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(Both weapon samples will be in the first post.)
Name of weapon: Kajouji - Fire Kings
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Ronmaru Uchiha Tosa [Owned by Kaisen Uchiha]
Where it was found/Who made it: Ronmaru's uncle Kaisen made them before his death, and they were placed in the training grounds for someone to stumble upon. Ronmaru happened to have stumbled upon them.
Users Class: Bounty Hunter - Weapons Class
The Range of the weapon: Close - Long depending on how they're used.
Weakness: Water techniques of Ronmaru's rank or higher will nullify all abilities of the nunchaku as well as make them extremely fragile for three posts afterward. Benefits are useless if the opponent is strong/resistant against fire.
Description: Kajouji's abilities are quite simple. They are made of an extraordinarily strong metal, meaning that they can clash and block nearly any blade without so much as a scratch. The nunchaku also have the ability to enter a 'flaming form'. For one Genin-ranked chakra point every post, the nunchaku gain the ability to launch disk-shaped flame attacks at the opponent, or convert them into the form of fire waves if they wish to gain more width in exchange for power. The strength of the flames is relative to the amount of additional chakra placed in--meaning that both a genin-ranked chakra point and additional points are necessary if attacking beyond the nunchaku's ability to erupt into flames. These flames do not burn Ronmaru, and while this form is active, any fire techniques he uses are boosted by one rank in power. When they strike something, the flames on his nunchaku will cause it to light on fire almost immediately after contact, somewhat similarly to Amaterasu flames. While the nunchaku are ablaze, their affinity with fire allows the user to manipulate them without touching them.
Rp Sample:
Ronmaru--in the middle of his lunge--drew both of his faithful nunchaku. With a flicker of his fire chakra, the weapons ignited, allowing him to toss them into the air. They spun rapidly, each letting loose three disks of fire at his opponent from above. Hopefully, this would be enough to distract them while he went in for the final blow. Before he reached the man, the boy performed a single hand seal. Then he brought his mouth to his right gauntlet, and appeared to be breathing into it. Suddenly, the gauntlet's 'motor drive' would roar to life, having contained the Great Fireball Technique inside. As he attacked his opponent, he would throw a powerful punch with the gauntlet that didn't have the Great Fireball Technique imbued. As the ninja stepped to the side, it was game over.

The four disks of fire would now be heading toward Ronmaru's back. By continuing the motion of his punch and spinning on his left heel, he would turn himself, allow his free gauntlet to absorb the four disks, then continue his spin until he faced his retreating opponent. With a wave of his hand, his nunchaku returned to his hands. Now, he lunged again. This time, his opponent did not waver. As the two clashed, the speed and accuracy of Ronmaru's nunchaku was unreal. He would occasionally gain a hit on his opponent, allowing the ability of the tonfa to start that area of his adversary's clothing on fire. Quite distracting when you have the potential to get second or third degree burns by just letting it sit there. When his opponent retreated again, Ronmaru aimed his left fist at the man. The four flame disks from before erupted from the 'motor drive' on his gauntlet, which took the form of a red, jewel-like shape near the wrist area of his gauntlets. The disks erupted from his gauntlet and pursued his opponent once again.

When he leaped into the air, it was too late. From the other gauntlet erupted the Great Fireball technique. It caught the man with its upgraded strength, giving him burns severe enough to call the fight finished. It seemed Ronmaru had won another tactical and decisive victory.

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Name of weapon: Guroi no Gaika - Gauntlets of Victory
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Ronmaru Uchiha Tosa [Owned by Kaisen Uchiha]
Where it was found/Who made it: Ronmaru found them in the Rock Village.
Users Class: Bounty Hunter - Weapons Class
The Range of the weapon: Any, depending on fire technique used.
Weakness: Heavy weakness to water jutsu. Benefits are useless if the opponent is strong/resistant against fire.
Description: The gauntlets have three abilities. The first is their 'motor drives' inside of the gauntlets themselves. There are many different properties to fire element techniques, and the gauntlets can absorb these different 'properties' into their motor drives. Each gauntlet may have a different attribute, or they may have the same, but the user must imbue this attribute by allowing the gauntlets to consume a fire-element technique of their choosing. allows the user to store one of their fire-element techniques in the gauntlet for later use without hand seals when using it later, though the seals must be made when imbuing the technique in the first place. The use is only once, and after it is performed, the user must place another fire technique into the gauntlet before the ability can be activated again. Again, this can be used with any fire-based technique the user knows. A ranged fire technique would be 'fired' from the gauntlet, whereas a defensive technique would emerge directly from it. This ability is cancelled if the gauntlet is hit by a water technique one rank below the user or higher, and cannot be activated again for another five posts.

The second ability is that--while these gauntlets are on--fire techniques performed by the user require less hand seals. This ability is to the point where fire techniques the user's rank and below require only one hand seal to perform. The ones above them are significantly reduced. This allows for more rapid casting of fire techniques, and a much more offensive fighter overall.

The third--and final--ability is possibly the most straightforward. By expending B-ranked chakra every post, the user can create and manipulate fire at will. If they have already formed the seals to perform a fire technique, the user could use the technique without having to exhale it, which could be quite a useful advantage in battle, as breathing in makes them susceptible to interruption moreso than using it with the hands. The consequence is the additional chakra drain to some already costly jutsu.
Rp Sample: (Both samples combined into one above.)

"Oh wise and powerful Beth, I beseech thee for thine approval. I hath reviewed the rules of the customs, and vow never to use this weapon beyond it's limits and never to god-mod with this weapon. Furthermore, if I should ever break this oath, I shall relinquish my weapon to thee, the one true approver."