So heyy. Im Autumn. Heres a little bit about me:
Age: The number between 13 and 15
Orientation: Bi. Dont like it, i really dont give a damn.
Career: I want to be an author when I grow up... or even before then. I'm working on a couple of books right now!
Personality: I have a hot temper, but am usually fun to be around. Im sarcastic, but I mean well.
I like: Kurt Cobain, juice, stuffed animals, roleplaying, friends.
I hate: Ignorant people, homophobes, being disturbed, math, paper cuts
Fave bands: Nirvana, Falling in Reverse, Black Veil Brides, Never Shout Never, Dido, Blood on the Dance Floor
I live in: California.
Phobias: Paper Cuts. Never, ever talk about paper cuts around me, please. Because, frankly, I'm scared shitless of them.
Age range: For girls: 13-15; For guys: 14-15

Quote me or it'll take me a while to figure out that you posted (:

Uhm... Yeah! That is all my dear comrades! Ask me any questions you'd like!
Peace, love, empathy,