Entry Tag: (TanuKyle | Quilin/Nymph | Moderate? | Twins)

Mind's Mini Minions!

Edit Category: Moderate? (I'm worried this may cross into heavy territory - if it does, please let me know! :c )
Soquili Species: Quilin/Nymph
Gender: Completely CC! 8D They're originally 'genderless', so this is up to you. c:
Starting Stage: Foals, please!
Concept Origin: Minion OC's! (so appropriate woah)
WIP Needed? Would be amazin'~

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Floof! Plain white/black.
Face: Best represented in the refs here. c: Pink smudgey nose marking - more horselike than the dog noses in the ref. c: Loki is AHAHAHAH - manic? sad. Fenrir is more @!?/*%&! off! sad. Quilin eyes in red. c: I'd adore saber-tooth fangs.
Mane: Floof that blends into the coat. C:
Tail: Long and fluffy within breed limits. C: Curly pose like ref, though I would like it to be more Quiliny - ie, short/fluffy with hair at the end.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Floof. Floof forever.(Like the big draft lines?) Also alternate hooves to coat colour, cloven. c:
Reference Image(s): Loki Fenrir
Ears: Nymph ears, please. c:

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): twisty/branching quilin horn - the style of stock horn 1 but longer?, and the large antler nymph horns, strung with a few totem carvings -petancles/ect? Mystic symbols of any kind and culture! All tattered and bashed up though. >w>~
Whiskers: Yes! Quilin whiskers please! Contrasting against the coat here, so black for Loki, white for fenrir.
Whispies: An opalescent white/black respectively? Like.. oil for the black one? Mostly black white with rainbow-tinted accents? The smidgiest bits.
Scales: Coat colour - cheek scales only, plus a few small scales flecked through? Like one or two or three scales in random places around and about.
Other Notes:

*Blood: I don't know how comfortable you are with blood and gore. If you ARE comfortable with it, I'd love some - splattered on the totems, around mouths on fangs on hooves - whatever! 8D I don't want it to obscure their designs, but as an accent~ If you're not, that's absolutely fine, and you can omit it. c:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
Custom Items: Thick red collar, buckled in silver, with a tiny wolfshead tag attached.
Reference Image(s) for Items: This kind of collar style
This kind of wolfthing
This kind of thick-thickness.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Loki, Fenrir
Owner: TanuKyle
Breed: Minion
Temper: Manic, Aggressive
Mate: ---
Tag Background: This please!
Tag frame color: CC~
Tag feather color(s): One white, one black, with bloodspatter? (You may omit if you are uncomfortable with it. c: )

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: MIEN. <3

~Rough cost~

700k(base) 350k(hybrid) 400k (moderate) = 1450k?


Entry Tag: (TanuKyle | Angeni/Kalona | Extreme | Solo )
SUPER RARE! I'm just being different.

*I'd love a wingless/unedit version to show the full extent of the tattoo. c:

Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: Kalona/Angeni
Body Build: Draft inc.Roman nose
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Foal
Concept Origin: OC
WIP Needed? Yes, please!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: A (yellow) shade off pure white - albino. All fluffy - body, cheeks, ect. Slightly paler than ref.
Face: Sad/resigned looking. Eyes are a very pale/washed out blue. Small saber fangs - not hugely big/obstructive, but big enough to be obvious.
Mane: This is shown well in the ref, but make it more horselike please - along the neck as a horse's hair would fall, instead of all from the crown. c:
Tail: Custom Kalona tail. As the ref, leading into the tattoo-dragon. Pose of the tail can be how you like - not necessarily dead-straight!
Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven black hooves, fluffy fetlocks that trail - imagine a combination between the draft/angeni.

Markings: The dragon tail should lead into a tattoo. This tattoo should cover almost the entirety of Lopt, sans his face. The tail should lead into a dragon, which should look snarly/evil, preferably more western than eastern. The rest of the tattoo is guidelined CC. I'd like the tattoo to be plain black, no colour. As for things to include, I've given you a plethora of reference images you could adapt, but you can include anything relating to the apocalypse or most norse myths (particularly any relating to loki, ragnarok or fenrir) as well as general creepy/surreal stuff. I'd ask you stay away from anything like people (skulls are acceptable, but nothing else),outright gore, and most animals save wolves, reptiles and dragons unless they're skeletal, in which case you have free reign!. Yggdrasil would be a cool inclusion, and some 'feathers' (see ref) would be awesome too. Anything surreal/horror, really~ I'd like it to be detailed, there's an example of that, too~
Reference Image(s): Tail! General colour/OC ref

Tattoo refs/inspiration:
Feather! Trees/Coverage~ Detail level Boneees Too egyptian, but cool idea Treebirds Surreal! Hidden stuff! Freaky.. Small but awesome. Things in the dark. Very cool.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): Custom Kalona horns, long and hooked backwards then another smaller pair behind. Visible well in the tail ref, but quad horns.
Back Wings: As in the main OC ref, but adapted to soquili - a pair of black red-tipped angeni wings style 2 for the top, and the style 5 kalona wings for the bottom with white membrane and blood red spines/feathers/clawtips.
Miniwings; I'd love a set of batwings on the front feet, and behind the others on the head. If this is not allowed (I know additional feetwings are, but I wasn't sure if for crossbreeds they can be the alternate breed), then just additional wings in black on the front. The back-feet wings should be white, and the ones on the head should be black/white respectively. I'd like the curl to be visible for the wings.
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Custom Items:
*Silver wolf's head pendant on a dark blue ribbon. The ribbon should be thick, with the tattered tie hanging down.
*Cuffs around ankles:
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse:
Tag Background:
Tag frame color:
Tag feather color(s):

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain:
Justification for Domain Choice: