking up at Faust once more with his own thoughtful frown, his hair a bit whipped wild by whatever wind is blowing out front, "Sounds, voices - you get weird feelings from it when you look at it too long? Is it ever warm when it shouldn't be? His was. I heard paper rustling a lot, and some other things. Ever feel bad about the idea of dropping it?" The talkative, amiable young man is a person who loves books, after all, so for now, his manner is more direct, more probing, his eyes intelligent and focused. He certainly doesn't SEEM insane, or look the part in his relatively neat sweater and jeans, but they say it takes all kinds.

Amleth, relatively impatient, sighs and huffs a lock of blonde from in front of his nose, "I want soda." William's response is immediate, accompanied with a small scowl that Amleth soon reflects, "No soda. You're getting juice or water." Well, he's certainly a child and William is certainly his guardian. Amleth may be a bit of a brat, but he doesn't argue, just propping his chin on his hand and mumbling about orange juice.



Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:30 pm
“Pumpkin, every so often the smell becomes very strong in the air, almost like I am sat in the middle of a pumpkin patch. Then there is... the faces, you know when kids cave jack-a-lanterns, with the ridged teeth and the sharp eyes. Every so often, if just for a second one appears and then fades. I have to admit, I have felt drawn to it, which might be strange due to the fact it is just a bottle, however sometimes I find myself staring into it for no reason.” He explained, almost lost in his words, one time he was sat on his desk and for some odd reason he found himself falling asleep. That day he had such a vivid dream, about being in a field filled with pumpkins, everything was orange, from the dirt to the sky. More so he was being cradled in vines and greenery of all sorts, it was very comforting and for a second just for a second he swore he could have heard a voice.

After that he jerked himself awake, however the wonderful autumn smell remained in the air. It made him a little uneasy for a while, yet the dream was not in the least it unpleasant. He snapped back into reality and his crystal eyes feel to the ground for a moment. Maybe there was... more to this than he could have ever imagined.

“I have to admit, I had a feeling deep down that there was something... special about it. However do forgive me, but I am finding it hard to believe that a child could come of it. It just... I have never heard of such a thing. You have to admit, if you where in my shoes you would find it very strange too. However I do not see why you would lie about it...” He was almost having the discussion with himself, he really did not mean to offend however it is not every day someone tells you that a child is going to poof into your life. He did not wish to be a father of any form for a long time. He shook his head; this was not the point. He was not really going to believe this was he? Maybe it was some kind of trick, what other reason would the other person have to lead him on like he had been. He wanted to think this man was crazy, however his heart was telling him to believe him for some off reason. What was going on here?

“I will be back in a moment.” He bowed his head respectfully and wondered off for a second, bringing back out a small try with a variety of juices on it. Oh his way back he wondered over to his desk and picked up the bottle which was on display. As he lay down the tray so that the child could get as he pleased he himself took a seat, staring down at the orange glass which had been stealing his attention for quite some time. He looked back up at the child, giving a small smile – he was kind of cute, most certainly a free spirited young soul. His attention however soon went to the older man, he wanted to get to the bottom of this.

“I do want to hear what you have t say, is this... really what you think it is? No doubt about it?” He asked, holding his precious trinket out so he could observe it. Part of him hated the idea of someone else touching his precious, however at the same time he wanted to make sure this was really what he had described; if all this was true of cause.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:22 pm
"Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure he's human," William hazards, looking over Amleth for a few seconds; the boy blinks at this, looking vaguely hurt, though too proud to give into it overmuch. He makes much of fiddling with the edge of his napkin until William's long-fingered hand plants itself on his head, petting his hair in a gentle display of idle affection, "But it's okay. It just means they're born a little differently from what we're used to. I mostly managed to accept it because, ah, I'm a bibliophile. This kind of stuff happens in books all the time." True, he never much expected anything like this to happen to HIM, but all in all, William is an easygoing sort when it comes to things that would otherwise kill his brain.

The pair watch as Faust fumbles through his thought process, exchanging a small glance over the scent of pumpkins being so strong, with William offering a small shrug of ignorance, apparently not suffering anything quite so similar when Amleth was, er, "young."

When it appears that Faust is once again speaking to him directly, William lifts his chin and brows, focusing on the other man with attentiveness, "Ah, yeah, sure." They watch him leave and Amleth mumbles, under his breath and in that certain sullen way of his, "Maybe he's nuts." Mumble. William chuffs his ear for it, but the boy just shoots him a dirty look, and he cocks his chin defiantly when he finds himself the center of Faust's attention. The other bottle being presented earns his gaze quickly, however, and Amleth peeks over the back of his chair as the bottle is held out to William. It seems Amleth's features are often screwed up in either imperious defiance or sulky brooding, but now, he looks mostly curious, his crimson eyes wide and his mouth unconsciously lipping at the back of his chair. Red eyes. Sure. Totally human.

William accepts the bottle with all due deference, carefully curling those deft hands around its circumference and testing the weight in his hands, bringing it nearer to him so that he can check and see if there's any truth to the aroma, "I never say 'without a doubt,' if I can help it, but I have very little doubt, yes. I'd met someone else who had a boy when I had a bottle, and he didn't say this outright to me, but he alluded to it. I'm saying it directly. You need to take good care of this and be ready for something... odd to happen. I can't really say what. Amleth's, ah, birth almost scared the," he glances at the boy, quickly amending a curse, "bejeezus out of me."



Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am
“Well that teaches me, when something out of the ordinary happens, it usually means trouble of some kind.” He gave a very nervous chuckle; he just thought that he was gaining a pretty trinket however it seems like he had got himself knee deep in something much more complicated. Faust did not want to be caring for any child; he was busy enough with his business. He was now quite stuck with what to do with the bottle. Should he get rid of it? He would hate to think he ignored the stranger’s warnings and then end up with a hyperactive pre-teen running around his inn. What was he to do? He did not know, he was not expecting this...

“Why... what happened at his ‘birth’?” He asked, the guy seemed like it was a very traumatising experience, so not only was he going to end up with a child that was not even human, he was going to be scared out of his wits. From the sound of it a lot of strange things were going to start happening around here; a lot of things that he was not going to be able to explain. Faust was a very simple man, he lived a very scheduled life and he did not really like the unexpected. You could see why this sudden revelation was a little bit of a spanner in the works.

He suddenly stopped and looked at the opposite party, a realisation suddenly hitting him. “My name is Faust, I have just realised I was yet to introduce myself.” He nodded his head politely, he guessed they could have met on better terms but he knew the man was only trying to help, I mean Faust has warning, he might have had to go through all this alone... was he really starting to believe what he was being told? Why I think he was.

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