hi! I'm Cait hi! I'm Cait i'm 18, 5'5 and i guess you could consider me a bbw..i'm biracial. 1/2 white and 1/2 black. dark chocolate eyes and short brown hair.
i live with my grandmother and mom as of right now but i want to go to college to become either a chef or a therapist.
i've always been the one in my group of friends to comfort everyone. i love to help people through the hard times and enjoy the good ones with them. i'm a forever friend, and while it doesnt take much to make me mad or hurt me it does take alot to make me hate or give up on someone. i'm the type that if i fight with you today, in 2 days im talking to you again. i dont like to stay angry. and even if i am mad at that moment if you needed me i'd let my anger go and help you. if i date someone im in it for the long run. i dont give up on a relationship easily. if you lived in a different state and we couldnt see eachother i'm the type that would let you see someone there within reason of course. i understand that everyone has needs. i love to have deep conversations vs really shallow ones. i like to get to know people on a really personal level. i like to ask questions that require more than a yes or no. i ask why alot because i like to know the reasons behind things. i'm very silly and love to laugh. i'm extremely random.
i know that was really long. thanks for reading. if i seem like someone you'd be cool with then shoot me a friends request and tell me that you met me on here.