I have created a new character; she's the main protagonist so I decided I should put what I know about her and see if I could get some help. I only started the book I'm writing about her maybe a few hours ago so I need to get this out of the way before it causes any real problems for me. Please offer any advice you have on how to improve this character or point out something you think is wrong, it'll help me out more than you know!

Here is a character record sheet that I filled out using a form posted by Lyvidian in the Character Reference Sheet thread.

Name: Zero
Nickname: Angel
Age: 100
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Female
Nationality: Unknown to Zero
Hometown: Transylvania
Current residence: None
Social class: Upper Class

Height: 4' 5”
Weight: 100+ (approx.)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Glasses or contact lenses? No
Skin tone: Extremely Pale
Dress style: Zero is normally seen wearing a completely black coat that looks fairly plain besides the fact she wears armor underneath it. The coat itself has a white cross showing plainly on the front. The armor is ebony black and has another cross engraved on the breastplate. It's light armor so she doesn't look fat or hinder her movements, interesting enough the armor is white and has a black cross. She is a huge fan of black as most of her wardrobe uses that one color.

Strengths: Protective, Loyal, Strong-Willed.
Weaknesses: Easy to anger, prone to outbursts, loves conflict, easy to play her emotions.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
How does the character deal with anger? To get rid of her anger she normally goes to speak with one of her friends, they normally know just what is making her angry and the best way to calm her down. Anger takes a lot out of Zero so afterwards she sleeps.
With Sadness? Zero tries to keep her emotions hidden and can only manage to cry a small amount if she is sad. When others are around she'll put on a brave face for them.
With conflict? The only way to deal with a conflict is force, if something gets in Zero's way she isn't afraid to remove it.
With change? Due to Zero's lifespan she cannot accept change. If in the end she is forced to accept it she does so without wanting to. She could cry, scream, or even curse the world all she wanted to, but change is a part of life. Zero would prefer it if everything stayed the way it was.
With lose? Zero knows that time is supposed to pass and things, people, and places are meant to vanish. But she can't help but let her emotional wall crumble when something is lost to her, including people close to her. This is one of the rare times Zero doesn't pretend to be somebody else or cries. It normally takes her a while to get over loss.
What does the character want out of life? Nothing much, even though Zero makes it clear all she wants to do is kill her father she wishes for the chance to admit her feelings to Chase. To her there is never a good time to do this however.
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Her father.
What motivates this character? The want to kill her father, the rage that goes with it.
What makes this character happy? Sunlight, Her Friends, Her Mothers, Peace, When other people are happy.
What makes this character mad? Death, Darkness, Her Father
Is the character judgmental of others? It isn't Zero's place to judge anybody, the only one she judges is her father, and she thinks he deserves another death.
Is the character generous or stingy? Generous
Is the character generally polite or rude? Polite

Mother: Raised her and taught her the secrets of alchemy, killed by Zero's father.
Father: Taught her everything she knows, but he was the reason for the death of Zero's mother, she'd happily stake him through his rotten heart.
Siblings: Dawn and Dusk are both the younger siblings of Zero, she happily takes care of them and shows them how to fight like she does. They both wear crosses given to them by Zero. While she looks out for them they do the same for her.
History: Zero was raised by two loving parents whom she cherished with all of her heart, they showed her everything she knows how to do, they even showed her how to defend herself. One day when she was younger she saw them having a disagreement...and it ended with the death of the one she loved the most, her mother. From that moment she swore to kill her father, and every time he remarried her rage only grew as he killed more and more of his brides. Soon she dedicated her life to destroying that monster and joined a group of vampire slayers. Nobody expected her to join them since her father was a vampire, but Zero's mother was human, making her a demphyr. She swore to never drink the blood of another in front of the slayers, but was forced to when her father nearly killed her and threw her broken body off the top of a castle. The fall would have killed her if she was human, but she survived, a young boy with hair as dark as night found her and cared for her until she could move on her own. To regain her strength she had to drink his blood though so as he slept she bit his neck, feeling herself become energized again.

"It's okay, I don't blame you." Those words made her back away from him, he was still awake, and he willing let Zero feed off of him. He said his reasons were because he figured she still needed to heal herself, something he couldn't do since he was just a human, he'd also seen her fangs while she slept. Zero offered him the chance to come with her for reasons she herself couldn't figure out until later, he agreed and the two set out, returning to the slayers. Next time Zero would be ready to fight her father...and she would win.

Characters role: Protagonist, Lead Female
Relationship with other characters:
1. "Vamp" – Love Interest, a large difference in their ages is noted, but Zero displays intense loyalty to Vamp, he dismisses this as a petty crush due to being two hundred years older than Zero. They slowly grow close to each other despite the differences in them, eventually becoming good friends, even though Zero expected different. Chase has an extreme dislike for Vamp due to being the main love interest.
2. Erik – Antagonist, a heartless assassin that will stop at nothing to murder a target. Zero has dueled him several times before so she already knows him, for some reason he's been tracking her since she turned ninety...Erik never shows his face.
3. Rapheal – Becomes like a protector to Zero after inital distrust. His paladin nature bids him to kill Zero, but she convinces him to do otherwise. The two didn't see eye to eye at first, but they become like family.
4. Chase – Main Love, Chase was actually Zero's first taste of another person's blood. He freely offered it to her when she was heaily injured, they formed an unbreakable bond from that moment since he had basically saved her life. Chase is no fighter, but he swears he will defend Zero. Rapheal teaches him the ways of the paladin to give him the strength to protect Zero.
5. "The Visitor" – Mentor, watches Zero along the way, but never directly interrupts anything she's doing. Only after does he speak to her, he also keeps her from going the wrong way. The Visitor doesn't have long to live so he makes sure to keep Zero on the correct path.

· Character's short-term goals in life: To kill her father.
· Character's long-term goals in life: To cleanse the world of taint, be it in humans or vampires.
· How does Character see himself/herself? As a hero, as a sole protector of humans. Zero holds herself in a very high light and is proud to say so. Zero sees herself as a guardian angel, part of the reason she wears crosses with everything she wears. Even if everything Zero doesn't isn't completely good she believes the ends will justify the means eventually, this proves true in some cases.
· How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? As a threat to everything and everyone around her, a decaying presence that taints others and kills the planet with every breath she takes.
· How self-confident is the character? Very confident, a trait of being royalty.
· Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Logic
· What would most embarrass this character? The origins of her birth, Zero tries her very hardest to keep her half-vampire nature a secret.