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Well hello there. My name is Ruth, and I am 17. Which is strange...cause I joined gaia when I was 15. But, anyways, I need just a partner. Someone to talk too. I am Korean, but my family moved to the US. My dad was a surgeon general in the Korean army. Erhm, *scratches neck* I am just an akward person in general, so you need to cope with my akwardness. Erhm...I guess I like kpop, and vocaloid, and ...erhm j rock. I draw anime, and I have a manga going on right now.

You may be thinking- "fudge, it's a girl obsessed with anime and kpop and vocaloid~!" But that is only a portion of my life. I am just a nice flower.

I have two names:
Ryom Syung Soon (my Korean name)

Syungie (my adapted American name. My american name is Ruth. But Syungie is a nickname. <3)