The Sound Five

They are powerless against our silence, for we mute their life.

. biggrin escription:.

The rise of the powerful Sound Five is upon the ninja world. The Otokage only chooses the strongest of his disciples who shall be dedicated to the mission. As a Sound Five member, you must be willing to obey everything your Otokage demands of you, and in return, he shall give you great strength.


Those of the Sound Five must be strong, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. To even begin the process of becoming a Sound Five ninja, you must meditate beneath the Falls ten times (Two posts each time), Pass ten missions the Otokage gives you and fight ten battles. After this, the true training begins.

. razz erks:.

Upon becoming a Sound Five, you will be awarded two things, Power and Freedom. When labeled one of the Sound Five, the only person in the village you need to listen to is the Otokage. Other than that, noone can order you around, in fact, you order others around. This is your Freedom. Your Power is awarded to you in the form of a weapon.


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.:Good Luck To All:.

Remember, to join this prestigious group, you must impress the Otokage with your preformance, so do well, and you will be rewarded handsomely.