Volcanic Illusions:

Volcanic Illusion: Cloud of Ash
The user creates the illusion of them breathing out a thick smog which covers the field of battle. The victim of this genjutsu will be unable to see due to "smoke" and a burning sensation in their eyes. The genjutsu will also cause shortness of breath from "smoke inhalation." Prolonged exposure [10 posts] to this genjutsu will render the victim unconscious.

Volcanic Illusion: Plume Burst
The user creates a large burst of flames and cinders that spray at the opponent from the ground. This genjutsu may be used up to 3 times per use, and it best used to funnel people into traps.

Volcanic Illusion: Molten Bonds
Hands made of lava shoot up from the earth and grab hold of the opponent. A powerful, burning sensation wracks at the opponent. After a few seconds, the lava cools into a hardened stone.

Volcanic Illusion: Molten Storm
The sky crackles with orange tinted lightning and the skies begin to grow a dark red. Lava begins to rain from the sky, filling the opponent with a terrible searing pain for 2 posts.

Volcanic Illusion: Molten Floor
Faults begin to split the earth open, spilling lava from the mantle onto the surface, creating a large hazardous zone that can't be stepped in. If this area is touched, a fiery pain will shoot through the opponent.