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Problems within the church. Not sure what to do about it...

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Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:31 am
Well, I went to this church all my life. I went there for 20 years nearly every Sunday and sometimes we'd go on Wednesdays. I was always told, "Listen to what the preacher says." and my parents didn't usually influence reading the Bible at home. Sure, we each had our own Bibles, but as a family we never had Bible studies. When we were kids, my Father would read us Genesis and about how the world was created, and all the animals and stuff. I remember him only doing that two or three times. We'd attend a Bible study groups, but those sometimes disappear into thin air. I would go to church and dread it because it was 2 hours long...okay, for some that may not be a long time, but I tend to get bored. Some people I love hear preach, but since everyone takes turns...there are boring speakers from time to time.

I always thought my faith in God was crumbling and that I was a horrible Christian. I felt like killing myself, but I could never gain that kind of courage. I cared too much about friends and family. I couldn't even gain courage to hurt myself on purpose even a little. I was glad I didn't have courage for that. I felt like at church no one wanted to talk to me. Some people would say, "Hi." but during the break, this one lady would just wave and sometimes my friends might've ignored me. My Mom always told me, "You're not a very approachable person. You look so upset all the time. That's why people don't talk to you." The only thing is, I didn't feel I had anything to be happy about. I mean, I had friends, I had family, I had God, I had a home, and I always said, "I don't have a reason to be happy." when I did. I was just so frustrated with what I believed in that I didn't know what to do. Stuff in church slowly started not to make a lot of sense. I was confused...I had so many questions in mind and when I asked someone in the church, they wouldn't necessarily answer the question. They'd say something rather vague and I would ask if they could explain more and they just couldn't, or they refused to. I had unanswered questions, was afraid that my faith was crumbling, questioning my Christianity and what I really believed, and felt that I had no foundation. One day, someone asked me what I believed...just a friend...and I started saying stuff and they said, "Well, yeah, but what is your opinion on this or that?" And gave me a highly debatable scenario in churches today and I said, "Well, I don't know." Then this friend of mine said, "That's what makes churches into more of a cult...when they don't have their own opinion about something." I realized she was right. I didn't know my Bible well, and I believed what the church said. This became a problem for me.

When I got married, my husband told me more into detail about his beliefs. He said he didn't want to force them on me or make me believe any differently, but he'd show me his point of view. He could understand stuff to where I got it. I asked questions like, "Is it wrong for women to preach?" "Did Jesus drink wine like people think he did?" "If Jesus was Jewish then why are we Christians?" "Are other religions out there fully sinning by what they believe?" "What does Revelation say about the end of the world?" "Do I have to wear a dress/skirt to church?" Things like that.

At my church, I felt limited, but I finally got the chance to ask questions and get answers. I was shocked at how knowledgeable my husband was and that he could back everything up he said with scripture and explain original contexts and what they said, or what certain words meant in that time frame, or what the culture was for people back then. I cried so much after we had a Bible study together and did his best to explain what the Bible says about it. My husband asked, "Why are you crying?" and I said, "Because, I've never heard some of this scripture before. I feel like I've been lied to all my life and believed stuff that wasn't exactly correct. I feel like for once I know the truth." My husband just cuddled with me and I couldn't stop crying. Just all of a sudden it hit me and the tears were just streaming down my cheeks. Everytime I talk to him about the Bible, I get so happy and excited that someone will show me scriptures that'll help me out and ones I can always look back on as reference. I get so happy that I shed tears of joy. I always prayed for a husband that would be a good Biblical influence on me and I suppose my prayer was a reality years down the line, which is awesome.

I brought my husband to church and people looked at us funny...maybe because we look so different, or we're interracially married. He's just a bit tan and I'm white. He's mostly Hawaiian...and a pretty big guy. He was always told, "Question the spirit. Never take anyone's word for it. Always read your Bible." I wish I was told that as a kid, then maybe it would've saved me from so much stress and dreadful thoughts. This one man in my church that doesn't tend to act like a Christian tries to challenge my husband...he has tried to show off or look better and say what he's done in his life. My husband hasn't started an argument about it, and tries to dismiss it before an argument happens. This specific man was also mean to my father-in-law. Alright, this guy is a businessman...he makes a lot of money and has enough to build his own houses. He also has his own airplane so he goes to the airport to get fuel. My husband told his Father, "Do you know (insert name of man here)." His Father said, "Yes, but he is pretty rude. He may tip well, but he's very arrogant and treats me like a slave and nothing more." My husband said, "He goes to her church." and his Father said, "That man is seriously a Christian? He doesn't act like it..." It worries me. That man and other men in the church gathered around in the garage and talked about who donates the most to the church. Okay, that was very offensive to me because I believe donations such as that should come from the heart, and you should do it because you want to...not to make yourself look good or superior to everyone else. For the fact that the men were saying how much they donated and bragged about it...it hurt me a lot. I became disappointed.

My husband and I didn't attend church much because we were constantly busy and constantly tired. School stressed both of us out, and my husband's job wears him down quite a bit. Sometimes my husband was too tired to drive and I didn't want him endangering us trying to get to church so I allowed him to rest. He does so much for the both of us so I found it only fair. My church treats people like outcasts if they don't come to church in a while without a reason. So when we go back, some of the nicer people will say hello and want to chat with us, which is great. Some act like they wanna say something, but keep themselves from saying it. I remember they tried to pressure my husband and I into pre-marital counseling. We don't like that idea because it would've been us two and a guy from my church. My husband and I don't like middle men...if you know what I mean. We looked over the books ourselves...asked each other questions in person...when really the guy from church wanted to go over all of it for us and there were all these videos...it was like over a days worth of videos. We didn't watch the videos, but we asked questions in the books that we haven't asked each other, and most of it was pretty basic. We had both covered most of the material in the books and we returned it and said, "No thank you." to the man and he seemed offended. We just like to talk about these things to each other...it's a bit embarrassing when you're talking about sex life and how it'll be with some guy there, you know what I mean? We didn't want that. We were planning a wedding so we didn't have time for all those videos anyway.

My church has seemed a bit weird to me, like things aren't quite right and I don't understand. Some of my beliefs have changed slightly to where I feel like they are truthful and following the Bible. It's just that if my church knew that, they would think my husband was corrupting me. My church is the kind of group that has the attitude of, "If you don't come from our church, you must be a heathen." type of thing. I always thought it was wrong. People at church haven't asked my husband his beliefs. Instead they ask me, but I don't feel it's right to talk in his stead. I know his beliefs, but I don't want to answer questions about them because I don't want to be wrong. My husband is an open person and if you ask him what he believes, he will tell you straight out anything he believes, but I think they are intimidated by him because he's fairly big and smart. I always tell people, "Ask my husband and he will gladly tell you without hesitation." But they never take my advice and do so. I hate that people question me and don't ask him. I always get, "Well, you should know. You married him."

In my church are things I hated like that a woman couldn't lead a song, say a prayer request, lead a prayer, help with communion, or even preach. I would sit in church, wishing that I could say a prayer request for a friend or lead the prayer, or help with communion. All we can do is sing and that's it. If we want to say a prayer request, we have to tell a male member of the church and they'll say it for you. I remember this woman who was a caregiver for this one elderly woman. She stood up like when everyone was saying prayer requests and she said she grew up where men and women were equal in the church and in everyday life and that she hated that it was a male dominated church. They asked her not to come back and got that elderly woman a new caregiver. I listened to what she had to say and took it into account.

I remember I tried to read the book of Revelation at times to try and understand it and my Mom would never let me. She'd say, "No, you have to reade the rest of the Bible before you could understand reading Revelation. I started with Genesis and then got to Exodus, and then I kinda gave up because I was a slow reader.

I always hated it when there was this one man who would come to preach. He was a guest and he would get like 4-5 days to preach here. My church always said they didn't believe one preacher/pastor should get the glory to himself and be a messenger for God...that no one man deserves that spot. I thought it was pretty weird because when this man came...they gave him so much time. It was only him that would preach. He has this southern accent so sometimes he sounds funny when speaking. He said something, my sister and I giggled...may have been a bit rude, but he gave us this nasty stare and my Mom whispered to my sister and I, "He stared at you. You should be ashamed of yourselves." They treat the man like God. Everyone wants to talk to him, everyone feels uplifted by what he has to say somehow, and I found it wrong that he never brought his wife with him. He never did that...no one here has met his wife. His wife was recently very sick and they weren't expecting her to live because her heart was beating so slow and she had a heart problem that she needed surgery for. He kept telling people, "You know, pray for me. I have to go somewhere and preach." That's right, he left his wife and went off to preach when he didn't know if she'd be alive when he got back. I thought it was messed up. He should've stayed with his wife. As far as I know, she's alive and the surgery went well, but he shouldn't have left her like that. This guy when he preaches makes you feel pretty rotten about your faith. He belittles people and picks at 'em a bit. He tends to make jokes, which is alright, but some just aren't funny. He said stuff like, "If you don't like reading the Bible on earth, then why would you even want to go to Heaven?" and laugh about it. Then he would say, "How many people in this room could honestly say, "If I die in this very moment. I am going to Heaven?" Some raised their hands, but not all, and he thought it was funny that Christians weren't even sure about it. He was saying, "As Christians, you should be PROUD that you are going to Heaven!" I thought that "proud" was a poor choice in words. It made him sound so arrogant...and he does think he's better than everyone else. People at our church treat him like a god. They take him out for food...he doesn't have to pay for lunch and dinner...perhaps breakfast, but the other two, people usually take him out to eat. I don't like that they worship the man and I didn't feel uplifted because I felt he was poking fun at those who were more weak than others. If my Mom asked, "Are you uplifted now?" I would be honest and say, "No, I'm not." and Mom said, "What's wrong with you?" And everytime Sam comes...people try to make every single day he is here just to hear him and I think it's stupid. My Mom seemed like she'd do it just because she knows it'll make her look like a better Christian. I am sad my Mom acts like that...but I think it's been bad enough to get my brother and sister to almost stop believing and question Christianity.

Every Sunday, it was chaos. I got up early one morning to get on the computer, but I made sure I was completely ready to go to church. My Mom came out, and got really mad and said, "No computer on Sunday mornings!" I said, "But I'm totally ready to go." I knew I wouldn't get it in the afternoon because my Mom would want it after lunch. I got in trouble that day and then Mom would go on the computer every Sunday morning before she was even ready to go. Usually we barely make it...even though church is only like a 3-5 minute drive. Mom would get so mad if we couldn't find our shoes, took too long in the bathroom, etc. She was so mean and if we wore a shirt or skirt/dress with the slightest wrinkle, we'd be grounded. She would usually go to church, take some notes, and I'd never see her look at those notes again. She'd leave them to rot in that small notebook in her purse.

Since all of these issues have gone on, I've been hesitant to go back. Last week I went back for the first half of the service and left at the break.. I was glad I went because my sister doesn't live with us anymore, I rarely go these days and am married and moved out, she let my brother go to some races in another city, and my Dad was at work (he works 24 hour shifts) so my Mom was all alone. My husband and I got her a birthday gift after the service and treated her to lunch. Afterwards, we spent a lot of the day at home with her just chatting about stuff. I think she was really lonely so I was glad I got to spend that day with her because I don't think she likes feeling that lonely. Some people from church chatted with us, but they stared at me funny because I wore jeans to church, a shirt, and some arm warmers. I also brought my big coat because it was chilly that day. Turns out, my skirts didn't fit me anymore because I had gained weight and I was a bigger pant size, but I thought my skirts that were stretchy around the waist would fit, but they didn't...so I had to wear something...so I wore these jeans I just bough the night before. Some stared at me like, "What are you doing?" My Mom didn't care for it, but she didn't say much about it.

Anyway, lately...I haven't known what to do. I don't want to ignore the people, but if we had different beliefs and were a threat then they may kick my husband out and I made the decision that I'd go with him if that happens. I have been hurt by that church lately so it's hard to go back, and I wish that I could just say what I want to say..but I am so shy and don't want to cause riot or anything within the church. My husband told me he wouldn't lie about his beliefs so one day, they're probably going to ask him. I just don't know what to think about my church anymore. I mean, for a while I had the mindset of, "I don't hate the people, I just don't care for their belief system." Some of the people have made me upset, though. I had no idea my church was so flawed because my parents didn't like me going to other churches because they "believed differently" or "didn't believe the same way we did." I wasn't asking to go to like a church for a totally different religion...I just wanted to attend my friend's church with them. My Mom didn't like me going to my husband's church...my husband doesn't totally like th belief system, but he'd go there for a while anyway and he knew a lot of the people.

There is just so much about my church I could ramble on about. I apologize it is so long sweatdrop but I don't know if I should just go back when I can like I've been doing even though they judge anyway, or if I should try and find another church (although there aren't many churches that believe the same my husband and I do. He has been to numerous churches in our town and couldn't find one he actually liked except for the one he ended up attending). We want to move out of state sometime and hopefully find a new church and get our education done with and start a good living. I just don't know if there's anything I can do but pray. I am not sure if any of you have been in a situation similar, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm just kind of in a rut, because people at this church consider me like their own daughter because I've gone there for 20 years, but a different church might be needed. I just need some other people to talk about the issue. I've shared concerns with my husband, but I hate repeating myself over and over about these concerns. Although he tries to help each time, and says I don't annoy him, I have a feeling I might just a little. Sorry about the length of this, but thank you if you at least looked at it.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:09 pm
You can tickle me pink, orange, red, or blue, but not grey

Your church sounds like one of the "let's tell them what will make them happy instead of the truth which will make them feel bad ((convicted)) and never come back here again. Because it doesn't matter if people are truly following Jesus, it matters if we have a large attendance and a lot of money from the large attendance." type of churches. The modern movement church. From what I read you have written, I say that you need to get out of there. It's not a good church, and some how some way you need to show your mother the issues and how it's going against God. You said that some of the men were bragging about how much money they were giving, and you are exactly correct in thinking that it's not right because it's not. And the not letting women do anything is also wrong. Yes men should be the leaders of the church but only those that the Lord wants in those positions and they should not the dictators of it. The women should be allowed to lead worship, say a prayer, ask directly of the church instead of going through a male leader for an request. And for your mom to have kept you from reading Revelation was also wrong. I mean yea technically she was correct in saying that you probably should read the rest of the Bible to fully understand Revelation but you don't NEED to. You can understand parts of Revelation on it's own, it's just a little more difficult if you have no other biblical knowledge at all. If you wanted to read Revelation, then you should have been able to read Revelation. And if you did have any questions then I'm sure that you would go back through the other books of the Bible or look on the internet or maybe try asking someone about any questions that you have. I think it's great that you wanted to read his word so much especially a chapter that I think most people are kind of cautious about reading. And the pre-marital thing, I don't really know how much they do or don't help, but I'm definitely agree with the whole, feeling uncomfortable about talking on certain topics with this man. I think that if you both believe strongly in Jesus, that is the best foundation for a marriage, because Jesus is simply the rock of everything. For the clothes, that's something that all churches get all stiff about. My church doesn't have a dress code, you can wear whatever you want. Because do you really think that God cares what you are wearing to church? That he sits there in Heaven going "You're wearing Jeans to my service?! Sinner!!"? If you are going to church to hear and learn more about His Word with a fully devoted heart, then that is all that really matters to Him. And kind of with the first sentence I wrote, if you didn't know the Bible, you weren't learning anything from your church (basically probably because they weren't teaching you anything), if no one could talk to you or answer the questions that you needed answers to the most, then that is very bad and shows that they aren't doing what the church was put in place to do. But I will pray that everything goes well for you and your family and just that you can start living the life the God wants you to live in peace knowing that you finally know the answers that you needed to know about him. Also I am very glad to hear that you have what sounds to be a VERY great, amazing, and just God loving man as your husband. ^^

P.S./Edit= I would also like to note that you don't NEED to go to church. No where in the Bible does it put going to church as something necessary to your salvation. First of all the church is not a building, the church is all of us saved in Jesus Christ worshiping him together in spirit. The Lord set up the church for us all to come together as one to learn about him from a Man, that the Lord has placed to be the shepherd of his flock, whom He speaks to so that what that man says is something that holds true to the Lord's word and helps us grow in understanding and knowledge of His word more. But we should always check the Lord's word to make sure that what that preacher is saying holds true to the Lord's word. Otherwise you might have to take a step back.
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

It's one thing to sit in a pew and receive the word with all readiness of mind. These Bereans took it a step further and did their homework. They went back to the source. http://bible.us/Acts17.11.NKJV

Because grey will not do.


Blessed Nerd

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:16 pm
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:51 am
You can tickle me pink, orange, red, or blue, but not grey

Your church sounds like one of the "let's tell them what will make them happy instead of the truth which will make them feel bad ((convicted)) and never come back here again. Because it doesn't matter if people are truly following Jesus, it matters if we have a large attendance and a lot of money from the large attendance." type of churches. The modern movement church. From what I read you have written, I say that you need to get out of there. It's not a good church, and some how some way you need to show your mother the issues and how it's going against God. You said that some of the men were bragging about how much money they were giving, and you are exactly correct in thinking that it's not right because it's not. And the not letting women do anything is also wrong. Yes men should be the leaders of the church but only those that the Lord wants in those positions and they should not the dictators of it. The women should be allowed to lead worship, say a prayer, ask directly of the church instead of going through a male leader for an request. And for your mom to have kept you from reading Revelation was also wrong. I mean yea technically she was correct in saying that you probably should read the rest of the Bible to fully understand Revelation but you don't NEED to. You can understand parts of Revelation on it's own, it's just a little more difficult if you have no other biblical knowledge at all. If you wanted to read Revelation, then you should have been able to read Revelation. And if you did have any questions then I'm sure that you would go back through the other books of the Bible or look on the internet or maybe try asking someone about any questions that you have. I think it's great that you wanted to read his word so much especially a chapter that I think most people are kind of cautious about reading. And the pre-marital thing, I don't really know how much they do or don't help, but I'm definitely agree with the whole, feeling uncomfortable about talking on certain topics with this man. I think that if you both believe strongly in Jesus, that is the best foundation for a marriage, because Jesus is simply the rock of everything. For the clothes, that's something that all churches get all stiff about. My church doesn't have a dress code, you can wear whatever you want. Because do you really think that God cares what you are wearing to church? That he sits there in Heaven going "You're wearing Jeans to my service?! Sinner!!"? If you are going to church to hear and learn more about His Word with a fully devoted heart, then that is all that really matters to Him. And kind of with the first sentence I wrote, if you didn't know the Bible, you weren't learning anything from your church (basically probably because they weren't teaching you anything), if no one could talk to you or answer the questions that you needed answers to the most, then that is very bad and shows that they aren't doing what the church was put in place to do. But I will pray that everything goes well for you and your family and just that you can start living the life the God wants you to live in peace knowing that you finally know the answers that you needed to know about him. Also I am very glad to hear that you have what sounds to be a VERY great, amazing, and just God loving man as your husband. ^^

P.S./Edit= I would also like to note that you don't NEED to go to church. No where in the Bible does it put going to church as something necessary to your salvation. First of all the church is not a building, the church is all of us saved in Jesus Christ worshiping him together in spirit. The Lord set up the church for us all to come together as one to learn about him from a Man, that the Lord has placed to be the shepherd of his flock, whom He speaks to so that what that man says is something that holds true to the Lord's word and helps us grow in understanding and knowledge of His word more. But we should always check the Lord's word to make sure that what that preacher is saying holds true to the Lord's word. Otherwise you might have to take a step back.
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

It's one thing to sit in a pew and receive the word with all readiness of mind. These Bereans took it a step further and did their homework. They went back to the source. http://bible.us/Acts17.11.NKJV

Because grey will not do.

I'm pretty sure you're right when they act like they're a "feel good" type church...telling you only what will make you feel great instead of guilty. I mean, sometimes they will read from Revelation, but I didn't really even know a majority of the book because they don't seem to talk about it. The church actually isn't that big...it's quite a small church of about 30 - 40 people max.

I wish I could tell my parents about the church being wrong about a lot of things, but they're the kind of people that aren't going to want to switch churches. I think my Mom goes to church sometimes just to look good and all of that. My Dad goes to learn the word, but he also does Bible reading at home, but goes by how the church operates like women should be silent and all of that. I love my parents and it'd be hard to tell them because they would believe that they are so right about it. I mean, the guy we do Bible studies with every now and then talked about the whole length of hair, why women should be quiet in church, etc. etc. We listened, and didn't want to argue too much about our points because he seems to have a set belief in that that he won't change...he's one of the elders as well so I don't think he'd budge.

It's sad that a majority of churches around here are the same exact way. We're looking forward to moving to another state at some point. My husband told me about some great churches that treat men and women as equals and all of that. We have been looking to switch somewhere that is good.

Yeah, my husband told me that "church" isn't mandatory for salvation as well and I believe that. I believe it's good to go when you can, or to at least have Bible studies and gather with those who believe in God's word. Sometimes my husband and I decide on Sunday's to read a few verses and express our thoughts and what the scripture means. I like that a lot..it makes me feel like I have a closer relationship to God as well as my husband and that's a double bonus. I love talking about the Bible with my husband. I've never loved it so much before until I've met him and he has encouraged me a lot. God definitely gave me the man I prayed for =) so I'm very thankful for that and that he will answer questions if I have any.

Thanks for the prayers. I appreciate it =] I really hope I find a good place to go and all of that. I like some of the people at my church, but am against some of the stuff that they practice and believe. Some of them I've just gotten completely upset at for reasons. Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm glad to know me and my husband aren't the only ones to believe that they are in the wrong about quite a few things.  


Chatty Conversationalist

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Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:53 am
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:35 pm
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.  



Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:32 am
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:35 am
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.
So make it?  



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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:02 am
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.
So make it?

Make what?  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:15 am
Or perhaps we all need to realize the Church is the people? Stop going to a building designated for "Worship" and money giving. Perhaps we should just come together with others of our faith and fellowship? Be personal. I will never be just a person in a pew!

Not sure if I quite understand what you're saying...are you saying your more into gathering with people that believe in the word instead of going to an actual church? If so, that makes perfect sense to me...I'm just wondering what your point is in that statement >_<
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.
So make it?

Make what?
Your own fellowship. Bring people together to worship and study.  



Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:02 pm
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.
So make it?

Make what?
Your own fellowship. Bring people together to worship and study.

Well, I only have my husband, really. One of my best friends has moved across the country...the other goes to church and wouldn't be too willing to come over here. Otherwise, I know of no one because they either are not Christian, or they are Christian and go to church and wouldn't be interested in studying with me. My husband has a lot of friends, but yeah...won't even go there with all of his friends. I'll just stick with having them with my husband unless I find someone else to study things with...  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:12 pm
I don't believe the idea of "Church" is the real church. The Church is just the people. So I am against going to congregations. So yes, just meet with people of the faith. Have studies together.

Oh! I understand =] yeah, that's what I've been thinking of doing lately. My husband believes in that way, too. He believes the church is just a building. We both think it'd be nice if there was a better church to attend, but if anything else, having studies is like church. There's that verse about gathering of the brethren in Christ, and He will be with them. I totally understand your viewpoint and at times I prefer to do "home church" with my husband...just discuss the Bible. I find it a better use of time because I can put forth input and ask questions, and same for him. We can both talk about God and it's far more fulfilling to me. Although, I think it'd be nice to be able to find a good church someday...one that is far better than the one I go to and go because I want to, not because I feel that I have to.
So make it?

Make what?
Your own fellowship. Bring people together to worship and study.

Well, I only have my husband, really. One of my best friends has moved across the country...the other goes to church and wouldn't be too willing to come over here. Otherwise, I know of no one because they either are not Christian, or they are Christian and go to church and wouldn't be interested in studying with me. My husband has a lot of friends, but yeah...won't even go there with all of his friends. I'll just stick with having them with my husband unless I find someone else to study things with...
Well even this guild is a fellowship.  



Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:15 pm
So make it?

Make what?
Your own fellowship. Bring people together to worship and study.

Well, I only have my husband, really. One of my best friends has moved across the country...the other goes to church and wouldn't be too willing to come over here. Otherwise, I know of no one because they either are not Christian, or they are Christian and go to church and wouldn't be interested in studying with me. My husband has a lot of friends, but yeah...won't even go there with all of his friends. I'll just stick with having them with my husband unless I find someone else to study things with...
Well even this guild is a fellowship.

True that ^_^  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:03 pm
Pray for the people. I think it would be wonderful if a guest speaker with slightly different views would show up. He could shock the church and never be invited to come back... but maybe he would ignite something in everyone. That could be a thing to pray for. Perhaps if your husband would be so bold to gather scripture and preach, he could do something. God will guide you if you ask for help.  



Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:00 pm
Pray for the people. I think it would be wonderful if a guest speaker with slightly different views would show up. He could shock the church and never be invited to come back... but maybe he would ignite something in everyone. That could be a thing to pray for. Perhaps if your husband would be so bold to gather scripture and preach, he could do something. God will guide you if you ask for help.

You know, it's quite funny that you phrased that the way you did because in my mind, I have thought that before. My church doesn't usually let guests preach...like...out of their own people they know that are with the Church of Christ...well, the churches that they have connection with. There is this guy in our church that used Sigmund Freud in his lesson and he is still there and they still let him preach for reasons unknown to me...his lessons make no sense. Anyway, anyway, I was hoping that they'd let my husband preach. Of course they're the type of church that wants to know your beliefs sometimes before you preach so that you don't preach anything "wrong", but I thought it would be magnificent if my church gave him the opportunity one day and I asked my husband, "If my church ever asked you to preach, what would you do?" He said, "If I got the opportunity, I would preach on my beliefs and everything I disagree with. Whether I would get kicked out or not, I would state what I believed." I think that would be awesome if he got that opportunity. Although we haven't been going there every Sunday, his chances have decreased of people even letting him preach because they are the type that think you're in sin if you don't attend church. I could definitely pray and keep that in my prayers. I shall pray for that and see what happens =]  
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