I am a sinner... "1 John 1:8"

This is a link to a news article about a man named Patrick Brooks. I knew him as a child/pre teen. He was tossed in the foster care very young and a family chose to to keep his younger brother. He was failed by that family and by the foster care system. Now as an adult he is hurting and needs direction. He comes from a drug addicted mother who abused him and his brother. I used to feel so bad and for him and guilty that I didn't help somehow. I now know that I could have done nothing more than I did do for him. I tried to be his friend and show him someone cared about him when he was able to visit the family who had his younger brother.

For some reason, for the past few months I've been thinking about him. Ive been wondering if he was alive and if so what happened to him... well this is what happened to him:

Beware This has 2 pictures with curse words in them.

Please pray for this man! Please pray that the church reacts with concern and reaches out to him. I know he wronged the church but I could only imagine the sorrow in this person's heart from being abandoned by so many people.

...Saved by God's grace "Acts 15:11"