Looking for someone to enjoy christmas with. Someone whos sweet, cute (no nerd or fatso), sexy. Someone who has a phone so i can txt him :3 sensitive, strong (abbs are a BIG turn-on wink ) Someone who will carre about me and for me. PM if interested.

Me? .... im sweet, cute?? :/ (idk people say im hot but i dont see it ^^; deffintly not ugly though razz ) i play tennis, love winter :3, im fun to talk with and wink other stuff. but im not a slut so dont use me >> romantic :3 and in one word.... i guess cute is a good word ^^ want someone to complete me. I like being the younger one though, like being the baby :3 *shrugs* thats pretty much it... so PM me :3

(*looks up* lots of faces... XD )