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[OPEN] A Winged Herd Plot

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Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:13 pm
Still under construction, but now open for posting. <3

This is more of a single Soquili's plot thread that kinda just....warped endlessly, if anything. But if it does extend into a defined family or herd unit, then that would be even more amazing. <3 Either way, please enjoy your visit and if you have any questions or concerns then feel free to post them. Who knows, you might just find a role or plot here that tickles your fancy! n_n

Note: Please realize that this is a group aimed for winged Soquili only, for the time being.
This can be up for debate though, depending on group members opinions and suggestions. n__n

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:17 pm

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(Map design and images created by Mindsend)

The main and home location for most plots will be in the narrow plains, located just to the left of the A-ta-lv-yi Pass.
A few rituals, however, will require travels over the north and south rims of the mountain range. With an abundance of food and a low risk of predator encounters, the mountain 'cradle' is a secure homeland for both the young and old.



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While his personality is not fully developed yet, Kyiyani can be regarded as a two-faced character. On the outside he is very sociable, and addresses others with a smile and patient consideration. He fully realizes that everyone comes from different experiences and beliefs, and that none should be belittled. But on the inside Kyiyani is always calculating his behaviors and those of others. While he himself is nearly unaware of his habit, it becomes such a compelling trait of his to remark on others abilities that it nearly becomes suffocating. Perfection is unattainable, this he knows, but he won't stop from coming close to it in hopes that it improves everyone's survival and happiness. So while others can and will call this an annoying habit, Kyiyani will stand firm believing his actions are for the greater good of his comrades. All this boils down to his past and family....though that is yet to be finalized, depending on this plot. 83

The story begins with the birth and separation of two Soquili. Kyiyani and Setsumi were twin siblings born of a wind father and Harpie mother (both of which are fictional). However, their relationship had blossomed outside of Harpie territory while the mare was out on a hunt one day, and instead stumbled on the stallion. Their romance formed under the freedom of the flatlands, not inhibited by her sisterhood regulations or his herd's skittish concerns of the clawed species. The two were at peace, away from the world and enjoying life by their own terms and freedom. It didn't take long before they considered having a family, and not long after before the mare became heavy with pregnancy. Wishing to share the news with their respective herds to avoid future conflict, the two agreed to first travel to the Harpie's territory. Things didn't go as planned though, as the mare gave birth to two baskets during her travel home. With the fragile cargo at their feet and still far from her homeland, the mother and father decided to prolong their trip until the baskets opened.

While waiting for their new family inside the baskets, the two were unaware of the predators skimming above the lands. From the skies above, they had been spotted by another of the clawed species. However, this Harpie was from the Hatetalon herd, and intended to take the baskets for themselves in order to increase their own numbers. Attempts to communicate with the Hatetalon failed, and the parents put up a fierce fight against the intruder. However, they were no match against the cruel and sinister tactics of the other harpie, who had managed to swoop down and snatch a basket in her claws. Weakened but desperate, the father gave chase on the thief and disappeared beyond the clouds, leaving the mother no choice but to stay behind and guard the remaining basket.

Time passed slowly and ignored by the mother as she held her ground, hoping beyond hope for the father and baskets return. Until the day the basket finally opened, revealing the young colt inside who survived the attack. Coming to terms with the truth and deciding to move forward, the Harpie mother took her child and vanished along the mountain range.

And so began the home away from home~


Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:26 pm

Settled in a land far from the original herds of both parents, Kyiyani was raised solely on his own experiences and whatever guidance his mother has provided. These often included some, but not all, variations of the Harpies own traditions and beliefs. Please do realize that this is not a copy of the Harpie culture, and at this time has no set bias towards the Harpie herd.

Herd members will not be bound to remain in the herd, if they feel the need to remove themselves then they are more then welcome to do so. For outsiders who wish to join, they will be welcomed in under a trial period, where herd members will observe their character and decide if they can remain.

Religions- The Circle of Life.

This family is very open to different lifestyle belief systems, so long as they do not bring blatant emotional and/or physical harm to others. Some members believe in the encompassing guidance of the Great Spirit of the Kawani lands. Others may believe in the spirits of nature and ancestors to influence their lives. Even still, others may not believe in greater influences and instead live only by the results of one's own decisions and actions. No matter the lifestyle, each member of the family endeavors to acknowledge if not accept everyone's differences.

Baskets- The Cradle of one's life.
The news of new life being blessed upon an individual is one of great joy for all. Everyone that considers themselves a part of the family partake in visiting the latest additions and sweeping a wing over each basket. It's a habit considered to ward omens away and as an act of goodwill towards the new member of the family. It is considered highly rude to knowingly not participate in this tradition.

Outsiders- Friend or foe?
When it comes to meeting outsiders, the overall reaction of the group is an amiable welcome. While some individuals may be reserved or hesitant towards new faces, all are still welcome and treated with hospitality during their stay. However, if someone is suspected or proven of disturbing the peace of the group then they are quickly dealt with.

Species- The Attribute of others.
While the group gives equal consideration to all the different species (including mixed breeds) in the Kawani lands, there are some that stand out above the rest.
- Angeni Soquili are highly respected, due to their nearly holy status.
- Skinwalker Soquili are considered a great danger and avoided at all costs; especially Feline Skinwalkers.
- Kalona Soquili are a varied case, and are not judged until they've proven the depth of their character.

Gender Roles- The Balance of the group.
Here stallions and mares are regarded as equals and are treated as such. If a mare proves herself strong enough, then she is just as capable as being a fighter as a stallion is. And stallions can be caretakers or babysitters without facing any ridicule on the status. However, the tradition of manners still remains strong in this group. Stallions are to treat mares with gentlemanly respect (or for the 'unruly' types, as best as they can manage). Mares, on the same hand, are expected to behave as ideal role models for the next generation (or for the 'unruly' ones, as best as they can manage).

Breedings- A Responsible deed.
In this group couples have the freedom of engaging in both short term and long term relationships without restriction. As well as that, the group is open minded and does not discriminate against couples of the same sex. However, should any couple be faced with pregnancy then they are expected to fulfill their parental role without fail. As much as the group cherishes young ones, it is also less a headache and anxiety to know that at least one adult is taking primary care of them.

Death- Coming full circle.
The passing of a group member is a sensitive time that is recognized by all. It is believed that the first breeze that comes over the land after one's passing is their spirit, saying a final farewell to their cherished ones. A complete day is taken out in respect of the individual who passed, and in honor of their memory a dream catcher (collected by a nearby and benign tribe) is looped on the elderly central tree of their plains.



Newborns Celebration:
When a foal or colt finally emerges from their basket, they are given a feathered necklace in recognition of their place within the group. This necklace can be in any shape or form, and usually holds at least one feather from their parents. (If the parent has no feathers, then a friend within the group can be asked to donate for the item.)

Once a Soquili hits 2 years of age, they are expected to be taken under the care of a mentor. Of course, this mentor will be another known member of the group and will act almost as a third parental figure for the youth. For up to 1 year, the mentor will teach everything they know of their trade to the youth. It can be learning how to fight, using herbs for medicines, etc.

Coming of Age:
Once a Soquili hits 3 years of age, they are then eligible to prove their adulthood by participating in a specific task. The Soquili is placed under a device similar to a saddle, made of strong vines with both ends tied to a bag filled with river stones. (Courtesy of some helpful raccoon familiars) With an escort for emergencies at their side, the Soquili then sets out to fly over the Northern mountain pass. As proof that they successfully made the flight, they must bring back a piece of desert flora to the group. Not all succeed the first time, and are allowed as many attempts as they need to accomplish the task at another time. Until one passes this test, they are not allowed to leave the narrow plain on their own.

Flights of Fancy:
When a Soquili decides to become a couple with another individual, be it long-term or short-term, they display this in a specific ritual. The Soquili who wishes to declare their affections first make a trip to the outer lands to find a precious offering. (Flowers, etc.) Then their return with their gift, and should the other accept it then the new couple does a ceremonial sky dance to announce their union.

More?: Open for suggestions. 83
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:30 pm
Members and Ranks

If there ends up being many participants in this storyline, then perhaps ranks will be made active for each individual. c8
Until then, this will be seen as just encounters/friendships with other winged Soquilis.

Kyiyani: A considerate and jolly fellow but with a nearly bipolar streak when things do not go according to plan. His favorite hobby is mapping out the stars in the night sky. Due to his nightly habits, he contributes to the group by keeping active guard over the area.

Tropic Feather: A Soquili who loves the freedom and adventure of the skies, and is quite the chatterbox. Tropic has a large build, and loves using all that energy and bulk in simple games and competitions.

Dagny: Playful and just a touch on the wrong side of mischievous, Dagny nevertheless has a good heart and is mostly just aiming to have fun and enjoy herself as she goes. Her fancy is easy to catch, but hard to hold; what interests her will probably only do so for as long as it takes for her to figure out, and then she'll move on to the next appealing thing.



Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:33 pm
This thread is now open for posting~

Do you wish to join in on the plot?
If so, please use the form below for general details on your character.

Soquili Name:
Soquili image:
Short Bio:
Why they'd wish to join?:

Thank you for stopping by! <3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:54 pm
News to be posted here:


Just given word. This could possibly, one day be a rival herd against the Harpies? Who knows. ^^



Shy Seeker


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:48 pm
Username: derivative
Soquili Name: Dagny
Soquili image: User Image
Short Bio: Playful and just a touch on the wrong side of mischievous, Dagny nevertheless has a good heart and is mostly just aiming to have fun and enjoy herself as she goes. She was raised in a very unorthodox setting, spending much of her formative years with her "mother" and much of her adulthood thus far with both of her "fathers" and coming to regard them all equally as her parents. Not born from a breeding, but rather a wished for baby, Dagny has come to the understanding that all life is precious no matter how it came about, and she's making the most of what she's been given by exploring and finding out new and interesting things.

Her fancy is easy to catch, but hard to hold; what interests her will probably only do so for as long as it takes for her to figure out, and then she'll move on to the next appealing thing. She enjoys goodness as well as snarkiness in seemingly equal measures, probably due to the fact that she was raised by a sprightly Angeni, a pair of wily and grumpy Kalona. Her own personality is an interesting blend of all, with her tricks and playfulness sometimes bordering on inappropriate or hurtful; she always seems to catch herself just when real offense is being given and apologize, however, because she does try to be a good person.

Though she loves all of her (great and varied, and mightily extensive) family with her entire heart, she longs for adventure and meeting new people. This has kept her constantly traveling and searching out new and interesting personalities, as well as her own search to figure out exactly where she belongs and what she wants from herself and her life.
Why they'd wish to join?: Dagny has never really given much thought to joining a herd, but the idea of a group that's accepting and open to all types of personality would appeal to her... as would the idea that all the members have wings! She loves flight, and she's very curious to meet others who are like her, and more importantly, others who are different. It's likely she'll have been traveling for some time and get in one of her phases where she wants some constancy in her life; all of her traveling has left her without a steady companion, and she's looking to settle down for a bit and do some soul-searching. The overall feel of the group will call out to her, and she'll probably be interested in learning the customs and carving out a niche for herself in a herd that isn't made of the family she was raised in.

Dagny is very much searching for her place right now, and she feels like she can't find it back home. She wants to find a place that is strictly her own, where she feels like she belongs on the merits of who she is, not just because she is part of a family. She harbors no ill will toward her family, she just wants something different and something more, and will hopefully be able to find it here!  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:34 am
Woot a first post!
And with a spunky lass, to boot! 83

[goes to add]

If you ever want to rp or just plot how she meets either Kyi or Tropic, let me know!


Shy Seeker


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:55 am
I would love to RP her first encounter with either of them! Whoever you feel more like RPing would be fine by me, because Dagny is a curious sort and would approach either of them if she was given the chance. =)  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:46 am


Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:52 am
"I don't know why I keep these threads, but here they are!"

^bump. xD;
PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:56 am
What are their morals on those without wings hmmm? x3

Oh and Zaniah is good for RP but she's in her parents herd and isn't ever going to leave. xD

She could be a friend of the herd but she's usually highly guarded by her herd and family.  

Yumitoko II

Eloquent Genius

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Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:30 am
For other species without wings, the herd does treat them with respect. Though some herd members might not treat them as equals, simply because they are incapable of flying.

So while this is meant to be just a winged herd, I don't see why non-winged Soquili can't pass through. 83 And if there is some reason that one must stay in the herd (such as injured, or too young to travel) then the herd would accept them. However they must prove useful with their talents or abilities, as a sort of 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.' Such as being a healer type or one that can babysit foals and colts.Winged members, as usual, will offer aerial protection and to transport items or information for others.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:45 am


Shy Seeker

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