Im in a weird relationship with this guy who says he wants a committed relationship, but our lives need to be lived first before we can do that. And I actually agree. So, until we're both ready for a real and committed relationship, we're seeing other people. I also kinda don't know if me and him have a future, but I just wanna date again anyways.

I'm basically looking for a relationship with a guy that I can just talk with and have fun with (not like sexual if you were thinking that). Also a relationship to get my mind off of him.

And before any relationship, you probably wanna know more about me.

My name is Ash (not giving out my full name cuz of internet creeps and all lol) I'm 16, I'm a Christian and proud of it. I'm also an anime fanatic, I listen to basically all varieties of music, though my favorite band is BOTDF, Blood on the Dance Floor.
I'm a writer who writes mainly fiction, fanfiction, and poetry, and I have a burning passion for writing. I also like traveling and I wanna travel the world when I get out of high school.
I don't exactly know a category or clique or whatever that I'd be placed in, but it might be a mix of shy girl/anime otaku/emo/scene/writer but I still don't go with stereotypes.

If you're interested and wanna know more about me or whatever, pm me or post here. Thanks ^-^