[General Information]




Ages:(Willing to date)19-23 (18 if your mature)



Interest:reading both manga and fiction books, video games, swimming and movies (as long as their not scarey movies)

Hobbies:playing games, reading, swiming

What Grade I'm In: have a year of college under me but working right now

Favorite Music:grmmmmmm the used and linkin park

Favorite Shows:any detective or coemedy series

Favorite Books:eragon series, harry potter series, and many others

[What Your Looking For]
someone who is funny and can take jokes, a girl who does like gaming i have played games since i was a kid and i still do so being a gamer chick helps (however if your not a avid gamer doesn't mean i wont consider), have to be someone who will speak their mind i hate beating around the bush.

[Other Sites:]

Other Sites To Contact: u can pm me